"that was a nice nap"-core
The Day a Pig Fell into the Well (1996)
There Will Be Blood.
Was there even any blood? I must have missed it while I was nodding off.
Every Netflix original show which just seems to consist of naggin women and teenagers.
I just bought this Blu-ray blind. Haven't watched it yet because I've been busy and this movie is long.
>Wahhh no time to contemplate need 'splosions and car chases
worst movie I've ever seen
Not OP but you'll regret it. You should never buy Criterion films blind.
Biggest piece of shit ever made. For some reason this Taiwanese film has a french title.
He bought a Criterion without seeing the film first
I have a pretty good Blu-ray collection, and I'm trying to buy Sight & Sound magazine's top 100 films. Even if I don't like it, I would have bought it anyway.
Vive L'Amour is great, pleb
quite the opposite
I've seen it about a dozen times, and i put it on for some background noise a few weeks ago while doing some work and ended up glued to the screen for about an hour.
A movie where a woman literally cries for 10 minutes on a park bench at the end is 'great'
The Assassin and Adieu au Langage
The second one I'd highly recommend, because sometimes you don't know if you're sleeping or watching the movie and the shit that's on screen affects your dreams. I'd say that was Godard's intention.
>Adieu au Langage
I just looked this up, is it important to watch it in 3D?
I've heard people say it's the greatest use of 3D in any movie ever.
I didn't watch in 3D, but it's a 3D critique made in 3D. And I some pseuds said the film was about the 'Death of Image', when it's about how films discredit the visual image and the most important thing about this movie are its aforisms (most are shit, but some are good), and it's important to know that there's no narrative.
I liked this. The framing and shots were interesting. If you really want to watch a piece of shit with no redeeming qualities, check out this: It's boring, uncinematic shots of people talking. I can't believe people praise this director, he's garbage and I understand all his films are like this.
Its up there for sure
Unironically this
I saw this on 35mm with an almost sold out audience and even stayed for a Q&A afterwards. I am literally better than you. feels good.
May as well add Turin Horse, hell just add anything by Bela Tarr
teacher played this in one of my high school science classes I think, literally slept through it.