Why would anyone want to immigrate here in the 21st century again?...

why would anyone want to immigrate here in the 21st century again?, I could understand people living in commie or ultimate shitholes as countries (although it wouldnt be very much of a change since the public education, healthcare and criminal rates are totally 3rd world tier), but why 1st worlders, euros or people living near Europe would want to live there?, they actually believe the ''land of the freedom'' meme?

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Retards chasing a higher salary.

Makes no sense to me. You waste you life living in poor conditions to accumulate wealth that you will never use.

having a good degree= huge income +massive inequality = living like a god

however if you're poor you're better off literally anywhere else.

No, they come here for high paying jobs and to study their masters or phd

European white trash all dream to go there. Their only cultural referential is the american shit they see on TV.

1. A highly diversified economy with lots of jobs in many different sectors
2. High HDI on average. Some states (e.g. Massachusetts) have among the highest HDI in the world
3. Yes, freedom. There is nothing like the 1st and 2nd Amendments anywhere else.

The class divide is 3rd world tier but if you have a degree you can make good money, especially in fields of innovation there is no other melting pot that even comes close

>. Their only cultural referential is the american shit they see on TV.
The samw could be said on Europeans who hate us

You are not magically insulated from the poor aspects of American society. You can must actively hide yourself away from all the bad parts and that in itself has a cost.

Living in a suburb full of whites and Asians is not that expensive
If you are a skilled blue coller, you can make good money in the us

>if you have a degree you can make good money
I've heard the same about Germany and other countries

Honestly, I don't know. The same 3rd worlders that come here instantly turn around and badmouth Americans and try and change everything. If it's so awful here don't fucking come.

>Retards chasing a higher salary.

that's probably because before they go there they idealize the country (muh american dream), and when they realize it isn't the paradise were you can become a millionaire with no effort than they expected the badmouthing starts

Not really on the same level. Taxes are lower and salaries higher. You can expect to make 20k Euro more per year or more.

Personally I don't see how it's worth. It won't make you richer. Just a bit more pocket money.

At the same time you lose things that you cannot buy with money, like not being worried that some policeman will shoot you for no reason and get away with it.

>Living in a suburb full of whites and Asians is not that expensive

The cost I was referring to, is the change in lifestyle. Where I live we let kids as young as 8 or 9, cycle to school on their own on their little bicycles. Doubt you can do that in the US with peace of mind.

Yeah it's not far off in terms of purchasing power, it just comes down to which degree you have imo. For example computer science has a way broader field in the US, while Germany has more prolific engineering

imagine being so salty from being stuck in your Sup Forums America hate circlejerk that you unironically don't understand why people want to live in the US.

true, and not only being worried about cops shooting you, every psycho there has access to guns, and it's not even a meme
if the only motivation is money, it's also stupid because american society isn't very foreigner friedly, no matter if you look mestizo or white) and you'll find yourself with some money but as lonely as Hitler on friend's day, unless you have family and/or friends near or there already

you're right, all cyclists are shot on sight no matter what age they are

Children walk school on their own in the middle-middle class

I have family there, but I don't hate the country, I just don't understand why people want to live there nowadays

I could relocate within EU, maybe even Canada, but there's no way I would move to usa.

poor people do it too outside of especially dangerous urban areas. It's not even just a middle class thing.

Don't believe the lies, I've only been shot twice.

You’ve been smoking way too many Sup Forums memes if you’re genuinely baffled as to why people want to live in the US.

It’s the most exciting/relevant country on earth, offers every kind of economic opportunity than exists, every major new industry in the past 50 years has been born here, and if there’s something you want and it’s not in the US, chances are it isn’t anywhere. If you’ve made it big in the US, you’ve made it big everywhere. There is no higher upgrade in life than that.

t. redneck

Good argument.

yours wasnt better t.bh, literally: ''USA USA USA''

Rednecks would disagree with that. Places like Silicon Valley is THE global hotbed for innovation. Other countries try to make their own "Silicon ____", but none of those are a global destination for talent all around the world. The great thing about America is that its treated like a meeting point for people of every nation. That also contributes to the bad things, but as long as we keep getting smart people too, it's worth it.

You cant be this delusional.

Move to the west coast. We are better than the rest of America and you can legally smoke weed. You cant do that in Argentina.

don't make me post Elon Musk quotes about America

Elon Musk is some sort of advanced alien super being from outerspace his success has nothing to do with the US

Enjoy it while it lasts. Give it 10-20 years you'll be a brown shithole just like us.

>Muh ebil capitalism
How edgy

I value personal liberties and responsibilities. If I had the opportunity to move to Alaska, I'd be leaving this shithole behind in a heartbeat.

delete this

I've been to America. It was awful. Never again.

Still areas left where there's lots of nature and little regulation. Western Europe is fucking full. Imagine wanting to build a house and getting bigger headaches over regulations and permits than about actually financing or building it.

I wouldn't though, it's awful

Because it's the wealthiest nation with more than 100 million people

I've heard of people in Russia who join the Church of Scientology's private navy to get a sponsored visa. Is this a sensible idea? I don't really know any other way I could get a visa in the US.

>why would anyone want to immigrate here in the 21st century again
I am not sure honestly

Brazil or China would be better


Not unless you invest heavily. I only plan to work for 5ish years and invest basically everything then retire.

It kinda depends. Are the ghetto areas just something to be avoided at night or are they detroit tier? In my city of 600k there simply are no areas bad enough to warrant avoiding entirely. Kids will walk to school regardless of economic class and it's never dangerous.

Can't you marry some ugly fat bitch, and get yourself one of them anchor babies?


Very very possible even on 50k salary. Homes can easily go for 25k where I live and median salarys are almost about 55k.

oh sweden...

Nope. Not happening. You'll still be working much longer than 5 years. You won't be able to save up enough to retire indefinitely.

Absolutely nothing to do with saving. It's entirely about investing.

Eh, sounds a bit too complicated.
I'm just a bit worried that they will kill me when I leave or something like that. I also might have to be involved with the Church of Scientology earlier to be able to be recruited. Then again, they're having a lot of problems nowadays for obvious reasons, and they probably want to have good stats and shit to show the upper management, so they have probably lowered their demands a lot.

>the Church of Scientology
are you serious?, don't fucking do that, just move to another nordic country or Switzerland, Burgerland is overrated af

I'm actually serious, it could be a viable solution.