Let's remake Hot Fuzz but let's get rid of all the humor and replace it with a sanctimonious message about racism

>let's remake Hot Fuzz but let's get rid of all the humor and replace it with a sanctimonious message about racism

Why can't niggers make movies about anything else but racism and slavery?

how dare you

Lol you wouldn't even whisper that shit out loud irl, even if there were no black people around.

Because you call them niggers?

And the cult masquerading as pleasant society is a trope as old as movies. And it was well done. It called out the cocksucking liberals for being such cocksuckers.

Did you even see any of those movie?

>>let's remake Hot Fuzz but let's get rid of all the humor

So Hot Fuzz

Antoine fuqua doesn't seem to do that, though he isn't a highly regarded director

Sweetie please, you completely missed the point

He clearly didn't, either that or he was too stupid to understand Get Out and Hot Fuzz

tell us the deeper meaning of Hot Fuzz

>Hot Fuzz

Lol. It was Look Who's Coming to Dinner meets Stepford Wives.

Why don't you tell me how Hot Fuzz and Get Out are the same?

so what was the point then you cunt

>Hot Fuzz
Some old conservative tweezers are killing people to make their ideal town.

>Get Out
Some old liberal tweezers are brainwashing black ''people'' to make their ideal suburb.

Yep, totally missed the plot.

>Hot Fuzz

Wtf is that, a white movie?
Even the name "Hot Fuzz" sounds corny as hell

i have no idea what OP is on about, i just assumed Peel talked about Hot Fuzz in an interview or something

>Some old liberal tweezers are brainwashing black ''people'' to make their ideal suburb.

That is not what Get Out is about.

>doesn't understand the difference between plot and message

Were you born retarded or did your mother drop you when you were little?

Did you forget to finish your sentence? What is it about then?

Take it easy, Bess.

>Why can't niggers make movies about anything else but racism and slavery?
Honest reason, it's a huge part of their identity. The couch all their failures behind it, and they now live in a society that's willing to agree.

The most confident people I've ever worked with were black people, they were also the most incompetent. But when they don't get that promotion they usually see it as muh racism. Even though they are more likely to get pushed up the ladder because of retarded things like affirmative action.

>Calls black people Niggers
>Wonders why they make movies about racism

I wonder

>they call each other niggers
>they get offended when you treat them like they treat each other


It's a criticism of progressives who patronizingly see black culture as a trivial thing, the old people refer to being black as "trendy".

Or that was my understanding of it.

Get out is about people finding a way to put their consciousness into other people's body so they can live longer. They aren't trying to make an ideal suburb or anything.

I feel like you missed the part where Hot Fuzz was about cops and was supposed to be an action movie parody.

It's a British movie, and one of the finest comedies of the past few years.
>inb4 Big Momma's House pasta

It is in a way, but I feel like the two movies approach it VERY differently.

>It is in a way

Your right and Clueless and Alien covenant are the same movie in a way.

>They aren't trying to make an ideal suburb or anything.

They literally spell it out for you in the movie and you still didn't get it.


Haha man this movie should've been called Liberal House Party.

I liked the movie,
It was well shot
Done on the cheap
Seriously more power to him
I hope he makes more movies about how creepy liberals are.

so race plays no part?

I saw this movie last night and I thought that suburb was a perfect to live until it's revealed they weren't hypnotized .

My rating; two thumbs up

>was about cops and was supposed to be an action movie parody.

I'm talking about the plot. See

That's not spelling it out for anybody.

You're also fucking wrong, and retarded. They literally want to be put in black bodies because they think being black is being "cool" and "trendy". They want to steal their bodies and their culture.

Whether they're black or white, right wing or left wing, most Americans are obsessed with race to the point where it's unhealthy and a bit creepy.

That's why this movie exists and also why this thread exists.

>end every sentence in a song with nigger
>cry racism when other people say nigger
>despite the fact that if only blacks bought your albums the record studios would consider it a failure
Blacks either need to cry when anyone, including blacks, calls them nigger, or shut the fuck up.

It is about racism but on the opposite end of the spectrum where people degrade their own race and praise others to the point where they want to become them

Get Out was about how white people who are nice to blacks are still racists. Why should anyone be nice to them if you're a racist no matter what?

You really need to re-watch the movie or watch it for the first time if you think that.

Metaphorically maybe, but in the movie no one says we are doing this because you are black.

It's because of Americas obsession that we aren't a brown mess like Mexico, Brazil, or the Caribbean.

Why do Sup Forumstards not think that they are constantly triggered even though they always makes threads like these?


How many times do I have to prove your headcannon wrong?

>we aren't a brown mess

>Metaphorically maybe, but in the movie no one says we are doing this because you are black.

>being this much in denial

What do you think he means by 'natural gifts'?
His big black dick?

forgot pic

making a thread that only losers will see is better than a public outburst, plus, nothing of substance will come out of this - OP isn't trying to get someone fired or censored.

Why do Sup Forumstards get triggered by Sup Forumstards so easily?

Reddit told us this was a safe space to get dank memes.

We weren't told about the fucking pigs from Sup Forums

>remake Hot Fuzz
Do you think Hot Fuzz invented 'pleasant community has creepy cult secret'? No, I should think you were just so desperate to shit on black people you'd be happy with grasping the thinnest straws imaginable. Different themes, different structure, different genre, but by god you will mine the little nugget of similarity for hours if it lets you sit on an anonymous image board and shit on black people for a little bit longer. Like so many of your peers you've reached a state of mental dilapidation - where even the possibility of empathy for people who are different from you has vanished over the horizon, on the wind of a thousand desperately self-justifying narratives - that by any reasonable metric should disqualify you from humanity itself. And yet you persist, having rationalised the act of making life worse for others so often and so fervently that it has come full circle and become pleasurable, a self-perpetuating subroutine on a looping robot. What I'm trying to say here OP is that you have shit taste and should kill yourself.

Both of you are on the same page but you're splitting hairs like a couple of autistic special needs manchildren

85 IQ is why.

they call themselves niggers

i only came here to say that i didnt laugh at hot fuzz. not. one. time.

The best movie of all time was not about racism or slavery.

For real. Just a couple pent up dimwits

Alt Ending is better ending.

His film ended too happy and goofily.

I literally just did.

You got btfo

*unloads AK47 on a family barbecue*

So your saying niggers are unable to make films that are not about racism and slavery?

Dude, I have black friend and I call them niggers all the time. You know, some of them are actually cool with it.

Is this a fucking pasta? It feels like it should be but it's so specific that you can't really mine it for any other context.

I work abroad now, so I say it every day.

I wouldn't say it in front of strangers in the states, I'd probably be arrested for a hate crime and a bunch of SJW activists would try and get me fired.

I thought both were okay, they built up Rodney well enough that I'd buy him going to the house, but him still getting caught after killing Rose works better on a thematic level.

>tfw "I finished it."

The ending was spot on, the way the way that ladies face looked as he drove off


Saw it las night it was 8/10 entertaining as fuck.Only Sup Forumstards would disagree

>doesn't know how to pitch movies to potential investors

Dude, this was pitched as ''Meet the Fockers meets Hot Fuzz'' but from a black perspective.

I bet even (((they))) are surprised at how popular it got.

In any case, it's reddit.


Correct, niggers are aggressive animals that can't control their rage and are incapable of living in a civil society.

And I also don't go poking at rabid pit bulls with a stick. What's your point?

The intent is different. Usually a guy on Sup Forums who calls black people niggers is full of racial hate when he says it.

That's more because Native American populations in North America were smaller than in Central and South America and because more Europeans wanted to actually move to North America and live there, whereas Central and South America, outside of a few areas, were dangerous jungles where Europeans just went to make money.