What does Sup Forums think of J.J. Abrams?
What does Sup Forums think of J.J. Abrams?
He wouldn't be a successful director if he wasn't a Jew.
like maybe he's cold and should be wrapped in a warm blanket that feels like an oven..
He's a technical director as in technically he can direct. He can't tell a story but he can direct the shit out a camera. J.J's Super 8 is horrible for this very reason, it's technically well shot, kinda, but it's not at all a coherent story. Well it's coherent but the motivations of the character and the director's tone doesn't make any sense. It's like what would happen if you took ET and Close Encounters and then threw in some Jurassic Park and Jaws for the hell of it. It's literally that silly.
He knows fuck nothing about space but keeps making science fiction set in space for some reason.
Dude's really just a corporate hack. He's the guy they get in when they want to make a movie by committee.
Guy decides to have a ten times larger death star because in his mind it probably sounded cool. The logistics eluded him of course. Finn sees the death star attack a solar system that's literally light years away and to J.J this made perfect sense. In star-trek the Enterprise is a foot ball field in size and you walk in a turbo lift and literally walks out a second later. He's so clueless.
I liked LOST a lot, and Super 8 was okay.
Everything else I've hated.
appalling hack
he has no sense of scale, time or space. clueless is right
Super 8 was garbage though and J.J. wasn't the lead writer on Lost so he can't take credit for that.
When Finn looks up and sees the explosions in real time I was like, yup, J.J's a shit.
he just repeated the same scene from trek. not satisfied with copying star wars, he went and just copied his own movie
So fucking smug.
He's best as a producer, leaving the writing and direction to people who can actually tell a story. Case in point: Person of Interest
>make television show about plane crash survivors on deserted island
>depict the selfish, opportunistic asshole of the group as a blonde, blue-eyed man
>depict the responsible father character as a black man
>selfish asshole becomes instant fan favorite
>responsible father becomes one of the least popular original characters
What went wrong?
How in the hell did I miss that? He's worse than any Hack I've seen. This is incredibly screwy. I had given him the benefit of the doubt by saying he was at the very least a technical director but I'm going to have to take that back. He just copies shit from other places, and recreates them, frame by frame. I wonder where did he see a shot like this first? He must have seen it somewhere and decided to use it as one of his goto.
he had nothing to do with lost past the pilot episode
Lindolf took over as lead writer. I really think Lindolf sees things clearer than J.J. ever did. It was Alex Kurtzman and Lindolf who were the lead writers, right?
>in star-trek the Enterprise is a foot ball field in size
There's a series inconsistencies with the scale of the ships in nu-Trek, mainly because he wanted to film scenes in those massive hangar bays and warpcore/engineering rooms. If you compare the size of those rooms to the ship the Enterprise would have to be about 1km long, and the windows about 4 meters high. They actually realised this while filming but couldn't go back to fix it so just said fuck it, it isn't like we're making a movie for Star Trek fans or anything, normies wont care.
Alias was his best work, although it's now been forgotten and newfags haven't seen it, it was one of the most creative network shows during the TV Golden age and how he got popular as a daring showrunner. MI3 was a great follow up. He's really great at doing pulpy spy capers with charming ensemble casts and narrative gimmicks.
He was barely involved on lost and his other TV shows. His other movies are mediocre, I think sci-fi doesn't suit him.
Yes, but the pilot very clearly defined the characters of Michael and Sawyer from the beginning.
The Engine room felt literally bigger than the Enterprise. I got lost in the scale of it all. Then the hanger bays felt too huge. So J.J literally only does it because it's cool in his mind. Not that it makes sense but that it's cool. Like Rey, she has literally every ability and aspect of all the heroes of the original series and that's cool J.J. thinks because it felt cool when he thought it up. What an unforgivable loser he is.
He saved the Star Wars franchise. It was dead and he brought it back.
If by saving you mean destroyed irreprebably then use, he destroyed it beyond all repair. At the very least George Lucas had a bit of logical resonance. J.J. does shit because it sounded good in his dead to do so. Not that it was practical but it sounded great in his mind.
More like... he wouldn't be a successful director if morons didn't go see his movies and cause them to be massively successful, therefore making the corporations he works for loads of money. By calling him out for being a Jew you're just letting the millions of dumb people - mostly goys - who go see his shit off the hook.