Hideo Kojima the creator of Metal Gear has gone full SJW with his next game which is being praised by Anita Sarkeesian who is an avid gamer.
Hideo Kojima the creator of Metal Gear has gone full SJW with his next game which is being praised by Anita Sarkeesian...
If anita loves it then I'm definitely buying it!
links? proof?
Kojima, who's great at making rage from sjw's, is purposely helping them? Doubt it.
you clearly didn't play MGS:2 Kojima is beyond the redpill
Kojima is playing 4D chess. He is truly a sage worth following
Its nothing sjw
The baby is metal gear solid and norman reedus represents kojima
The baby being taken away represents konami taking away kojimas baby
Those 5 marks in the sky represent each metal gear solid
Sjws dont understand how japanese people think or how they use metaphors or symbolism. and since sjws are stupid they think that the character is supposed to be some tranny or something.
OP is a fag
I have been thinking about this lately.
Will traditional gender roles exist when we have robot bodies and artificial wombs?
I don't support any of this protrans sjw non-sense. But with technology it might just become a reality. You cannot argue with technology. It's not a political position. It happens or it doesn't.
The third world war will bring them back.
>flying of the shelves
Looks like shit and kojima has gone full hack mode lately and the game will be a disappointment.
Plus I want to point out "his scars from giving birth" normal childbirth doesn't leave irreversible damage and this just shows how the mentally ill will perform mental backflips to justify their action.
Hackjima clearly said the trailer doesn't have anything to do with the problems he had with Konami and knew people would probably think it was about that.
And this scene is going to make sense in the story according to him.
If anything mgs4 is a bigger and better metaphor for Konami, his work and him.
Death Stranding isn't got any real interest in challenging gender norms. Thematically and symbolically relevant keys to Kojima's meaning are the dogtag like metal objects on Reedus' neck and the nature of the waves in the background.
One of the engravings on the metal tags is from the Schwarzchild radius, and the other looks like a Dirac equation. Going off that and the nature of waves in the trailer - you're looking more towards time dilation and/or event horizon themes.
ie. Reedus' "stranding" is more symbolically appropriate than the birth and loss of the child as it represents his position in regards to the boundary of spacetime wherein events cannot affect him as an outside observer
Norman Reedus' fate is to be lost in time
>Those 5 marks in the sky represent each metal gear solid
There's more than 5
>Sjws dont understand how japanese people think or how they use metaphors or symbolism. and since sjws are stupid they think that the character is supposed to be some tranny or something.
The 5 "main" ones.
You know how Trump plays 4D chess? Well Kojima does 4D storytelling. It's not SJW. It's probably based on some simple idea with 18 layers of esoteric bullshit layered on top.
Ehhhhh okay still fucking shoddy but I'll let you win based on those trips alone
none of them even describe it as "fun"
>hey m8, do you know what should we do next?. Fuck science fiction and action, trangederism is where is at.
Next we will see how mario is actually about the oppression, goombas representing black people and mario representing how OP is a massive faggot and how people judge products that aren't our yet just to have something to shat on.
That game taught me what memes were. I can never hate kojima
He's not an SJW, he's just Kojima. He did this because it's weird and surreal, he doesn't have some sort of agenda.
Just because these people apply interpretations based on their own viewpoints doesn't make it true -- especially when it is applied to something surrealistic and mysterious as this, which begs for many interpretations. You could apply any sort of feminist interpretation to any sort of film, game, or literature.
I never played them but I always heard great things
Whats redpilled about them?
Also should I get the one thats out on xbone? Phantom pain I think?
MGS1 and MGS2 basically tell you to never trust the government. Fair warning though, Kojima is a Jap so the games are fairly anti-nuke
There was a conversation in it that predicted memes and a bunch of other shit, someone should have it in full somewhere.
there's not even a game yet, stop shitposting
MGS V is good/okay. You'd probably want to play through the rest of the series first though
Memes have been used since forever retard. Its just a picture with words.
The setting itself and character interactions really make you think. See if you can get a hold of Metal Gear Solid 1, because it'll make understanding the later games a bit easier.
They are worth a playthrough. If you have a ps3 you can get the legacy collection (every game) for like 30$ on amazon.
this was already proven false
Greatest game ever. FUCKING MASTERPIECE
> SJWs way over think the trailer and make it about 'muh social issues'
Yeah naw. I watched the trailer. I liked it but I was confused as fuck. But since it is a Jap game I Understand why it's fucking bizare.
I think liberals are just trying to make it into something its not.
Pretty much every game is about how the government can't be trusted and how information can be manipulated to fit a narrative. There's also a lot of over the top bullshit on top of that but it makes if fun.
It was an intriguing trailer, but I'm not sold yet, as pretty much nothing has been shown, and I don't buy Kojima games just because he's involved with them. Still have no interest in MGS 5, for example.
Since no one has pointed it out yet, everything in the trailer other than Reedus has an umbilical cord. The baby, the dolphins, the whales. Reedus is missing his and has the scars where it should be. He didn't birth the kid and get the scars.
Kojima is based bruh. Wish he didn't go all "nanomachines" and "vocal chord parasites" in 4 and V but who knows what weird future shit he's predicting.
Kojima had a rough life
fun fact: you can fondle the tits of nearly every woman you meet in Policenauts
>people replying to this
>if anita likes it, we MUST hate it
Going full reverse SJW there, lad.
>full SJW
> a sci fi story where humanity has evolved so men can have children, making women completely unnecessary and most likely extinct
>who is an avid gamer
>Hideo Kojima the creator of Metal Gear has gone full SJW with his next game which is being praised by Anita Sarkeesian who is an avid gamer.
Kojima didnt make all 5 metal gear games just like the guy who made dark souls didnt make ds2 or ds3 since he is banned from making dark souls games due to how much of a failure it was with ds3 selling more than ds2 + DS1
Holy kek where is the full video of this?
Dear Jew Shill nobody cares about Anita anymore except you
No matter how much you donate to her patreon she isn't going to sleep with you