What's the future look like for millennials?
What's the future look like for millennials?
Well shit
How does a student loan stop them from working?
Why did they not bother to look into career prospects before taking a course of action that would necessitate loans that they could not possibly pay back short of a miracle?
Why should I feel sorry for people that are so short sighted and accept no personal responsibility for their actions?
They weren't duped.
You can research career field prospects for almost anything. If it lacks real studies, then you can call around to people and businesses that actually use/understand that career field.
If you can't do that, you're a lazy piece of shit and I only have further contempt for your continued existence.
Why can't old people just pay for their own shit?
they've paid into it for their entire lives
google social security, leaf
>tfw millennial
>have a place, tons of disposable income, no debt
>voting Trump
Life and future lookin pretty good senpai
Can we just full on Ben Garrison that faggot Horsey already?
Here, take another nuke.
so bright you gotta wear shades. and lead. nice numerals tho.
>tfw I have none of that.
Why does Hobbiton want all my gold coins to train me as a Wizard?
really really bright
>loaning for a womens and genders degree
Because our nation adopted a taxation sytem as a temporary measure that was meant to help honest joes through the great depression, then never got rid of it.
Welfare and social security were never meant to support people long term, it just worked because until the econony became increasingky unstable starting around the 70's there were more tax payers than welfare recipients and recieving government assistance was not only difficult, but considered humiliating and shameful.
The leftists began using social programs to buy votes and made living on the dole into the norm.
Plus all the kids the ww2 generation shit out in massive numbers are retiring now and claiming benifits, placing massive strain on on our healthcare and welfare systems.
Plus it used to be you worked for a company for 20 years and got a pension, nowdays that pretty much doesnt exist outside government occupations....
Plus inflation devalued liquid assets like retriement funds....
Idk. Its a really complex cause but basically we have a retarded high population of old people who still think you can pay off your tuition with a job at a burger joint like they did in 1950 demanding that the government pay for thier medical bills and retirement.
Millennials are affecting the generation after them too... Apparently, many millennials think its okay to consider entry level jobs as a "career", causing teenagers to be unemployed.
student loans should be based on the degree tbqh certain degrees shouldnt even get funded at all
what field mate?
No one held a gun to their head and made them take out those loans, they knew what they were getting into, or not LOL DUDE FREE MONEY FROM GOVERNMENT I CAN PAY IT OFF EASY WHEN I GET A 100k YEAR A JOB OUT OF SCHOOL WITH MY SOCIOLOGY DEGREE
Good point... Not to mention the numerous opportunities for scholarships.
Are you poor? Scholarship. Are you smart? Scholarship. Some people say that they are "too rich" for scholarships and too poor to pay for full tuition, but scholarships can be earned for good grades, sports, and contests.
That vacuum movement always kills me. At first everything is blown the fuck out, then once physics takes over, everything gets blown the fuck in.
Fuck science is amazing.
the way the trees get blown back and then spring forward is always really cool
also the way you can see the circle of dirt being kicked up and moving outward by the shockwave is cool af
fresh meme
I can see this already. There is a waiting list where i work to become a manager with a managers pay. We have a former manager from NY here and she hasn't even been promoted once. God damn I wish that shit manager from ohio never moved in, because she just pisses everyone off. Anyways the problem i'm trying to point to is that people from the boomer generation have to die out in order for the newer generation to take their place. Since the number of people being born each generation grows then we will either have to kill each other or expand in every department
fresh faggotry
>brainwash students that they will never amount to anything unless they go to university
>because everyone went to university, everyone's degrees are now worthless
Also what is:
>migrant labour
>booming house prices due to foreign ownership
Millenials have been dealt a bad hand by fate. I hope it sparks a new wave of nationalism across all countries.
>Can we just full on Ben Garrison that faggot Horsey already?
That's a tough proposition. It'd take at least two years to bring him around, I reckon.
>No one held a gun to their head and made them take out those loans, they knew what they were getting into
Besides being routinely sold a narrative that the only way to a successful career is through a college degree-- despite all of these being worth even less than before.
Why do you think a bunch of law students are suing UVA law? Because their education narrative was effectively a scam.
It must be incredible to just be able to boil down a complicated issue into a single BOOGIEMAN argument.
As soon as baby boomers fucking retire there will be more jobs. But those fuckers had to ruin the economy by voting for the iraq war and tax cuts so now we are stuck in a huge hole.
Baby Boomers are literally the shittiest generation to ever grace the earth.
Good thing I went to community college and got my basics out of the way. If I go to a university, it'll be to major in history and have fun with it.
Had a history professor who was the hottest thing alive...shame I couldn't be her assistant.
Why can't young people pay for there own shit?
too busy paying for old people's shit.
Tax cuts didn't put us in a huge hole. Spending did.
Young people need paying jobs to pay for their own shit beyond bills and mandatory costs of living. And by that I don't mean by buying bullshit Apple laptops.
>its their fault they are poor
>lazy people deserve to die
spoken like a true cog in the machine, derp
Tax cuts + Iraq war = huge debt.
The 2008 recession was caused by the ignorance of baby boomers. Fuck them.
Nope. Young people in the US pay little to no income tax. Try again. Also, why are young people so greedy and entitled? especially to old peoples shit? Earn you own shit.
I joined the marines and went to war for my college funding. I think the war and all of its politics are fucking dumb as shit, but I got to kill muslims for a while and not end up in debt.
Ive seen the dumb shit these cunts do. They take 6 years to complete a bachelors in underwater basket-weaving because they spent too much time smoking pot, drinking too much, and whoring/whoring themselves out and not enough time passing classes.
Then they get out with a degree in polynesian wood carving appreciation with a minor in bohemian riverboat navigation and bitch about how they are $200,000 in debt and cant find a job in thier field.
Like at no point did they ever stop believing in the two biggest college myths of our generation.
1: college garuntees a 6 figure salary upon graduation!
And number 2: careers are like hobbies, you shouldnt care about money you should care about being interested in it and enjoying the subject!
Plus lets be honest, even if you get a real degree if you show up looking like pic related they aint hiring you. Because nobody in the real world.
Contrary to a 20 years of PC schooling your self esteem carries zero value to anyone but you, and will not get you a job.
Because old people won't fucking retire.
Old people are literally the cancer that is killing capitalism.
the prob is the wage slavery , having a job is not a reason to be proud of , is just a basic survival tool in exchange of resourses , may the "future" and technology end the cicle of dependence .
this is fucking retarded baby boomers have spent this country into a fucking hole coupled with inflation but somehow the shit state of the economy and the inability to pay back loans after you took the time to get a degree is your fault. Fuck you for not going into STEM only.
Because they know the difference between 'their', 'there', and 'they're'.
It is.Look at singaporr
Thats not what caused it you illiterate bafoon.
>if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life
Working at Walmart for the rest of my life with zero debt us the only plausible option that was attained.
An added benefit of being a shut-in is that I won't have to explain what my job is to social circles. Let's just say I felt inadequate when I went to college parties when I was in my late 20s.
Why not both?
oh wait we tried that. That why were in the fucking hole now.
It triggers me so, how the folks with the most artistic talents somehow end up being "moralistic" Shills when it comes to their cartoons!
But why, WHY!?!? Why must the modern artist constantly faulter to the guilt-tripping propoganda? I thought they'd be able to see past the veil! Apparently not!!
Lads, Cartoonist lads, Do yourself a favor and find a REAL cause! Don't you know that your freedom as artists depends on the preservation of the Western World??
all these people wanting to have a free college for no reason are pathetic.If you are good enough you still have free college in any country of the world
>As soon as baby boomers fucking retire there will be more jobs.
>As soon as baby boomers fucking retire
That's kind of part of the problem... a lot of boomers *aren't* retiring,
>Boomers retire
>Now boomers need govt to pay for shit
>"Fucking boomers, pay for your own shit!"
Spending. Tax cuts cost nothing and have historically revived economies.
Blame the 2008 crash to government monkeying around in the economy.
>"You have to grant these loans or we will take away your investment bank status"
>"Don't worry, because we will guarantee every loan"
People kept bitching about bank bailouts as if there was a choice NOT to. They didn't even understand why foreign banks had to be "bailed out" by the US taxpayer.
Thanks Dodd/Frank.
Fucking this, the while generation should be mad as fuck but they're cucked to the max it's sad
Dude what
Even if old people retire and open up a portion of the job market the burden put on social security will jump exponentially. Profits that buisinesses are making are not being distributed in a manner that is healthy.
The fact that bumblefucks at walmart work fulltime and still need welfare is a fucking joke
Do you really think this problem is so rampant?
Even though the top majors are still Business Management, general business, accounting, nursing, and psychology? (not to mention the maintained popularity in the hard sciences)
You're trying to blame a small loud, but ultimately insignificant population for a complicated problem.
Absolutely subversive.
Lazy people do deserve to die. We shouldn't completely end natural selection.
Spend a trillion on Iraq war while simultaneously cutting tax revenues is just something a retarded baby boomer would do.
the fuck are you going on about m8
Why don't we just kill all retiries?
As an 18 year old fresh out of high school I have no idea what to do.
All aspects of the world seem hell bent on ensuring that success is a pipe dream for us, and all the good things that are simple seem like a fairy tale.
It may seem like that now but we're sitting on a powder keg.
well yeah, hopefully everyone will be white someday but, until then young white people should pay for old people. that's been the like the Democrat motto for decades
High five.
A declining economic situation, causing a continuation of the low birth rates in the west. The west will be comfortable, but so stressed just trying to maintain what it has they'll barely have time to do stuff like raise a family.
Population growth throughout the world. Generally improved quality of life internationally. Possibility the world ends in thermonuclear war as always.
That, and they still expect young people to care for them like its still a homestead in 1886.
Back then if grandpa got sick, he died. It was sad and all, but he was no longer a non-productive burden on the family.
Today grandpa gets sick, he gets $200,000 in medical bills to keep him alive for another 10 years. The family goes broke trying to keep up with the hospital bills, apply for medicade, and society has to cover 80% of the cost.
Then his grandson has to go into a huge amount of debt chasing the myth that only a bachelors degree will grant him success, by the time he has paid it off in his late 30's its just about time for HIS parents to get old and sick and continue the cycle.
People are living a lot longer nowdays than they did when a lot of the ways society runs were developed.
id love to see someone refute this.
we "left" iraq and just couldnt account for 2 billion dollars. What a fucking joke.
And.. thread.
why are only rich old dicks golfers? I like golfing and I'm not rich old or a dick
Why? Tax cuts create more wealth to tax. They stimulate the economy. They have never in history not accomplished this. Ever.
how old are you sincerely asking no making joke of it , how old are you ?
its one of the only good things left
Baby boomers don't want to cut social security.
But simultaneously critiquing the youth for not having jobs. But the youth can't get a job because the baby boomers won't retire.
Baby boomers are literally the dumbest generation.
Not all golfers are rich old dicks, but rich old dicks tend to be golfers, you gotta accept it m8
Ok burger, my argument makes more sense in Australia where as someone in my early 30s paying $10,000 a year in tax I receive fuck all benefit for it. It mainly goes to pensions and healthcare for the elderly.
Of course, societies have dealt with this by having a rising population to ensure there will always be more young people able to support me when it is my turn to retire and be super expensive.
Except that the birth rate has plummeted, so my generation are expected to pay the boomer pensions, health benefits etc while not receiving the same benefits ourselves when we get to that age.
I don't think it's hard to understand why the young in my country don't like the boomer generation.
Every day for the first 18 years of thier lives they are told this.
Which is why we have bullshit degrees that dont even have job fields.
These kids get brainwashed to go to college and that having fun is more important than being sucessful. Then they spend a bunch of money they dont have pursuing a fallacy and bitch that they arent sucessful.
27 years young.
You know what would really help this problem
Passing the TPP and making sure that medical patents are extended because $$$
You don't cut taxes and increase spending.
Cutting taxes is fine if you aren't about to spend a trillion dollars on a war.
Exactly. It's as if they don't even TRY to look for FREE financial aid because loans are "Easier to take out". And what do they do when they realize their underwater basket weaving is useless? They bitch about it, saying that they can't be hired as the CEO of Coca-Cola because theyre female or a minority, or they work at McDonalds and bitch about that for the rest of their lives, not taking into consideration that working at a department store or factory can earn them more money.
>implying that cartoon isnt true
come on m8, im tired of this bullshit of "why dont you have a wife? why dont you have a car? why dont you have a house? we had all of that at 20yo, when the world had 1/7th of the population and you could go to the corner shop and find a job in a matter of minutes despite being an illiterate cunt that didnt pass even the basic education! when we didnt outsource industry to 3rd world countries where we enslave the very same people we use to make you feel guilty!!"
FUCK baby boomers, they are the cancer that killed western civilization. They are literally responsible for everything bad we have going on. Those bluepilled kids you seem to hate so much? Who the fuck do you think indoctrinated them?
>The old people looks judaic as fuck
is Horsey secret Red Pilled?
I'd say on a guess at least 50% of boomers are already retired. But their retirement won't help millennials. They are qualified for those jobs yet. Not til they get to around 45 years old.
I hear of people who go to college for that and are still jobless. I don't think STEM is even a viable option anymore either.
the ultimate redpill is that you can do whatever you want and nobody has any right to judge you for it. society is a construct and a lot of people delude themselves into believing it's something tangible.
we're all going to die, nothing has any worth except what we ascribe to it, and we're most likely never going to discover what caused us to be here or if there is any point to life to begin with.
keeping all of this in mind... if you don't do something nobody can blame you for it, but if you want something you really should go out and get it.
>careers are like hobbies, you shouldnt care about money you should care about being interested in it and enjoying the subject!
the way you should actually be doing it is practicing your hobbies because you like them, and if you find something that you absolutely love and would happily spend the rest of your life doing, do attempt to become the best at it and turn it into a career ala warren buffett
don't go to college unless you have a good plan on where you want to be and how a degree will help you with it. get a decent job, pursue what you like, if you can attempt to turn it into a career as above.
otherwise, learn how investing and money works (seriously, it saved me from some serious pain) and learn a bunch of skills that will help you in the future. a language is a pretty good thing and you can't really go wrong with learning one.
avoid getting a criminal record at all costs, don't go straight into the military, and for the love of god women are fucking evil don't go getting one pregnant yet.
>Since the number of people being born each generation grows then we will either have to kill each other or expand in every department
The birth rate decline has it's uses, it would help a whole fucking lot in this situation, too bad that our shortsighted morons of politicians can't see that and prefer to flood us with migrants because of muh dying country.
>the future
Canada has the highest amount of post secondary graduates in the world or close to it. The liberals pledged to send more students to school this election. It's actually just stupid now, we're literally pissing away money on training the population to do things they aren't jobs for.
It's hilarious, the government will train kids with a highly subsidized IT program, they'll discover housing is expensive anywhere the tech industry is big, they're discover the taxes on the rich to Canada, and they'll move to America where the IT industry gets a lot more support from the government. They're spending money on teaching kids how to pay money into the United States.
Fucking hilarious. Don't get me started on how much they've lowered the standards to go through high school to the point a high school diploma doesn't mean anything because you can get one even if you are literally retarded.
Good job northern neighbor, I hope your country prospers.
>Since the number of people being born each generation grows
this is only because of immigration
whites are having fewer and fewer kids
>You don't cut taxes and increase spending.
Yeah no shit. It's like you FINALLY get it. It's a spending problem.
You know what would help job growth? If creation of wealth wasnt channeled so heavily into ways that it didnt under healther econimic times
eg: multinational corperations hiding profits in offshore accounts. (see panema papers)
eg: Ridiculous bonuses and salaries for executives for companies that make billions of dollars ( at least in terms of percentages shit man)
You are right, once the greedy baby boomers retire social security will cripple the country.
We need to reform it but unfortunate the greedy baby boomers will vote against anything to do with hurting their pockets.
>Those bluepilled kids you seem to hate so much? Who the fuck do you think indoctrinated them?
Not baby boomers, that's for sure. anti-baby boom is pretty bluepill
Thank you for the strawman
Here's a taste of reality. I'm getting a STEM degree, Biotechnology, at one of the cheapest universities in my state, $6,000/year. My major along with every other STEM major at this school is impacted and the Engineering schools are notoriously hard to get into. Also keep in mind that the liberal arts are laughably underfunded here because we're a polytechnic school
When I graduate I'll be lucky if there's an entry-level position in my industry that hasn't been outsourced to Raaj and Pajeet because they can get paid peanuts and I can get fucked
So fuck you. I'm trying to do what I love and make money at the same time and old fucks are signing my life away because they'd rather have an extra zero at the end of their net worth
>I don't think STEM is even a viable option anymore either.
Pajeet and "foreign R/D firms" are taking care of that.
>asking 17 years old to do the research
Next you will blame eleven years olds for having sex with pedos.
Young people are making first big decisions in their lives, but instead of helping them society tries to get maximum profit from them. Student loans for feminist studies and such shouldn't even be allowed.
>why are artistically talented people always faggots
Good question, it's one that I've been asking for a long time now.
>tfw couldn't even get a summer job doing park maintenance because I didn't have 3 years raking experience
Uh huh, and back in the sixties people often researched their career prospects before doing A FUCKING DEGREE?
They paid into it all their lives. I'm ok with getting rid of SS, just pay the boomers back what they paid into it.