What the FUCK is wrong with Australians?
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I was expecting more cursing
In Australia, coins come in bags.
>australians are subhuman shites
Oh wow gee who could have seen that coming? dirty fucking aussies, it amazes me that kiwis are so much better when they live in close proximity
He was fined another 60 dollarydoos for being a sick cunt.
>even irl they can't stop shitposting
Emus won't show mercy next time
they're descendants of british criminals
god bless australia
He was in the wrong morally, should've just found the person who gave him the ticket and broke their legs
>annoying some minimum wage girl
wow that's so based, he's so cool and this had a purpose other than showing off his impotent rage
The absolute madman
don't take it out on a random person who had nothing to do with it and just needs to get by
take it out on executives or any kind of boss who has actual say in it but he has no balls for that
>60 dollarydoos!?
What a douche.
are government employees minimum wage employees in Oz?
Who was in the wrong here?
found the lazy soulless government employee
I miss Zyzz
found an asshole and an idiot
should have made him stand there while they counted all the coins
why doesnt she just stack up like 2 dollars then just make a bunch of piles the same height? that would take like 5 min tops
better start counting wagecuck
>it amazes me that kiwis are so much better when they live in close proximity
Hi John, how's life after politics?
don't take your lack of job prospects out on me you piece of shit drone
>executives or any kind of boss who has actual say in it
you mean the government?
We all do brah
maybe a dollar more but yeah pretty much
So this is the famous American service I've heard so much about?
Is Cherry representative of all American waitstaff?
Have you seen the UK?
Well, Australians are descended from a bunch of people the British decided were too shitty to stay there.
Let that sink in for a bit.
In Australia we have laws that it has to be paid in reasonable denominations, this guy's a fuckwit
word. in america, they're not and they get great benefits.
if she's a minimum wage employee with state funded healthcare, then it's really not his problem to consider her poor choice in a career. she is the face of a collection agency, life is unfair.
holy shit
That's a niche chain restraunt called Dick's where they treat you like crap as a way of fun like Rainforest Cafe or something
That looks like a fun thing for a restaurant to have tbf
why do you think she's working there instead of having a real job?
His antics motivated me to get off my ass. If he was still alive I bet I would never skip the gym. Fuark.
>being an asshole to people who aren't even responsible for him being fined
such an alpha
That's a theme restraunt
shut up you retard
the point is she can't do anything about it
this is like punching the postman cause he delivered a letter you didn't like
As if it would take more than a couple minutes to count the same coins.
>all those memeball ancaps in the comments bitching about "legal tender"
>american """"""culture'"""""
That's a theme restaurant. People go there on purpose to get treated like that. Why? I have no idea. I can't imagine going out of my way to get terrible service, but to each his own. Some people date women with short hair, it takes all kinds to make the world go round, I guess.
>the point is she can't do anything about it
yes she can. get a new job. is reading comprehension not a focus in aussie schools?
i would pay her in rape dollars
>Doesn't even flinch.
That's either a hologram or a consummate professional.
>having to do your job is like being punched in the face
christ what a faggot you turned out to be huh
Tell me this is not the absolute pinnacle of candid capture kino
>Some chick just doing her job
>She is about as nice and professional as can be
>Tries to start sorting the coints
>He throws them back at her desk
Hope this guy gets a good kick in the fucking dick tbqh
This is the american equivalent of those tsundere cafes in japan
based Bogan
boat people go home
Is this a Sam Hyde sketch?
I hate those places, I went there once as a kid and my dad hated it too, he didn't want to tip them
he didnt even call the security a goober
>he can't even get a real girlfriend! He had to get a gook!
kek, based
no the guy wasn't giggling like a faggot the entire time he was talking to her
Fucking cunt!! I would have have beat the bitch down if she treated my family like that. YOU DO NOT FUCK WITH MY LOVED ONES
Your country is sick. What next, cuckold themed restaurants? Where the BBC waiters chat up your wife?
Well your dad is an idiot then.
It's not like they don't make it perfectly clear the waitress is going to be rude. I wouldn't go to one, but if I did I wouldn't get mad at the waitress for doing exactly what the entire theme of the restaurant is based around.
You can only really justify being upset if she's nice.
You seem a little obsessed with cuckoldry user. You ok?
Nobody wants to hear about your nigger dick fetish, queer.
>tsundere cafes in japan
I went to one with friends never knowing they existed and learned quickly how much I hated it. I made it obvious I wasn't in a mood to be joked with and she left me alone.
She seems so nice :3
I want reddit to leave
He's full of shit, Government workers are paid well here.
>Tries to start sorting the coins
Are you a fucking idiot? No she didn't. She's piling them back on the counter for the guy to take them back.
You god damn moron.
fuck you.
if that sort of thing really exists, japs are unironically mentally ill as a society.
I cuppa de balls
Australians aren't people. They're just hosts for the monsters to lay their eggs in
>oh shit I got a parking ticket for parking like a retard?
>better spend extra money on having a bank exchange my money for coins, just so I can film myself mildly annoying some workers while reeing about corporations
All he accomplished was to make it more expensive and time-consuming for himself.
Bogan calling another person a bogan
sick get
America was a mistake.
thicc kino.
This. While letting a couple of the coins he shoved on her desk fall on the floor or under some papers where they can't be seen, so that once they're done counting he'll be short, which means they can't accept it. And if he refuses to wait then say you can't accept it without counting.
Either way he'll have to pay the whole thing again, hopefully with a late-charge.
In Italy there is a restaurant where the staff insults you, it is a tourist attraction
>What next
Shut the fuck up, only Americans do things I openly mock.
sounds like it would make bank.
That redhead for not being my wife
I'd give her a Frostie
Jesus christ, you're so new it hurts.
Why are whitebois so violent and oppressive? This is Trump's America.
hey at least he got his video and his youtube views, and a bunch of people thinking he's a whiny faggot
>is it really that small that you can't get an aussie girl?
Americans are absolutely fucking disgusting.
Female privilege. Few men who talk that way to strangers would survive to that age.
>tfw you finally get a qt asn gf
>tfw some fat white slag starts mocking her in public
>tfw she somehow knows you have a small penis
>go back to China
Can't even get her slurs right.
everyone knows