What are the main problems your country needs to solve
What are the main problems your country needs to solve
the top 1% owns 99% of the wealth
What does that even mean? 99% of the wealth is owned by the 99% who owns that wealth you autistics
Can everything count as a problem
Nice try Bernie.
i don't like the 1% meme. its the 0.1%
some guy making $300,000/yr is insignificant in the grand scheme. problem is when someone making $1,000,000,000/yr decides its cheaper to rig elections than pay taxes
Justin Trudeau.
Nanny state laws. They've invaded every aspect of our life.
Apart from that, i guess a few less minorities, but we're pretty ok compared to other cunts, we're still majority white to like 97%
lack of repeating digits for one. Fortunately, I'm here to help.
there is an endgame to that chase of "what percentage" has "too" much
can you guess what it is?
How to get people to leave the degenerate cities and live in rural areas that will let them have the cheap, affordable housing and land they want, enriching both them and the regions they move to in the process.
We need to stop adults from becoming children again.
Modern Liberalism - aka Jews
communist revolution currently in progress
Illegal immigration, debt, the social justice movement amongst youth, crime and hatred of police officers.
Every generation born after 1955-56 has yet to experience war or suffer true hardship. The same liberal bullshit emerged in the late 1800s between the Civil War and WWI.
Shooting from a roadway. I mean why does this law exist? Pic related
there are too many brown people here
#1 Problem in the United States of America
oh hey its mark zuckerberg
>1 post by this ID
The News.
>Modern Liberalism - aka Jews
i think you mean neoconservatism
Over regulation of business and every single part of our private lives, taxation upon taxation, over spending, two sets of rules: one for the plebs none for the new nobility. Lack of wall. All this could be fixed if people would stop voting for the same sock puppets over and over.
You fucking idiot
1 person out of 100 people owns 90+% of money.
That means that 99 people own 10% of the money.
"1℅" "99℅" deal with proportions of population
The nigger problem
Naddonal Denbts
Edumacation system
Celebrity worship
#2 Problem
Eating habits.
People eat too much sugar and other unhealthy shit. Not enough people cook decent food.
Sedentary lifestyles are also extremely unhealthy.
I'd wager if you made a 2 year military service mandatory, most cucks would shape the fuck up and be disciplined right quick.
Ah. But you see - the Jews often play both sides of the debate to do so at their advantage. Control both sides you control the entire argument
Once the modern liberalism definition is defeated, people will seek refugee towards the classical liberalism.
Conservatism is a meme anyway
can we agree on somewhere after 1,000,000 but before 1,000,000,000?
if we can take that first step then its a pretty huge one... because right now we have rednecks making 50,000/yr defending the ultra elites who easily manipulate them
you guys blame the niggers and illegals for all the problems but its the ultra elite that actively divide the masses against themselves and control the show/minimize their taxes
50 million niggers/illegals on welfare is insignificant compared to a few % increase on the top 0.1% who enjoy comparatively low tax rates in the US
kys, commie
The quality of our worldview as a species.
Both emotional outlook (something akin to zen Buddhism Stoicism)
as well as Intellectual worldview (Scientific factualism)
We need both to avoid cancers like feminism, SJWs and excessive weakness.
this is why bernie never had a chance lmao
Education system needs to be better regulated and emphasized over military and foreign spending
The massive income gap & debt
goddamn infrastructure
>Both emotional outlook (something akin to zen Buddhism Stoicism) as well as Intellectual worldview (Scientific factualism)
what does this even mean, user
The biggest problem is the constitution. It's a socialist piece of shit and as long as it's valid capitalism will never do its magic here. Unfortunately nothing will ever change, so the only solution is leaving here or committing sudoku.
snp supporters need to die a horrible death
Emotional outlook
How you relate your emotional states to how you perceive reality.
The principal reason why the majority of people are still religious in the united states is because of a fear of confronting death and loosing moral absolutes.
Both buddhism and stoicism provide a philosophical structure for managing ones emotional reactions to what you perceive as good or bad. Neither of these philosophies provide a perspective on what is true, just how to react and manage your emotional states.
Thus an intellectual philosophy and perspective to build your worldview on is also necessary.
The best system we have for discovering truth is the scientific method and the facts about reality that it reveals. Knowing the facts and interpreting them provides a framework to interpret the world around you in an accurate and sensible way.
Knowing that the Theory of Evolution is true provides a useful framework to understand nature through.
We have Scientific factualism but because we lack an emotional philosophy we as a culture in the west refuse to aproach certian hard truths because they are emotional uncomfortable.
An example of this would be Cultural Relativism and more deeply Race Realism.
Dead roaches have to be good for something.
In my experience, America's biggest problem is its epidemic of childishly stupid and extremely emotional behavior. If the two single words 'I disagree' can be said to you even without any context and it somehow makes you angry, you suffer from this problem. This problem, as well as our generally horrible health (which contributes to the former issue greatly) are the biggest problems my nation faces at the time in my opinion. Every single political issue stems from this. It is the reason the wall hasn't already been built. It is the reason Hillary + Bernie were even considered. It is also, ironically, the reason Trump is winning, because he's smart and competent enough to truly tap into it and use it for his advantage, among other things. His election has become a catalyst for American self reflection, I think. Things have become too ridiculous not to investigate what's going on, and how things really work.
Basically every single negative American stereotype has valid reasons for its existence, like every other stereotype ever.
Oh stop it with that bullshit, get a job you smelly fucking hippie.
I can assure you, donut shops aren't one of them. My local donut shop is an emblem of America freedom and success. Independently owned. The owner is a redpilled American born asian. The prices are as fair as you can ask for and the coffee is always good. The asian women are cute and provide excellent service.
If there's one problem that permeates the US, it's that there aren't enough family owned and operated businesses like these.
The endgame is convincing everyone with less that they are somehow entitled to what someone with more has.
is that guy gonna be ok?
Roaches can survive nuclear blasts, that guy will probably just walk it off.
The lack of space colonies.
>it can only be extremes
EVERYONE should be able to realize that 10 families shouldnt be able to control a country/millions of people
stay cucked though faggot and drink your state sponsored koolaid
brain drain
common currency straitjacket
Drugs, get rid of CNDH, Corruption.
corruption and laziness
also soda consumption
Corruption , mafia , debt , high taxes ( see debt )
The solution to childish stupidity and uncontroled emotional behavior is this:
Our internet is pretty dodgy.
Pretty cold in winter.
We have a lot of a scum like lads and lebos.
Our Netflix is pretty shit.
How to make sure muslims dont infest our country
Funk parties in favela's.
How fucking dumb are you
found the low IQ nigger
Flour consumption is making everyone extremely fat.
Political party system is gives cowards and the corrupt huge advantages.
Blacks need to go back.
Freedom of religion was a mistake.
>flour is the problem
its corn syrup ameribro... not flour
Pretty much everything
This. This. This.
nobody is this dumb
The DNC has been a non stop jew fest. I've counted on average every third speaker is a jew.
Brain Drain
Shit foreign policy
Shit infrastructure
Foreigners buying up the country
Commies did not get shot enough
>foreigners buying up the country
sounds like they are going to fix your problem for you
corruption/braindrain/shit foreign policy is bad everywhere
>Flour consumption is making everyone extremely fat.
You have no bloody fucking idea about anything.
I've heard Bucharest used to have a huge stray dog problem but then had a 'dog genocide' and now the city gets a lot of compliments on cleanliness. At least you can identify a problem and solve it.
Sometimes driving down the highway, you see a sweet ass ten point buck or a fatass turkey, you got your rifle on you, and it seemed like a good idea at the time,
Too many greedy, stupid Pigs.
They have to go.
1. Jewish tricks
2. Vapid, materialist culture
3. Aggressive, interventionist foreign policy in which we make messes out of other countries and don't clean them up
4. Huge amounts of illegal immigration and niggers
5. Debt
6. Obesity
7. Leftist dominance of universities, although this is basically implied by #1
8. Mass surveillance
banning hamburger and chinky chinese tourists mostly
1)Religious orthodoxy being lazy and not studying to be productive in a modern world.
2)civilizing the israeli arabs(those that have israeli citizenship) so they can be productive as well.
You must be one of those famous american niggers
You see. We got these problems with white trash and (((niggers))).
That's about it.
Na one person should control everything. Thats what these people seem to want.
>pay $800 for a smartphone
>whaaaa rich people have all the money
>Freedom of religion was a mistake.
Send everyone else back.
Yea I know, they called him God, now they call him Kek.
Doesn't bother me.
Isnt your number one problem the whites that are still left alive?
Evil Finland.
1)part of what made american great
2)encourages production and gets the economy going
3)If you wont be aggressive than china and russia will be, eventually it will lead to america losing business and economic hegemony.
4)build a wall
5)country debt does not work like your debt at home.
6)There are far more obese country but looking at the statistics, you definately need to fix it.
7)Makes sense of universities to be leftist. its a good balance, unies are left the rest are right.
8)cameras and surveillance is the replacement of an all watching all knowing god.
Dog cancer got to the point where people got killed, at that point we no give a fuck. Funny thing was that there we're larger protests about dogos getting the Hitler treatment in Austria rather than in Romania.
Which shows the stupidity of western virtue signaling. Since nobody offered to help our shelters and nobody from abroad adopted.
But we are eastern europe so protests didn't stop the dogocaust
>is that guy gonna be ok?
Probably broke his antennae hell be fine
Eliminating argentinians
Hey Mr. Shekelburg, you're needed in the Nazi Frog thread over here: Show support for Kek!
9. Listening to kikes for advice on how to solve our problems
Germany needs to fix it education system.
Well you sure prove that one necessary.
Kikes ARE solving your problems.
Oy vey, a typo. Fuck off gypsy scum.