>Mfw absolutely no-one on Sup Forums comprehends the real meaning behind Covenant

This. This was ACs Downfall. I did not care about these characters.

Everyone was memeing Danny McFucking Bride but he was the most likeable and real character. Even Daniel's rang hollow. She was giving the dead girlfriend motivation like comic book hero's get.

I care about the crew of the nostromo I even care about the Marines from the sluco.

Example of worthless characters. When the fags boyfriend dies from the face burster he embraces him as a lost partner but NO WHERE in the movie are they shown as a couple. It makes the scene of him crying over his dead cock holster fucking meaningless and contrived.

that bioweapon pretty much told us everything, such weapons actually exist and they attack each different race(asian,black,white), hence the reason the elites wants all of humanity to race mix so they only need to make one strain to destroy all of humanity(except them and their servants)

You wrote nothmoho wrong.

supposed for

I liked Walter and Ferris. Oh and the wheat guy, he knows wheat. I found the captain funny in how little leadership skills he had and how little respect he garnered.

>fake news

This is the shit I liked about Alex Jones, the Alien conspiracies not him sucking Trumps dick

E.T phone home lol

>implying you wouldn't have shot up your theater in anger if the gay couple had been shown to be intimate before hand

This was honestly one of the worst movies I have ever seen

Oh I liked Walter too. Ferris was forgettable for me.

Nope. Obviously if you followed the marketing you see they are queer and partners before the go into cryo but without that in the movie the scene is not very important. It did have been cut or reshoot.

You must not like a lot. This has nothing on Aliens versus Predator requiem in terms of being s*****

This is AJ at his finest.

>posted Dec 2016

Damn, advertisers are really trying hard to sell their shit films.

Alex Jones scripted this entire shit

What's the point of David making a memorial for Elizabeth Shaw but then we see her dissected on the table. He stated he loved her and all that.

He tells Daniels I'm going to do to you what I did to her.

I think Shaw died trying to escape him after she realizes he killed the humanoids and she actually dies crashing the ship. I think her dissection is just the end result.

I also think the female uterus plays a part in the development of the xeno

This is an accurate assessment.

He admired her personality, and used her body for his work. Is that not worth a memorial?

Pretty obvious what he meant. He's gonna use her as an experiment for xeno stuff

She went to sleep while on the engy ship and prob never woke up. David dropped the carpet bomb of black goo on the engys while she was sleeping without her consent.

Except when you see Daniels flipping some of the sketches David has done, it looks like Shaw has a xenomorph chestburster coming out of her in one.

I thought the body on the table was an engineer?


Really? To me it looked like anatomy sketches. I can see your point though.

Also whoever has the point of admiring her enough to use her body for experimenting isn't bad either.