Get over it and get on board.
/DChad/ hype train starts here!
Yes that's a statue of her in Madrid
Get over it and get on board.
/DChad/ hype train starts here!
Yes that's a statue of her in Madrid
>mural in Sydney, Australia
someone should go cum on its feet
Interesting how the artist made her thicker.
Hateful, rat-faced kike.
Injustice 2 Wondy is qt but she's an evil cunt.
One of you filthy fucking Spaniards go deface it please.
>WB marketing team made her a statue
whoa, she sure is a cultural icon already
There's only one Wonder Girl and her name is Donna Troy
>mfw my brother, my dad, and 5 of my guy friends think gal gadot is super hot and I'm weird for thinking she looks like a rat
I give the jews credit. They know how to brainwash the sheeple
Yes she is.
I am sad a horrible supermodel turned actress has hitched to wagon to her to steal the limelight.
Eh. I liked Cassie in Young Justice too.
>mfw black widow is a bigger cultural female icon than wonder woman
>Young Justice
So hyped that they're working on S3
WW already was, and still is more than any woman in Marvel. That's a fact.
>tfw they are both useless and stick out like sore thumbs on their respective teams
But don't not praise them. Or you're a filthy misogynist
Pls be real...
Disney wishes.
Say that again
Literally everyone who doesn't post on Sup Forums thinks she's attractive
Even my black friends thinks she's hot and they invented liking T.H.I.C.C.
>Injustice 2 Wondy is qt
Aunt May is better.
there is a god
That's a badass statue. Where is that?
did you try reading the OP :/
Why would you want to cum on Gal's golden feet?
how are they going to reconcile Miss Martian being the main female character with DC's ongoing effort to erase Martian Manhunter from DC properties
Thanks. I'd gotten so used to Sup Forums being a black hole of actual information, I skipped straight to image search.
Madrid! I know right?!
That pic from a year-old build btw
Old screenshot. They fixed her face.
Isn't J'onn an important character in Supergirl?
DC animated properties have always been their own animal. Plus Miss Martian is a fan favorite so I doubt they'll drop her.
Yeah but that's a low budget tv show. He's being phased out of most of their big important projects for some reason.
Why are they trying to erase Martian Manhunter?
J'onn's a strange character. Always has been. He always seems more at home in a team book than in a series of his own.
Personally, I always hoped they'd move him over to Vertigo and let some crazy writer turn him into David Bowie.
Synder or the guy who wrote the films basically called everyone who likes Martian Manhunter and She-hulk permavirgin losers.
That was when I dropped DC
I remember that panel. I've never seen someone leverage that much open distain for their audience before.
I'm not so amazed with Gadot's acting chops but I like how women are hyped for this. I know most people here don't give a fuck about it but there hasn't been a single halfway solid superhero movie for girls. now, it seems as if it will be halfway decent in the eyes of the masses so why not be a bit happy for others?
hell, if the movie is bad in my eyes and others like it, I'll at least be happy that someone other than me can enjoy it
you hateful fucking faggots seriously need a life
It was David Goyer
>“How many people in the audience have heard of Martian Manhunter?”
>After hearing some light applause and cheers, he added
>“How many people that raised their hands have ever been laid?”
>“Well, he hasn’t been rebooted but he’s a mainstay in the Justice League. He can’t be [frick]ing called the Martian Manhunter because that’s goofy. He can be called Manhunter… The whole deal with Martian Manhunter is he’s an alien living amongst us… So he comes down to Earth and decides, unlike Superman who already exists in the world now, that he’s just going to be a homicide detective… So instead of using super-powers and mind-reading and like, oh, I could figure out if the President’s lying or whatever, he just decides to disguise himself as a human homicide detective. Dare to dream!”
>That was when I dropped DC
what a lying retard you are. and if you really did drop DC that moment, you were never even into it to begin with, little whiny bitch
They are used at worshipping jews over there
The She-Hulk dude was just as bad if not worse. I think it was at a Comicon panel, though I can't remember which.
>electric guitar autistically screeching intensifies
>“How many people that raised their hands have ever been laid?”
I'm pretty sure he just wanted to imply that MM wasn't mainstream even though he pretty much was because of the JL cartoon. fucking christ, everyone offended my that comment is no better than those SJW and feminist morons
>"wah, he called me virgin!!!!"
and you people wonder why feminists get offended by fuck all
>there hasn't been a single halfway solid superhero movie for girls.
A lot of girls like Suicide Squad. It's pretty much a superhero flick.
Fuck off Goyer, I'm not watching any more of your shit movies.
>inserts endless quips into WW to pander to Marvel retards
wow ya really hit it home with that one
LOL the marketing budget will be huge, no way they will ever earn to shekels back.
Oh and those big tits implied by the harness when in reality she doesn't have any, LOL, so much for feminism.
You can't even name her origin story. Also he's creator was a sadomasochist who had a triangle relationship with two women.
Damn. I wonder if these guys' opinions will continue to hold much weight after the DC cinematic universe fails
>some kike bitch pretending to be a "wonder woman"
No, thanks, Schlomo.
WW will make more than any DC film before. Women drive the box office now. The age of men is over and there's nothing any of you can do about it.
well, you're halfway right (even though harley is a baddy) but I was obviously talking about actual traditional superheroines
see you in the theater in june
No one is saying there shouldn't be a WW movie, you thrice cucked turbo white knight. People are pissed because Gadot is a shit choice. WW has needed a film for a while, so why not hope for the best? Why not express irritation when a bad choice is made to cast WW.
Gadot is not a good WW. She doesn't have the acting chops, so there was no reason to hire her for her acting. She doesn't look the part and hasn't shown any interest in working out to look the part, so no reason to hire her there. There is zero good reason to have Gadot. She isn't a brand people recognize. She doesn't look the part. She's just some damn stick model, and if they were going to hire someone who doesn't have the acting chops why not at least hire someone who looks the part? Hell, why not hire a fighter or someone who is willing to learn to fight so when she moves she moves like she knows what she's doing.
Gadot is shit. That's the problem, retard. Nobody is pissed that a WW movie is getting made.
The Higher You Get, the Farther the Fall
>having empathy for others
get out of my board
cute :3
fuck off shill
based japanese people
>Sup Forums now defends a Marvel level quipfest just because it's DC
>is not even made by Based Snyder
What the fuck happened
I love Martian Manhunter but he's too op to be in the cinematic Justice League.
you fuck off this is the DChad brah thread
Have to agree there. Wonder Woman is iconic. Too bad WB/DC decided to cast a scrawny Jew in the role so they could have her kills Germans and pretend that they don't cultivate eternal victimhood status!!!FACT!!!
>WW has needed a film for a while, so why not hope for the best?
literally 1% of the people on this board express any hope "for the best". the rest just shitposts and calls the movie horseshit before it actually came out
>She doesn't have the acting chops, so there was no reason to hire her for her acting
you're totally right on that one
>She doesn't look the part and hasn't shown any interest in working out to look the part, so no reason to hire her there
you obviously know jackshit about fitness. I have actually searched for articles where her process was described in more detail and everyone misquoted her in the first place. judging from the comments that came from her fitness coach, she had serious problems with getting fit due to her being in the modelling business and being afraid of being hulk tier even though it's not possible. as you can see in pics from a few years ago, she was thin as fuck, almost at the verge of anorexia. people like this have problems with gaining muscle and especially with proper diets. in my eyes, she did pretty well but I wouldn't expect anyone here to understand the whole mental process that goes on in women's heads
>She isn't a brand people recognize
well now she pretty much is. girls go apeshit over her
>Hell, why not hire a fighter or someone who is willing to learn to fight so when she moves she moves like she knows what she's doing
it's not only about having someone who looks the part. for once, I can agree that they probably hired her because she was israeli and because they can market the shit out of that, her being politically involved etc
I don't like her as an actress but i will reserve judgement until I see the movie (as should everyone else)
It's because he's a shitty character. Looks shit, has badly defined powers and no personality!!!FACT!!!
the sad thing is that most people here always get angry when others love something
I fucking hate the newer Marvel movies but why ruin it for people who like them? even though I think TFA was the worst Star Wars movie ever, I never try to talk normies into hating it
it's annoying how this board is basically full of "I hate this so you should too!!!" posts
so are flash and superman in the comics. supes has definitely been depowered though so MM could be depowered as well
The dude's got a point, though. J'onn is the weirdest character in the Justice League. When you introduce him, you don't just have to sell people on him, you have to sell them on ancient John Carter-style Mars. It's doable, but it takes some world-building first, and I ain't even talking about Mars.
That's a good idea, but it's a redundant one. Gotham City Sirens is being made. Has Black Mask in it apparently.
Yeah I can see where they are coming from. It would be easier to swallow their reasoning if they hadn't fumbled the ball at nearly every step so far in their cinematic universe project, but it makes sense that they wouldn't want to waste the huge amount of time it would take to properly introduce what is a admittedly a less well-known character. Every cartoon that featured him had to devote an inordinate amount of time to explaining who he was and why he was there
in my eyes, pretty much the only DC character who actually needs a solo movie before appearing in a JL movie. alternatively, they could do an invasion movie like the first three JL episodes where he and his story is the main focus of the movie
Are you talking about this Oscar winning film or are you talking about Wonder Woman?
>tfw no qt316 china gf to watch based snyder kino with
many people here joke but some scenes in SS were pretty kino
>scene where batman comes for deadshot and where he dives into the water
>scene where joker jumps in the pool to save harley
>scene where deadshot shows his skills
>scene where enchantress is introduced
>scene where the team beats enchantress
if the first third of the movie didn't consist of adhd-reeking scenes that were basically "this is x, this is y, etc", the movie would have been pretty great
Gooks gott 'ed shaped like a Fooken Orange!
Thank you, OP for encouraging this as a "cultural phenomenon", your service will reward us.
Culturefags are gonna like this movie either way because they want to like it so god damn bad.
I am a 4th grade math/science teacher
we watched a movie friday (end of tests, nothing else to do)
I mentioned wonder woman and none of them were aware the film was about to come out. no one seemed to care.
>But don't not praise them. Or you're a filthy casual
Nerds get really uppity when you don't like their 1-dimensional fanservice characters.
This youtube person is saying it's awesome and I should watch it
I think something like that would work best. I've always thought that one of the biggest hurdles you have to leap with J'onn is explaining why if all Martians were on his level, how they let their civilization die in the first place, as well as why they wouldn't have just migrated to Earth.
I think maybe they're covering that not only with the Kryptonians, but with other alien species as well. Something makes them huddle on their homeworlds, and I think that "something" is the New Gods.
>literally 1% of the people on this board express any hope "for the best". the rest just shitposts and calls the movie horseshit before it actually came out
That's Sup Forums, a giant mass of tryhard faggots larping at being contrarians and about a few handfuls of anons looking to discuss film and the like.
>you obviously know jackshit about fitness
I know enough to know that it's possible for a woman to get in superhero shape if she wants. Look at Biel in Blade, or Blunt in Tom Cruiz Dies Alot. They look like superhero archetypes, moreso Biel than Blunt but still. Regardless, if she can't look the part, and I'll take at face value and say its her fucked up modeling career, then she shouldn't be cast. No one would accept a fat Danny DeVito as Thor. Same with Gadots casting as WW.
If she's got problems she should get help, not gonna bag on her for that. But you should be able to do the job you're hired for. That's not shaming, that's just professional integrity.
>well now she pretty much is. girls go apeshit over her
That's purely because of the WW role. Anyone else would have inspired as much as well.
>they probably hired her because she was israeli and because they can market the shit out of that, her being politically involved etc
I don't see what that has to do with her fulfilling the role, and the Hollywood hype machine can create a personality ex nihilo so that's really a non-issue.
>i will reserve judgement until I see the movie (as should everyone else)
I don't like what I've seen of her in the role so far, but I agree that you can't completely judge a movie without seeing it.
>scene where batman comes for deadshot and where he dives into the water
>scene where joker jumps in the pool to save harley
With the way those scenes echo one another, even down to the "kiss," I think it's foreshadowing a coming conflict.
>>scene where batman comes for deadshot and where he dives into the water
Good scenes
>>scene where joker jumps in the pool to save harley
Potentially good scene made passable by Leto
>>scene where deadshot shows his skills
>>scene where enchantress is introduced
>>scene where the team beats enchantress
These were all dogshit
>this paid shill is saying its awesome on jewtube
lmao is this shopped?
Am i the only one that liked the enchantress... i thought tge smoky/ cinder effects were great desu
>scene where enchantress is introduced
I think he's talking about the scene with Waller and the government suits. That scene was fucking badass.
>I think he's talking about the scene with Waller and the government suits. That scene was fucking badass.
If that's the case, then I'll take that one back. That was a legit good scene. Shame they didn't do shit with her as a villain though.
Fuck no. She was fantastic as swampfu, not so much in final form.
dont think so, snyder even signed a jesus poster