>Sargon "My wife's son" of Akkad getting BTFO by Devon Tracey
Who do you side with Sup Forums?
Sargon who supports Trump, or AIU who is a Clinton shill?
>Sargon "My wife's son" of Akkad getting BTFO by Devon Tracey
Who do you side with Sup Forums?
Sargon who supports Trump, or AIU who is a Clinton shill?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is AIU a nogunz Clinton faggot? He's way more angrier and redpilled about blacks and kebabs than most of these youtube fucks.
How can anyone be a Clinton shill?
who are these cucks and why should i care
He's like Hitchens, convinced religion is the ultimate evil which clouds his judgement on 99% of issues.
Watch this.
Based guy who normally calls out niggers and sjw who went 100% clinton shill and started banning people for saying she's a liar.
Meltdown is pretty funny
They're both faggots trying to ride coat tails.
I don't give a fuck about youtubers who are trying to cash in on the alt-right movement. They're just useful tools for spreading our propaganda.
AIU is literally having a shit-fit.
He said anyone replying to his post is banned.
So I didn't reply to his post, instead I just commented saying that "Hillary is against most of the things you've stood behind"
And he commenced with the whole:
'Lost your privilege to communicate with me" mumbo jumbo.
He's being a real bitch and lost a ton of respect with me.
Didn't know Sargon commented though, so that's cool.
Sargon of Cuckadd is a pretty big youtuber that is quite important to the """alt-right""" despite the fact he's a "left-libertarian" who just also hates feminism.
Unless he's specifically talking about a certain view topics, his cuck tendencies shine through bright as day, hence the nickname.
>Sargon supports trump
since when, he endorsed bernie a few months ago
That's one less white male with privilege.
He's a jew.
Dubs don't lie
Except that he supported Brexit, generally supports Trump over Hillary.
Anti SJW, anti BLM, anti migrant flood, etc. etc.
He's pretty based and can defend his opinions just fine.
For the most part, but he also ad-homs too much to be taken seriously a lot of the time.
Devon Tracy hasn't made the connection between Trump and the culture pendulum. Sargon has.
Devon Tracy is more red pilled but Sargon has a better ability empathically contemplate the worldview of other groups.
Sargon getting just a touch more redpilled would be amazing. But I think that he is too anti-tribal to look at the world and see that tribalism is necessary under certain circumstances. He is an amazing resource to start someone on a journey to becoming redpilled. He is careful about how what he says is perceived and says things in a way that makes him non-offensive and very approachable.
He wants a shake up in American politics. He wanted Bernie, but wasn't 100% behind him for Bernie's love for SJW Kool-Aid. Now Trump is the only one left that can really shake things up.
Pretty much this.
The whole youtube atheist/skeptic community is full of piece of shit humans that we'd all be better for their immediate deaths.
this guy is WAY more redpilled than sargon of cuck
Somebody needs to send him this
Eh, I've watched a stream where people call out to his face about his ad homs and his response was he was just being a dick. Sargon is a Paris Attacks part 2: London Edition away from red-pilled completely.
So umm, who's that band that plays at first. That lead singer is probably about to star in a fap session.
AIU being a little winy bitch,
As usual.
Sargon is a huge dick to the people he talks about, but he makes solid, logical points in every single one of his videos.
>watching furries
This. His name is seriously Atheism is Unstoppable. That level of self-congratulatory whig history is pretty obvious. I'm surprise Sargon had him on because AIU hates niggers.
I like AIU, I follow him on Twitter and Youtbe, but does he not see he is making his own "echohamber"? The very thing he shits on TYT for making.
I only watched one or two of his vids but he seriously seems high off his own piss tbqh.
That, and he thinks he's funnier than he is, had to stop watching his TYT videos after he kept doing stupid voice mimicking and baby talk. That and he kept plastering the nudes some girl had where she had written his youtube name every other fucking minute yet it was all of the same fucking girl, no others. If he's gonna be trying to show off his followers, apparently he only has one who's willing send shit.
Who the fuck wants a fair weather friend like that?
Plus he's vehemently anti-gun, fuck him honestly
>The very thing he shits on TYT for making.
huh? I've argued with all of TYT on multiple occasions. They only pull the trigger on you if you are an asshat/go racial/sexist or someshit like that.
>Shillary supporter
>"red pilled"
He called Bernie a cuck after he said poor Whites are privileged. He's always hated Shillary and made 2 or 3 pro-Trump videos.
He steals his content from the "ebil ald ride" like his video about how Blacks commit more crime. He plagiarized Jared Taylor's elegiac while ignoring the role of IQ. He says alt right memes like chimpouts and cucks, but he occasionally spergs out and calls the alt-right right wing SJWs to separate himself from them. He'll post here soon if he hasn't already to defend himself.
No they don't. They're hypocritical asshats taking money from fucking terrorist organizations and chimp when get called out from it.
That's pretty sad. I've watched a handful of his videos. I saw is Cologne video and the one about his grandfather. His hangout with Sargon and Vee was odd because he managed to out-sperg Vee. Vee is alright, but isn't nearly knowledgeable enough to comment on half the things he talks about.
he's strange, very strange.
keeps talking about race realism and 14 words type stuff, yet do not under any circumstance stop mass immigration
i am starting to think he actually might be sinister
nigger if you don't want to get swatted you best not accuse Alt Right You Tuber of being a hillary supporter
I can think of a few times where Devon said TYT is an echochamber. His stance on blocking/banning looks like he's trying to make his own echochamber of sorts. To me at least.
At this rate, The caliphate will be completed within our lifetimes.
It honestly is, I dislike sargon but if I had to choose between AIU and Cuckold Sarg, I'd pick the cuckold.
the program may be but TYT various comment sections are not echochambers, and even they have had people the disagree with on and it turned into a shitshow for them, like Jared Taylor.
what AIU is doing IS actually acting like a proper echochamber, only he speaks, "listen and believe!" and no dissenting opinions allowed to reach his ears or eyes.
So how much did he get paid?
This. Sarcuck has good information and tells the truth as often as his "enlightenment values" and 2 years of college will let him. AIU is an old bitter weirdo.
Sargon makes a quarter million a year. AIU probably leaches off of his family.
scrotum of mossad
he is done for now :)
No, AIU. How much did CTR pay to have a YouTube personality on retainer?
Yeah, that's the thing. Even though he dropped the ball completely with MW, he still puts effort into his shit and does at least try to present a good picture.
AIU on the otherhand is just fucking cringe.
does AIU count a Atheism+?
AiU did redpill a few people including rubin and Amazing atheist but they were both low hanging fruit. His ego is completely unchecked. I hope he steps away for a bit after trump is elected and does some hard self-re-evaluation.
Whats this sempai?
I actually didn't even realize AIU is even popular until today actually.
To be honest, I don't know much about Atheism+ Other than it supposedly ruined Atheism, so yeah.
>Alt right cuck
>Some fag I've never heard of
Why would I support either? They can both get bent as far as I'm concerned.
6/10 for getting a response.
The hangout with Millenial Woes was weak shit for both of them. Sargon just Cenked out on MW's good points and MW failed to have proper citations to questions that would obviously come up.
MillennialWoes. Since we're on the subject of YT, another good youtuber of the same branch is BlackPigeon
he snaped cause of this:
Very very true. I have followed him for about a year now and have only really disagreed with him on the 2nd Amendment and Hillary. He blocked me too for saying "I disagree with you on these points"
this guy is the superior bull compared to these cucks
I think Sargon went full hypocrite when he started getting trigged by MW's subscribers in the chat when they started bantering with him and Sargon tried to do the whole "they're your responsibility etc" Which memory is fuzzy but it was something Sargon had just spoken against in a Bernie followers Vs Trump followers vid.
MW did better than Sargon at least but you're right, MW could have been more prepared.
He's just retarded. He grew up with race realist parents from Suid Afrika and has to suck Sam Harris' dick at the same time. He took the opposite purple pill that Sargon took. That sort of cognitive dissonance is hard.
A good example of Atheism+ would be this cucked little bitch. youtube.com
AiU is kinda his own little microcosm he would be alright if his Ego was less like Nigerian cock.
Yeah Sargon got pretty triggered by being called the "Quadroon of Mossad" which I found kind of funny. Sargon needs the Alt-Right to be right wing SJWs so he can stick to his classical liberal schtick.
MW should really hit the books because he has more potential than Sargon by a mile and hasn't realized it yet.
why does she think anyone wants to talk to such a person?
>talking to her is a priviledge cause she is yelly and obnoxious more like its a chore or a hazard to speak with her.
Does trump have some kind of mutant power that drives jews insane? So far all the jews seem to hate him, even ones that should be agreeing with him. it's uncanny.
Neither, because YouTube drama is one great big publicity stunt.
Keep that shit away from Sup Forums. If I wanted YouTube niggershit, I would have gone to YouTube.
Oh fuck. I couldn't last five minutes.
What happened that he's cuck?
BlackPigeon pretty much dropped the ball on his shillary ad response video, childish crap. But I've seen his stuff. Haven't watched MW ill have to check out that sargon hangout and go from there.
He has pissed of Jews, but he has Jews on his side. I think the difference is between Jews and (((the Jews))).
Just ignore the thread desu. Not that hard faggot.
Web search shows Kerli
To the left even though Shillary is everything they oppose Trump is LITERALLY Hitler. As long as that's the case they will overlook all of her problems.
>Blocking someone on YouTube
kek, so he got hacked and doxed? nice
Literally cucked.. His wife is abusive feminist that controls him like a hostage. There's a video of him and her talking and like she calls him out for liking Angel over Buffy (sexist) and his mostly male artist music collection (Also sexist) its actually very sad and depressing to think about this guy. He used to be half way descent.
You're probably blocked by him on twatter too. His block bot is massive.
yeah a few hours ago
Shit did he really? Fug. I haven't been able to see his videos due to time constraints lately. I'm surprised he's going that route. He's usually put together from all the other stuff I've seen. What specifically did he do in the shillary ad response vid?
I've always wondered why they've completely overlooked everything and can't get past the emotional bias. It's bizarre.
Alt right you tuber is a voice actor from adult swim mocking us btw
Nah, I avoid social media like a plague but now I remember, no wonder he seemed familiar I remember watching someone putting him in a cringe vid with that segment.
He has no right to bitch for doxing critics and a 14 year old who dislike him.
>He grew up with race realist parents from Suid Afrika and has to suck Sam Harris' dick at the same time.
I don't get what you're trying to say there, regarding Harris.
There is nothing wrong with what he is saying in this video.
Never heard of AIU; I quite like Sargon but I'm way too lazy to watch his videos anymore. Chap does have good taste in vidya though so he's my nigga.
BPs didn't shit the bed, but it was meaningless ad homs and making voices and just didn't need to make the video. He needs to stick to what he is good at, Graphics and discussion of human nature.
His failure on the video was more inexperience than anything. I just expected much better.
In Devons video about Vadim he said that the Vadims name was already out there. Does that really count as a dox? I've been following AIU for over a year now, so I may be a little bias
harris was on rubin a few days ago and talked about race realism a bit. hes a cuck
Sam Harris is redpilled on Islam, but has to pretend people would be equal without God. He was concerned about racial realism on The Rubin Report because if we know people's limits we will become evil racists.
He has to call out feminist excesses, Islam, racial egalitarianism, and stay a leftwinger. This is a contradictory position to take and leads inconsistent thinking.
Holy fuck how much of a sperg can you be?
I hope his subscriber base falls like a stone. Jesus.
Ahh alright, gotcha. Thanks for explaining it man.
The rest of the video covers the issues with that. Still AIU has done this to others and posted the real names of other people because they insulted him. He released the name for the purpose of revenge, whether or not it was a dox.
Pretty much this. He acknowledged it might be true, but we shouldn't study it. I think that's wrong because we can't do the best for anyone if we treat everyone the same.
Devon works on Rick and Morty? Or am I really that retarded
if he uses the material he gathers for Rick & Morty that's okay, it's alright.
How is he a cuck?
>but has to pretend people would be equal without God. He was concerned about racial realism on The Rubin Report because if we know people's limits we will become evil racists.
He never stated that all races are equal. I got the impression he either 1) Doesn't know/doesn't want to think about it but doesn't close out the possibility there are clear differences 2) Thinks there are clear differences but doesn't say it because it would be social suicide
yeah i think we should talk about it honestly aswell.. just stuff like affirmative action is based on a lie.if we counter differences in biology with stupid politics it will blow up anyway sooner or later
i misclicked when replying, talking about this
>all those sargon fankiddies in comments
holy shit nu-males are triggered lmao
Atheists are like a white male version of feminists. They're just as annoying and self-righteous, I fucking hate them.
AIU is usually on point but it's only because he attacks low hanging fruit a la The Young Turks on a daily basis, whenever he posts a pro-Hillary video, he gets destroyed by his own subscribers and then bans them in a temper tantrum. He's on the spectrum, and either blind from doubling down on supporting Shillary after the convention, or just actually stupid when it comes to politics. He's the most emotional, weak, and shallow "Alpha male" I've ever seen.