Wally West Storytime - Part 0


Kicking off with the event that started it all


Joke's on you, they stripped him of his entire Flash career and his life with Linda. They brought back a character named Wally West without any of the stuff that made Wally great again.

Johns rused you again.

That didn't happen though. He has all his memories just in a younger body. It's literally in the preview.


Imagine being this dumb

Honestly, Wally's kids were pretty shit anyway. He could stand to go back a bit so it's just him and Linda.

Plus, you can't have Junior Flash having kids when Big important Barry is still a young man

Nah, he doesn't have all his memories. He has some of them. Conveniently none of the ones that would A: Have him be married B: Have him be a dad or C: Become The Flash.

Face it, it's just black Wally 2.0, but without the blackness.

Oh, shush.

>You can't have Wally West be Wally West because Barry Allen exists.

That's why they got rid of Wally in the first place. So they're bringing him back without any of the shit that made him Wally because Barry's still around. Woo.

Just gonna live his life without Linda, without being The Flash, in a Kid Flash costume. Enjoy Wolfman era Wally -- oh wait, no one did. Not even Wolfman.

Which preview????

Well now you're just making shit up because he explicitly goes to Linda.

You anti-Wallyfanfags lost. Just take the L man and stop shitting up a storytime, it's embarrassing.

He runs to Linda to find a tether
No, he definitely has his memories


Rebirth Special

Are you going to run all of COIE tonight?


Yes. He goes to Linda. Who does not remember him and does not love him. They are reverting him back to Wally without Linda.

Wally without Linda is a piece of shit. He admits as much. Now...Barry grounds him instead of Linda. Woopee.

That's kind of my point. They're shoving Wally in, de-aged, in a world where Linda doesn't even know who he is.

That's the idea.


He still his experiences and that's the important part to me. Different status quo and physical deaging doesn't mean he is Wolfman Wally. I don't really care to fight anymore about this though. I'm happy.


Why so negative, user? Wally wasn't with Linda right away before the reboot either. Now the rebuilding can finally begin.




Because there's not a fucking Wally West book for them to put them together with again. I assumed that was going to be implicit in bringing the real Wally back.

I doubt Titans is gonna be about Wally's relationship and trying to get some woman who doesn't know him to fall in love with him again.

Watch them hook him up with another super powered person now that Linda doesn't know him.


You don't know that, senpai. What a sad existence yours must be, always expecting the worst out of everything.


That sad existence is called "being a Wally West fan for 10 years." No hope, only suffering

motherfucker I remember those flash rebirth promises


Whatever, go wallow in your own self pity. This storytime is for us who want to celebrate.

















This beginning part with the towers is always a little weird to me because it's kind of forgettable.


Feel bad I never read COIE before. Tell me should I read a lot of Silver/Bronze Age stuff to really appreciate it or can I enjoy it on its own? Since it's meant to be the literal end to a 50 year history.

Yeah, agreed. But we do get this cool moment.

I think you can enjoy it just fine on its own, especially if you've got a decent knowledge of the DCU.



That's the thing I don't really know if I do or not. Most are just off hand stuff and cartoons plus random storytime. Like I know Supergirl does but outside her origin I don't know a damn thing about her


I'd say you're OK and this story may inspire you to seek out more stuff. I was pretty noobish when I first read this and it made me fascinated with the DCU, I wanted to know who all these people were. Like I didn't know who the Losers were, or the Crime Syndicate, or Anthro. That's the beauty of this story IMO.




Ok you convince me. Sadly can't read it now but will when I get home. Hopefully the thread will be up by the time I get back.


Nice, I'll try to keep this thread alive.

I think the only thing you really gain from having more knowledge is the cameos. But I haven't backread a ton either.


Oh I bet. Someone storytimed Kingdom Come had a blast watching people point out all the cameos in that.




I can't believe he's back. TRULY.

I hope they don't kill him off at the end. ;_;



I don't think they will. The whole thing with the solicits from Flash and Titans pointed towards his return. He's here to stay.




With Superman it feels like he's on borrowed time (especially with that flat out bizarre costume) but Wally seems different. We'll see.













The best Ultraman scene ever



>by the magnetic stream!


It's no "Suffering Sapho!", that's for sure.

