DNC released a new music video.
Lot of production values and some B-list celebs, but it's still dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.
DNC released a new music video.
Lot of production values and some B-list celebs, but it's still dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.
Other urls found in this thread:
female suffrage was a mistake
I never bought the tuff grrrl shtick.
It's more if a comedy trope than anything.
> tfw I thought the lyrics were "fart zone"
Her face screams I'm a feminist.
Democrats have become such a meme party it isnt even funny.
Trump's Fight Song:
dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum
We get it, you're retarded
why do liberals/feminists always say things such as "I'm strong and empowered" but their mannerisms scream "effeminate" and "subservient"
female suffrage was a mistake
>Not this
Hey tumblr/reddit, how's that brigade going?
someone should start complaining on how women are over-represented in this video and that hispanics are basically not in there - we need to beat them with their own weapons!
Came here to post this.
I'll post this instead
Flieg Adler, flieg! (eng subs)
Why does it sound like such a pussy song? Liberals are just so God damned weak. Their power consists in banding together to enforce their hysterical denials of reality on everyone else.
(+ The sheckels and backing of the Jew media).
betray america during vietnam war
(give pow message to North Vietnam soldier)
make ton of money in 80s aerobic film
2016 promoting race-mixing diversity
this double-cross cunt never stop betray america
>mandy moore
noooooooooooooooooooo why god why?
Keep the comments and downvotes coming anons. I want to have inboxes full of tears in the morning
>this double-cross cunt never stop betray america
Apparently not for Democrats see she is a 'fucking icon'
Is that real?
So they do realize they have to appeal to NEW voters and not just rally their existing ones, right?
Nobody who wasn't voting for Hillary is going to see this and go "wow these b and c list celebs have convinced me to go to Hillary", they're going to think, "how long are you going to dance around doing this superfluous bullshit before actually doing something".
Trump is going to have an easy few months desu senpaitachi
the lighting in this video is so fucking wierd, makes them look less human