Fuck the Queen

When will our Argie bro's liberate us from the British cucks?

don't fall for the meme's the Exocet system had the British running and scrambling before they basically cried to the french for the missile codes. It is widely known that the British cucks were in the verge of retreat before they bluffed their way to victory.

We don't want you here fuck off and go home, we don't want your old witch Queen on our currency.

We're Malvinas

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nice proxy

I wish we could back you in a war, those goofy tea cucks are desperately trying to hang on to a lost empire

No le pertenecemos a una viejita, no somos peones de un emperio. Preferio ser Argentino que un Británico

exactly, sentiments here are very different than what you might expect

quien te paga pa?

que no tienes orgullo? cara rota

What is all this Spanish? Wtf is happening

basically the Argie bro is a self hater bowing to his British masters

Mestizos tend be self conscious self haters. Inferiority complex

he's an argie with a proxy, don't fall for low-tier bait

agarramela que esta grandota

you wish British piece of shit. Change back to your cuck flag

te compruebo mi argentinidad loco?

Honestly, it's time her majesty put the colonies in their place again.

how's the post-brexit going?

Maryland alone would exterminate every bong in the island

We're just getting started and you'll thank us in the long run when you get a referendum to choose which other country rules you. It will of course be us and we'll help you to landgrab your way North.

Think how many people of British descent are in power around the world and think again burgereater.

Come and get them, Argies

God save our gracious Queen!
Long live our noble Queen!
God save the Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us,
God save the Queen.
Thy choicest gifts in store
On her be pleased to pour,
Long may she reign.
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause,
To sing with heart and voice,
God save the Queen.

fuck off, you can barely keep your own colonies in check

your place looks smashing

It's ok we're just waiting for your niggers to ruin the country before we liberate it.

yes we need somewhere to keep the lawnmowers and hedgeclippers.

lol Argies still butthurt that they got BTFO when a few highly trained Royal Marines slaughtered your army of 18yo conscripts with no training whatsoever what where you guys thinking? haha

Posting epic read

Yes nigel, they could all use a little reminder as it were.


Just a reminder that the next time you try and take the Falklands, we won't stop at driving you back into the sea and will turn your shit stained homeland into a smoking crater.

Please, TRY AGAIN. We want you to. Don't be a fucking pussy. GIVE US AN EXCUSE.

Brought a tear to my eyes lad

thats a weird picture of new hampshire upside down

>shit stained homeland into a smoking crater.

you cant even keep Ahmed from making you wash his cock after he's done fucking your wife, how are you going to take on the Argiebros?

Dubs of respect for our great lady Liz

>sympathising with fellow mongrels
Doesn't surprise me

yours too mate

we share a common bond, we were both forced to submit to the bongs and their monarchs. We stand for FREEDOM faggot

Reminder that three people of all of Falklands voted to join Argentina.

For some reason I don't think he meant us

You're mistaking London for the U.K again Cuk Norris. Name a conflict we've lost recently. Her Majesty is going to give the call shortly, special deliveries of tea and biscuits have been shipping to her subjects for months. Our armada is setting sail once more to bring peace and stability to the savage lands (yours included). You'll thank me when the Tetleys and Digestives arrive. God Bless Her Majesty!

Thanks for the rare flag m8

that's why I called proxy desu


yours is a map of corruption and degenerate drug trafficking, that shows our successful policing you knob jockey, no wonder they won't let you into a proper country.


why did you allow those people in your country in the first place though?

Shouldn't you be robbing and raping athletes?

Sorry Argentine how is you shitty south American country doing tried to invade and hold any other island or do they just slip out your hands.

The Falklands are British you fucking proxy argie


fuck you argie.
your the most non white south americunt

You're worried about the queen?
Jews are a more current problem

it just gets better

can you please take over europe when the EU fall ?

Will this thread failed didn't it you south american cunt

Statistically speaking, the amount of people on the Falklands who seek independence from Britain and join Argentina ranges from about 0 to.....1. At best.

So yeah, definite proxy fag.

Top athletes mate

we've got your back Poirot

Suez crisis.


Share a picture of your ID or something with a timestamp.
If not, bait, saged.

>having pics of naked niggers in your computer
Kill yourself, my man

seguro mariconea ahora


Eisenhower fucked up that one mate, that's what happens when "allies" too scared of the based Russians shit the bed.

>shit english
>talking about Argentina like we're the fucking US
Yeah, no way you're from Malvinas. Fuck off.

sabe pa

now you do too, look at your monitor and tell me where this image currently resides.

long live her majesty and the only empire that will last forever

should have taken us over as a province instead of financing rebels to make our country happen desu , that was our true destiny


Don't worry, we're going to give you a choice position in the Empire.

Remember when Britain tried to invade Buenos Aires and failed? Good times.

>happened in the time of muskets and Swords
that is totally irellevant today , if today war broke out again with argentina against uk
uk would transform argentina into a crater with the nuclear submarine stationated in the falklands


I only see Jews, Asians and Indians. Your point is invalid.

And your point is? That's never going to happen, you can fantasize all you want.

argentinians are dumb enough to try it again one day