What are we asking him on reddit tomorrow?
What are we asking him on reddit tomorrow?
Other urls found in this thread:
"Can you make the wall 10 feet taller?"
Why are you so racist
Ask him if he can check em
Nice gets.
The AMA will probably be drowned with salty libcucks and CTR anyway.
Nothing because I don't use reddit
If he can come up with a less retarded tax plan also if he can genocide muslims
When are you going to hand Ted the delegates Dahnald?
6.9k upboats
We ask him if he will release proof that the holohoax was a fake, of course xD
Will be epic!
No really, I hope the retards can control their autism for an hour or two. Tall order, I know.
I really hope Sup Forums doesn't go full awoo autist and start spamming him lolis
"Did you infiltrate Sup Forums Sup Forums and then through memetic magika make /r/The_Donald"
"Are you aware of Can't stump the trump videos?"
"How does it feel to have a whole army of centipedes at your disposal?"
The sub will be banned.
But in all seriousness a thing I really do want to ask him is
""Do you have any plans to things in place that won't allow parties paid by corporations to run? Or at least make it illegal for a candidate to run if under investigation?""
I hope trump is able to put something in place to prevent the clintons from ever running again
Checked and agreed, this will be our Tom hardy
>berniefags are redditors
>does AMA right after bernie stabs berniefags in the back
praise fucking kek
Ask him if getting caught is part of his plan?
>implying that isn't exactly what will happen
>implying it won't be HillShills though and it'll be so blatant even the most desperate of cucks will find it hard to believe it was actually Sup Forums, just like the "racists" after Brexit who sent death threats to...white Poles
ask him to say PRAISE BE TO KEK
or take a photo pointing to his upper left
Why would somebody shoot a man, before throwing him out of a plane?
I will ask him about these dubs
We should keep replying YOURE A BIG GUY
Eventually he'll ask his intern what it means and he'll respond properly.
Tell him to prepare for the debates because Hillary was walking circles around Bernie and deflecting every attack
Whether he wants to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
No thats dumb
Serious though why does reddit get a Trump AMA and we don't? We have been his supporters though everything and we don't organise Nazi frog twitter raids on black actresses like reddit does
I'm afraid this will finally be the thing that stumps him. Anything anyone says will be reported in the media and attributed to him.
Please don't say this
We need reddit faggets to actually like The don
Who's going to pay for the wall?
Mr Trump as i'm sure you may have noticed many critics of you on twitter have parenthesis around their usernames e.g. (((Cohen))) What similarities or coincidences have you noticed between them?
preemptive upvote
doesn't matter, reddit cucks are going to brigade the hell out of that thread and spam it with
>vaccines cause autism
>China invented global warming
>Mexicans are rapists
etc etc, mark my words it'll be a shitshow
Honestly though this can only go well for Trump. He is going to shake off the '''''populist''''' antics that he started his campaign with and finally ease into the character of The 45th President of the Unite States
this, also IMO we should stay away so the berniebots "can ask him anything"
Ask him what's his favorite meme
How do I get my older sister to have sex with me?
Kek but yeah that s fucking true , 70% of critics on tweeter are coming from ((((((((())))) sure is a coincidence right ? RIGHT?
Thank you for your valuable input, President user. Since you've been so successful in your presidential campaigns of the past we would be foolish to take your opinion with a grain of fucking salt.
Because it's too easy for (((the media))) to spin us as a Neo-Nazi white supremacist board if he actually announced it would be here. It would hurt his campaign. Reddit is for normies.
>Trump does AMA on neo nazi hate site
I think Donald is his own favorite meme.
The nazi frog obviously
kek I made sure to give my Reddit sock puppet a Banepost name so Sup Forums can find it in the ama
his favorite meme is Ben 'One man Benghazi' Garrison
Don't ask him anything, just let actual reddit faggots ask him questions and hopefully he red pills them. We have nothing to gain by going there and shitposting.
Wow ur so kewl
Tell him to push the clinton foundation angle as hard as possible and impersonate passionate bernie voters who are switching parties
I got banned for posting a !reminder thing RIP
Thats one ugly nigger.
kek redditors upset just from that
>all these faggots going to ask him meme questions
I don't use Reddit never have never will
I've never even clicked a link to direct me there from Sup Forums
Fuck that place I'll wait for anima screenshots
whether he loves his Sup Forums fanclub
>muh autism
"What are your thoughts on /po/?"
ask him how he feels about bohemian grove and if he's ever experienced anything that would indicate cult like worship of ancient gods by elites