Why do heroes never win?

Why do heroes never win?
This is just fucking sad

But the hero is winning mate

>Ron Paul


Because this is reality. Evil is always triumphant, and masks itself good with the blood of the vanquished.

Bernie looks like a creepy rodent.

because your "hero" was a communist faggot that went around destabalizing Latin America in the employ of the Castros

Probably because he is one.

He supports Bernie, you fucking leaf.



Big difference is that Ron Paul never scammed 200 million dollars from Reddit.

You've got the wrong heroes, m8.

>posts picture of sanders

lel USA, I thought we were the biggest cucks. But apparently there are many bernlovers who just enjoy being fucked and thats why all they have to say is "Well its sad Bern didnt make it, lets go for Shillary now".
You guys make me even sicker than any mudslime can ever, you guys are the reason for the degeneration of great nations.

>Kike who would have easily led us into another depression

he supports Bernie because Bernie has both a. values, and b. an actual plan

Trump has neither, and Hillary has a plan but she's a fucking snake.

Inb4 Trump has values. Look at his face and tell me that's a man that believes anything he's saying. If you honestly believe that you're probably autistic

Banders had a plan to drive you bankrupt, becoming the new shithole of the world, which you slowly are anyway.

Fucking sanders would have been the worst decision. He'd cuck the whole world up while he were at it.

>because Bernie has both a. values, and b. an actual plan
Top tier jokes.

Never said it was a good plan but at least he pitched actual ideas instead of "uhh i dunno lets build a big wall and make the beaners pay"

Tell me how that idea is any less retarded than "free college" for everyone

Protip: it's not

>fake swede telling me what it's like becoming the "shithole of the world"

I'd ask you more, considering you must be an expert on shitholes, but my Arabic is a little rusty

>Person who writes garbage like pic related

LOL, cucks nation tells me I'm an expert on shitholes. Brb, highest standard of living.

Whites are minority in america in 30 years. You're gonna eat shit from their shit skins.. Lets see how you're gonna get treated as a minority, cuck. Gonna be the worst treated minority ever. Fucking beta cucks cant even look 5 minutes into the future.

brb, giving doubling americas dept in 10 years
brb, gonna have top 1% pay for it
brb, 1% leaves

Don't worry, I'll have 25 years to think of a solution when you tell us what it's like living in New Syria five years from now.


>Che Guevara

What the fuck is wrong with you?

But Che was redpilled

>2 commies
>wew lad

>Bernie has both a. values, and b. an actual plan
>A plan

Kek, is this a joke? He just took a massive dump on every one of his supporters that funded his (((campaign))).