>Get Out has gotten unexpectedly huge here. Not only is it at the top of the box office, but people talk about it all the time. While people are not 100% familiar with the racial background of the film I've seen quite a few posts on Korean websites about the racial background/social situations in the US and "explanations" for it. I was pretty sure I won't get to see this movie in Korea just a month ago. >[Current box office data from Korean Film Commission.]( kobis.or.kr/kobis/business/stat/boxs/findDailyBoxOfficeList.do) Get Out has been at the top for two consecutive days since it opened here on May 17.
>[Article about people's positive reviews.]( m.insight.co.kr/newsRead.php?ArtNo=105918) Interestingly many articles and reviews, like this one, referred to Get Out as "American *The Wailing*" as some of the comments here also compared two films.
>>What is noticeable are the actions and the words of white characters towards the black people (...) Treating Chris kindly but with unabashed discriminatory attitude. This was based on the actual experiences of the director Jordan Peele, a famous black comedian.
>>North American cinema praised this film as a "film that points out liberal racism". It refers to the attitude of the white people, behaving as though they understand and accept the blacks and deriving satisfaction from it. Director Peele, with a twist-thriller featuring SF elements, touches his scalpel upon this hypocrisy. He managed to deliver both the message and the fun, so to speak.
Remind me why are you crybabies still throwing a childish tantrum cause of that masterpiece?
>People that ry their best to not be racist and accept niggers are somehow still racist enough to niggers to make it an issue
When will this end?
Austin Johnson
When liberals start treating minorities like everyone else instead of looking for every opportunity to suck their dicks some more.
Benjamin Barnes
Ignoring the previous posts except for OP, Get Out is a very Korean movie.
Oliver Wright
As a conservative, your post gave me a boner. I got hard thinking of my wife with black men. Sup Forums turned me on to this fetish. My wife thanks them.
Landon Perez
Imagine being this pathetic lol
Holy shit you losers got mental issues haha
Blake Hill
Luke Myers
hate blacks, hate lefties, hate foreners in general. love pints. not racist just don't like em, simple as
Isaiah Reyes
Kek, I love this movie, I am a big fan of its director, but the film is actually xenophobic as fuck and refreshingly so. It's Lovecraft for mulattos, where "whiteness" is the "other", a fate worse than death or becoming a deep one.
Wyatt White
stopped reading there. Start speaking like a decent human being and not some disgusting smelly basement dweller crying on Sup Forums and masturbating to animated little girls all day long
Owen Ortiz
Angel Hughes
>referred to Get Out as "American *The Wailing*" as some of the comments here also compared two films
Get Out is a billion times better than The Wailing.
Ethan Flores
Blake Lopez
Korea is woke
Aaron Reyes
as fuck
Luis Collins
Godamn I love being white
We really are the center of the universe and all these dirty subhuman think about
Cameron Price
lol whatever help you forget how miserable your life is
Chase Morris
S Korea just elected a president that is trying to move the country away from America.
Xavier Nguyen
Liberals are really the most racist people of all. They are denying agency from blacks over their own lives and keeping them in a perpetual state of infantilism with state handouts, creating a culture of dependancy and victim mentality.
Gavin Long
how the fuck are they supposed to move an entire country?
Sebastian Gonzalez
The only people who post that shit on Sup Forums are the lefties who "raid" and think Sup Forums doesn't know that they are being raided. It's fucking hilarious.
Grayson Smith
Samuel Green
I haven't seen it bro so idk what you mean
Kevin Allen
lol i'm west african, we were very poor when we immigrated to canada, there's no affirmative action in our province
Today every single member of my direct family (except parents) is a medical doctor. My brother is a neurosurgeon, he used to idolize ben carson now he dislikes ben carson
Ben carson is an idiot. He's smart but he's not wise. My bro is very liberal btw
Just because ben carson says some dumb shit doesn't give it value. He only said that slaves were just travellers who wanted a "better" life in faraway lands. fucking retarded
Trying to shit on black people by using an idiot (he's smart but no fucking social cues,doesn't know shit about social situations)
Nolan Roberts
>South Korea, which has one of the most sophisticated film audience, liked a well-made American film
Why is this news?
James Myers
Get Out was a good movie.
Camden Morgan
Christian Moore
>st sophisticated film audience, liked a well-made American everytime get out is posted here ,everyone throws a childish tantrum and starts spamming the "NIGGGERR"
Daniel Powell
I just watched this movie and racial shit aside it's just pleb normie shit.
Connor Bennett
Because, according to Sup Forums, all Asians and every other race hates black people apparently. Didn't you know that?
That's the cutting edge, factual and generalizing sociopolitical information you can only get by being on Sup Forums 21 hours a day.
Eli Price
Because idiots on here think everyone in Asia is a aggressive racist towards black people
Adrian Taylor
I just watched your grandma fuck a mailman
Tyler Carter
I want this movie to just go away
Jaxon Price
>thought it was going to be that they are brainwashing blacks to be their slaves which is why all the black people keep acting scared >it's actually transplanting white peoples brains into young black bodies, so it makes no sense for the black characters to be acting scared or acting subservient if they are just old white people in new bodies
bravo blacks!
Austin Rivera
it's becoming a classic, sorry for you but even your weeboo safespace for pathetic basement dwellers isn't safe anymore
Samuel Lee
Wouldn't you be scared if people were snatching bodies and transferring their minds into them?
Elijah Turner
Lovecraft was about the horror of knowledge, and that you cannot unknow the truth. Only recently did someone try to inflate the misinterpretation that he was being xenophobic.
Oliver Foster
t. pleb
Carson Wood
wow you're an idiot. I mean, think about the movie for a second. What do ol,d white people normally do? What would oold white people do if they had a younger body?
Damn you're dumb lol
bravo "high iq" genius!
Jayden Martin
classic my ass, this movie shoots its whole load in 1 viewing, a classic needs to have replay value
Connor Jones
He was, but that was pretty much the norm at the time.
Elijah Sanchez
but do koreans really understand that the black is the superior athlete?
Brayden Jones
>Get out >no replay value
you sure picked the wrong movie to associate it with a lack of replay value. blacks r not superior athletes faggot
Robert Martin
whitey sure is a jerk, amirite?
Julian Morgan
Blacks are literally only good at running and basketball, basically every other sport is dominated by white people. How are they superior athletes?
Jackson Ross
Blacks are an abstraction to Koreans, the country is 96% Korean. Probably a curiosity to them.
>Good movie is still good >Alt right snowflakes are still crying about it >Most of them clearly haven't even seen it but are still outraged Everything seems to be in order here, carry on.
Samuel Morales
Why does Sup Forums act like race is just one big toy chest and appeal mass generalizations to all people?
Brandon Peterson
what? lol how insecure are you
realized that 4channers are literally the most insecure idiots ever lol
Luke Gutierrez
because :
Ian Cox
every thread
William Miller
see, why can't muslims assimilate this well?
Justin Reyes
Do you also think statistics are racist?
I just asked you a question, how am I insecure?
John Ramirez
Peele understands that the white liberal is motivated by boredom, self-hatred and wanting to be "different" to other white people, and black people (minorities in general, really) are just a means to that end that they don't sincerely care about. They only tolerate them if they do what they're told, which essentially just amounts to voting for the right politicians and playing up how "disadvantaged" they are so the white people can pat themselves on the back for being opposed to that disadvantage. That's not to say people on the right are necessarily any better, but at least they see black people as being equal enough to actually be held to account for their actions, and don't feel the need to condescendingly "get down to their level" to communicate with them.
Film itself is well-executed and funny, but pretty generic outside of the theme it explores. But, you know, that's horror in a nutshell and doesn't really justify the backlash.
Justin Young
Explain how you disagree with my conjecture.
Jack Howard
because as they travelled down the symbolic rabbit hole of the movie, they caught pause at feeling like it might be painting them racist, or because it might be propping up the black experience as a subject for discussion, instead of travelling an inch deeper and seeing that it's actually pretty revelatory in that it insults the liberals who would apologize and defend blacks, who would virtue signal about all their black friends, who would say the understand them and treat them ironically more insultingly, more condescendingly.
basically, if it can be misconstrued, it will be, by troll-right.
Camden Walker
Not only was he xenophobic, he was pretty self aware of it being beyond what was considered suitably racist at the time, going into rants in front of his Jewish wife and being told to tone it down by colleagues who themselves you'd be hard pressed to call politically correct by any modern standard. Doesn't take away his brilliance, in fact it only enhanced it. I suggest you read a biography or his collected letters for more.
>try to be nice to black people >dump infinite amounts of money into their schools and welfare programs even though there is little evidence that doing this will make them smarter and more successful >pretend their hip hop music is just as valid and beautiful as Western poetry >award them elite social positions solely on the basis of their race, because to award these positions according to merit is too hard for them >indulge their every complaint; give each a primetime spot on every news network >structure society around catering to its dumbest and laziest, as they demanded >in a hypothetical scenario, literally give them your daughters and welcome them and their children into your family >this is STILL not enough And will never be enough. There is no point where black people will one day appreciate white liberals for wiping their asses. There is no point where black people one day decide to stop holding out their hands.
They are essentially a race of perpetual infancy. They are a bottomless pit of resentment, narcissism, and ignorance. They have no knowledge of personal responsibility, no understanding of consequence, and will never, never, NEVER stop complaining, because to stop whining like a little bitch will mean having to admit personal fault, make an effort, and engage in self-reflection.
It's HARD to acknowledge your failures are a result of your own actions
It's EASY to throw a tantrum in front of a nice white lady, soak her for all her money and compassion, and then insult her behind her back
Fuck black people. Absolute scum of the earth, I sincerely have grown to hate them
David Campbell
The movie was competently made but utter racebating in its content. If this was 'white man wins v blacks' it would be 1% on RT.
Either way this movie made next to no money outside of America so I guess Korean women must have a thing for Jamel or something
Jayden Flores
>Jordan Peele, a famous black comedian. >Jordan Peele >black comedian
Dominic Fisher
Not all black people, jackass.
Christian Harris
cute crying m8
I'm west african in my direct family has more PhDs (all medical doctors no affirmative action in my province) than your social circle combined lol.
Stop crying and fist yourself already
Nathaniel Long
this, just 90%.
Josiah Ortiz
yeah just 90% of you are pathetic losers crying about minorities all day long
Mason Butler
>realized that 4channers are literally the most insecure idiots ever lol No, that would be niggers like you. It's why you made this thread.
Daniel Campbell
Benjamin Evans
I envy niggers because they will never have to experience life with a race worse than them.
Christopher Rogers
keep telling yourself that lmao
Ethan Rogers
You are a nigger, nobody cares about where from africa you are.
Landon Morgan
>There is no point where black people one day decide to stop holding out their hands.
Oh but there will. The day when they finally outnumber the white people in the country. On that day, the hands will still be holding machetes.
Don't believe me? Ask a white farmer in South Africa. Or just go anywhere in America where blacks outnumber whites and observe what a tolerant and peaceful community is it. Have the police on speed dial though.
Asher Johnson
Not really. Just a loud and obnoxious subset of African Americans that ruin it for everybody, just like a loud-mouth creationist or a fedora atheist or a crocodile tears crying Jew or an alt-right conservative or a SJW liberal. Most people are in the middle between extremes, or try to stay away from them as hard as they can, white or coloured, theist or atheist, lefty or righty, faggot or cuck.
Lincoln Wilson
The world isn't as simple and politically correct as this.
Zachary Campbell
>ben carson shits on liberals despite being a product of liberal policies
really makes me think
Jose James
You manage to agree with Carson's point then call him an idiot at once
Brody Brown
i came here to watch you cry and it's working. I don't browse Sup Forums shithole lol ,decided to make this thread and watch you losers throw a fit. I might go back to studying in a couple minutes but you're entertaining me so far imagine being this pathetic haha
Levi Thompson
>no affirmative action Do you honestly believe that? Let's be real, your entire life is affirmative action. Your presence in a Western country rather than some disease-ridden mudhut is affirmative action. The fact that you speak English rather than tongue clicks is affirmative action. The fact that you have access to clean water and electricity is affirmative action. You, a West African, are the human embodiment of affirmative action. You have never achieved anything in your life that wasn't the result of some white liberal wanting to feel better about themselves. So say thanks and shut the fuck up
Austin Rivera
seems like you're trying to convince yourself lol
Ryder Bailey
>n-no I never post here and this thread is just a coincidence and I don't want the approval of white people
Jeremiah James
So even when you're at the top of your promotion ,you're a result of liberal policies?
God you people are dumb
Alexander Morgan
Ask one of your buddies to explain bell curves to you.
Evan Watson
It really is, it's just we've never had any good, peaceful and effortless way to get rid of the loud-mouths and those who believe themselves more entitled than us, thus wars and genocide and hatred and bloodshed, but things have been getting progressively better throughout the ages, even though the powers that be or the media paints it as being way worse than it truly is. That current news item you're loosing your shit over will be forgotten in a week tops when another takes over and so on. Heck, look back a month or two and laugh at the stupid shit that's been keeping you on edge.
Levi Martin
Wait for a disaster that breaks down public order. Then see what side those middle-ground niggers decide to stand on.
Hint: it won't be the side of middle-ground white people. They'll be right there with ghetto niggers bashing in your head and taking your shit. Because, at the end of the day you are still just a cracker ass cracker to them.
Brody Hernandez
Never. Jordan Peele, a fucking Hollywood millionaire, says he's a victim of racism every fucking day. And white liberals, who are being demonized in this movie, are still licking his feet and praising him for how 'insightful' it is.
At this point, I honestly can't see how the left doesn't just straight up hate white people.
Matthew Williams
Yeah, of course. Without liberal white policies you niggers would still be chucking spears. I don't think you realize how worthless your race is.
Kevin Sullivan
how did i agree with him? Ben carson is an exception desu, he fascinates me, IF we had immigrated to detroit instead of a canadian neighborhood my eldest bro wouldnt be a doctor, let alone a neurosurgeon regardless of affirmative action
Without him opening the medschool path for the rest of us,none of us would have made it
Ben carson is a surprising case desu
William Collins
Oh damn you are right. I guess he got his job as head of secretary of housing because of his qualifications and deep insight into that field and not because of his color.
No I'm sure there weren't more qualified white guys who could do it and Trump just wanted a black guy in one of his cabinet positions.
Dylan Jackson
Well, as the image you posted suggests, stop giving them free stuff and treat them like adults
Brody Kelly
No it isn't. It's just very simple to tell yourself that the same differences can be found everywhere and no culture, people or civilization is worse than any other after correcting for this somehow. It's a kid's belief.
Cameron Russell
i think youre the only pathetic one here. as a white person, it suckjs that blacks have essentially made me tip toe around them otherwise its always RACIST WHITEY DOIN SUMN CUZ IM BLACK
Brandon Bennett
>Do you honestly believe that? Let's be real don't cut yourself on that edge,yiyu seem like someone who's gonna kill himself out of misery soon (not soon enough according to those around you lol)
Keep crying m8
Brb you're a successful neurosurgeon (not me,eldest) and some pasty white pathetic miserable loser on an anime forum thinks he's smarter because
lol hahaha,keep posting hahahahahahah
Even when you graduate at the top of your promotion
just give up on life. Just because you failed yours doesn't mean others are as mediocre as you
Jack Collins
>I honestly can't see how the left doesn't just straight up hate white people.
Everyone is starting to see that. That's why they're losing so much ground politically. Regardless of their fantasies of white genocide, white people still make up about 60% of the population. They went all in with the blacks because they tend to stay poor, while the Hispanics and Asian will probably go the way of traditional upward mobility like the Irish and the Italians before them. And with upward mobility comes conservatism.
Mason Ross
damn, way too true. they hate us cuz they ain't us.
Christian Harris
Nobody cares about your life story you faggot nigger coon
Alright i'm out ,keep crying and please be useful by not fucking up your upcoming suicide, the E.R team shouldn't have to waste time to filth like you lol
Kayden Allen
The Korean War was a mistake.
David Foster
lmao, i'm not even racist but when i see faggots like this i go full 1488, it's funny as fuck.