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before capitalism, 95% of the population were subsistence farmers. now you're some overfed fat fuck shitposting on the internet using a computer powered by electricity. you try to blame your shitty failed life on capitalism, but the truth is that capitalism isnt to blame. the reason you're such a failure is entirely because of you
1. I am successful and healthy so that shit is null and void.
2. Capitalism produces war, poverty, collusion, corruption and ruins our environment, not to mention the effects it has on mental health i.e. hoarding, compulsive shopping, compulsive gambling etc.
Capitalism was necessary to get civilization to where it is now, but it's time is coming to an end. The heads of reactionaries like you will be displayed on spears for all revolutionaries to celebrate.
right. and yet the USSR failed, the soviet-controlled portion of germany failed, and north korea is vastly poorer than south korea. there's a reason why literally every single distinguished economist for the past several decades considers socialism to be a joke. crawl back into your poli-sci 101 class to circlejerk about your failed ideas
It's not late stage capitalism that is destroying America, it's early stage communism that is.
Look it up, like 8 out of 10 key communist manifesto strategies for taking over a country have already been completed.
>I am successful and healthy
Prove it
Have you even read the communist manifesto? We are closer to the third reich than communism.
STFU with your neo-nazi bullshit. Jesus christ you guys are fucking stupid.
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.
Daily reminder that most of the Bolsheviks were Jews.
You sound like a retarded teenager. Make sure you pick a good fedora for school tomorrow.
Nazi = The National Socialist German Workers' Party
the definition of a capitalist society is private ownership of the means of production. socialism is public ownership of the means of production. guess what hitler did? seized the means of production for the government. if you're gonna call someone a nazi, make sure you know that nazi ideology is directly opposed to capitalism
Wow. Were they all from western europe too? How spooky.
I agree, the USA is crap compared to what I heard about it as a kid. However according to wikipedia's
you aren't really that much capitalists, literally canada has more economic freedom than you, weird.
>I'm a judge
Nice you are using Hitlers old strategy of conflating ideologies! In his own words:
"Yes, how often did they not turn up in huge numbers, those supporters of the Red Flag, all previously instructed to smash up everything once and for all and put an end to these meetings. More often than not everything hung on a mere thread, and only the chairman’s ruthless determination and the rough handling by our ushers baffled our adversaries’ intentions. And indeed they had every reason for being irritated.
The fact that we had chosen red as the colour for our posters sufficed to attract them to our meetings. The ordinary bourgeoisie were very shocked to see that, we had also chosen the symbolic red of Bolshevism and they regarded this as something ambiguously significant.
The suspicion was whispered in German Nationalist circles that we also were merely another variety of Marxism, perhaps even Marxists suitably disguised, or better still, Socialists. The actual difference between Socialism and Marxism still remains a mystery to these people up to this day. The charge of Marxism was conclusively proved when it was discovered that at our meetings we deliberately substituted the words ‘Fellow-countrymen and Women’ for ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’ and addressed each other as ‘Party Comrade’. We used to roar with laughter at these silly faint-hearted bourgeoisie and their efforts to puzzle out our origin, our intentions and our aims.
We chose red for our posters after particular and careful deliberation, our intention being to irritate the Left, so as to arouse their attention and tempt them to come to our meetings – if only in order to break them up – so that in this way we got a chance of talking to the people."
Hitler hated leftists, but nice try.
Capitalism has been subverted. The mechanisms of capitalism are not able to function properly anymore.
How so? Is it because the inevitable owning of nearly all capital by the rich causing them to have incredible influence over policy? i.e. LATE STAGE CAPITALISM
oh no, hitler said mean things about a competing superpower. that must mean you're right. never mind the fact that hitler wanted to assume control of the means of production. you dont seem to get this fact. if an ideology demands that the government seize the means of production, then it must not be capitalist. im not saying the nazi party was identical to the soviet socialists, im saying that nazis were not capitalists. at all. so dont try to call capitalists nazis, because that makes no fucking sense.
have you really never learned the definition of capitalism?
yes, powerful people having influence over an election is a totally new thing, and totally never happened in the ussr, north korea, or venesuela
and the old trope of capital accumulating in the hands of the wealthy has been disproven both mathematically and empirically
Are you serious?
Wealth inequality is at a near 100 year high with no signs of slowing down especially with people like who think they will some day benefit from the rigged system.
State capitalism. Got it.
hey dumbass, just because there's more inequality doesnt mean the rest of us dont have capital. the poor today have more capital than just about any other time in history. Marx predicted that the 1900's would result in poor becoming POORER. the poor are much, much, much better off today than they were 100 years ago. so cry all you want about inequality, the poor keep getting more capital, which is the important thing, which proves marx was wrong
Gotta love socialists buzzwords.
just because you call something capitalism doesnt make it capitalism. capitalism is by marx' (and all economists) definition PRIVATE OWNERSHIP of the means of production. when's the last time you took an actual econ class, instead of having some history prof gush over some dumbass work like capital in the 21st century?
>state capitalism
aaaand this is why you will never win an argument on the side of socialism