She better watch out. Adam Minter sounds pissed.




She'd be b& from Twitter if she'd have said "Did Hillary have them Allahu Akbar'd?"


Coulter's always too fucking based.

>how dare you


Holly fucking shit kek help me






Ann Coulter is by far my favorite tranny ever.

Top bantz



4u senpai


Do you think Ann Coulter would ever be up to having a large scale gangbang with herself + over 1,000 dudes (myself included)? It's my penultimate sexual fantasy desu

>>>(((Adam Minter)))


I feel like there's more to this joke than I'm understanding.

We must never forget Alfred Hitler and his vicious murder of six hundred innocent Israelis.

So why is Rob Morrow shilling against Trump now? What is his deal?

(((Yes, there is)))


Alfred Hiller would be proud.

Ann Coulter is amazing

By the way when she posted pic related, the first reply was again a jewish one, some Haaretz editor.

She's going to get clintoned if she's not careful.

>raped by Bill
>murdered by Hillary
>maybe a combination of the two

I wonder if Coulter has ever visited Sup Forums

All come to Sup Forums eventually. I am sure she likes to come here occasionally and take the pulse.

Sup. Ann here, posting via proxy so Bill can't get me.

I want to impregnate a 1980s Ann Coulter and take responsibility!

The picture of a dangerously low test man.


yeah she retweeted something about the right wing youth getting their sources from TRS, [another right wing site I forgot], and Sup Forums a few months back

God that looks like a typical British Faggot.

>it's real
Holy shit

>Heh... Heh... Drumpf is just like Hitler. All the celebrities can agree that is a funny joke!
>Hey, don't just that joke on Hillary! Not cool.


She has a C&C.


I've actually enjoyed listening the right wing radio station hosts repeat *verbatim* some of the common arguments made on Sup Forums.

It's a huge time saver for them, all those arguments being subjected to the digital critical fire and the fallacies being burned away.

Now the logic is unquestionable and the facts unassailable.

We're winning.

>muh jews how dare you
>dem's being anti semites is ok though im with her

She is pulling a Milo to test the waters.

It includes all POWs I guess.

The power of autistic memes and shitposting is truly awe-inspiring.

i love how these tumblrites always ironically describe themselves as garbage when they actually are.

>tears in november


Kek. They were literally burning an Israeli flag as she said this.

Triple distilled and finely aged memes and shitposting. Like a fine bottle of hatred and bigot.. I mean peace and tolerance.

>mfw this place has become so pathetic it literally posts ann coulter quotes as if they're even remotely quantifiable as a "thought" or worth being taken seriously beyond a steamy shit

That's great

>This is an alpha male in Britain

Doesn't qualify as an argumentative proposition.

They're the least most qualified people to even be having opinions on policy. and they expect us to listen to their backwards political opinions and philosophies.
"xD rawr I'm trash, heh, now listen to my opinions on important issues. plz clap"

Obviously, with over two decades in public life, a dozen best sellers, and having her latest book cited by Trump as the source and basis of much of his anti-immigration platform, clearly Ann Coulter has nothing worth listening too.

holy shit I was 100% sure this was fake

>D-delete this!

I didn't laugh until I remembered Bernie was a kike.

It may also be because his supporters want free shit.

How long until she gets banned?
Place your bets and roll.

nah m8

>mfw this place has become so pathetic I literally edit and post anonymous poster's quotes as if they're even remotely quantifiable as a "thought" or worth being taken seriously beyond a steamy shit

She's so Perfect

As a writer I can say this is true. I come here a lot to start a topic and let people battle it out so I can skim the top arguments. When shills brigade here it makes it all the better for me

What breeds an Ann Coulter?

>tfw no happy wife and daughters that shit on degeneracy and talk about how much we hate niggers and jews

Savage rips material straight from Sup Forums

Ive been shitposting one night, then ill turn on savage the next day and hell bring up obscure things straight from the threads back, to back, to back

what democrat would buy that book for anything but a gag? She's only a "best seller" because republicans eat that shit up. This same business model goes for the left. what right wing republican is going to want to read a book about how wrong and evil they are?

you're ignorant if you think some blonde bitch is worth a listen. and if you think donald trumps citation is worth more anything more than what I shit in toilet earlier then you are royally fuckd in the head, my friend.


>When shills brigade here
Exactly, the only thing that survives the white hot core is the truth.

Everyone's been watching the lefts arguments melt under the scrutiny and rejecting the basis upon which they were built.

In November Trump will win.

it's a heart pizza sold on Valentine's day you autist

She's the ne plus ultra WASP. White as hell Connecticut lawyers for parents, who were super politically active. Then, she's a brilliant and talented lawyer in her own right. They attended the Republican National Conventions. She was involved in convincing Phyllis Schlafly to become involved in the fight against the ERA.

She was part of the legal team writing briefs for Paula Jones. She wrote her first book (High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The case for the impeachment of Bill Clinton), based on her first hand knowledge of the case, and of his shocking abuses of the legal system. Never out of the public eye from then.

Joke's on you, Nige is half French.

Either you're obsessed with Ann Coulter or you are Ann Coulter.

Will you be my gf Ann Coulter?

We all do user. We all do.

>she refuses to have beautiful, exceptionally talented Aryan children

Bernie lost, bro. Your beloved Dems rigged the system (or he was a Hildabeast plant all along, either or). Go *pic related* somewhere else.

But press F to pay respects before you go. As in "F" for "corruption".

Just like british culture?


All of what I posted appears in her books. Mostly, her childhood is mentioned in a column about her Dad after he passed away. The bit about Phyllis Schlafly was from an introduction to a book she did for Schlafly. The last bit is just straight-up the background on why she wrote that first book and entered public life.

Ann almost certainly has Marfan Syndrome. Pregnancy at any point would have been extremely high risk.

Holy shit I joked in the DNC sticky that Shillary will gas the Bernouts for chanting. The absolute mad woman actually did it.

>heart pizza
>sold at extra cost
>missing a piece of the pizza, thus saving cost of manufacturing

he he he... i wonder who could be behind this?

>Jamal Rustler

>edgy place posts edgy quotes by an edgy person
get out the pitchforks and the torches

It's always been 6 million jews and 5 million others

> The Eternal Beta-Anglo Eternally BTFO'd by Based Zyklann Coulter

>"we need ta get back tah the shire frodo"

The word "penultimate" means "next to last." It's not a superlative, friendo.

I love whenever Ann brings the bantz.


dont use words you can't use senpai

Hens another twitter kike that blocks all frog and anime twitter users.

Was this number adjusted since the figure for Majdanek went from 1.5m to 70k? Was it taken into consideration that these """estimate errors""" could be possible for every single one of the camps? By now I am pretty sure that the actual death count is closer to a million

Here is Arnold at 35 yrs. old.

Arnold at 40 yrs. old.

me first famalam

are you denying that 12 million jews died in the holicost?
