>use kino on board other than Sup Forums
>anons make fun of you
>use kino on board other than Sup Forums
>anons make fun of you
Other urls found in this thread:
"kino" is literally a reddit meme.
You deserve to laughed at, retard
you think thats bad? try saying kino in public.
>browsing other boards
You deserved it, pusy
This poster is a redditor. They come here and try to steal our memes and make us disenfranchised with our native made memes. This poster can fuck off
>native made
Kino is a meme that propped up after the 2013/2014 reddit invasion which was before the 2016 star wars 7 reddit invasion
Do not for 1 second pretend you're a Sup Forums native
lol i said kino at a family dinner and nobody knew what i was talking about my grandpa said it was a gook word but he doesnt really know what hes talking about ive tried to talk to him about flat earth and the possibility we are being lied to and he just couldnt understand it hes 91 and i try to talk to him about it ill talk to him for hours about it but he doesnt really seem to care. The best generation? No I dont think so you could at least open your mind
is this post kino?
I say kino anytime something turns out great or perfect.
Like when a project I'm working on at my job turns out exceptionally well I say "that's kino"
Thanks Sup Forums!
This sounds like pasta....
If it makes you feel any better I will make fun of you for saying it here. I don't know why it bothers me so much but I fucking hate it. The only internet slang I think that has got on my nerves more is IIRC which no one seems to say now, thank christ.
reminder than these people are the Sup Forums equivalent of flat earthers
if you see someone bring up reddit in an otherwise unrelated thread, are witnessing mental illness
im sorry its not its just the way i write lol im a bit of a goober right
>trying to discredit people who call out obvious redditors
Gee, I wonder what website you're from
I tend to look down on people bringing one boards lingo or gimmicks onto another, I can't help it. I don't care if it's actually funny or interesting to read though.
ok you got me, im a paid shill
Kino is film.
Honestly though most people on here who insist on calling everything Reddit is just projecting. Typically a dead giveaway that user is the redditor
Maybe you actually aren't, but just a warning friend
Seems like it's become a thing since last year's election? I'm blaming r/the_donald but I have no fucking idea. I don't remember people doing that shit before then maybe I missed it
Nothing upsets the 2013+ crowd more than being called out about their authenticity to the board. The fact that he used "native" even though he joined us after they made it possible for him should be the biggest red flag
And as you can see They will ALWAYS reveal themselves
At this point it's just something to shout down somebody who says something you don't like, an easy way to shut down a discussion if you're losing, or a plain old troll technique that works because people take the bait every single time. We are WAY past it actually calling out redditors or projecting. This boogeyman is the most annoying one yet, I prefer IRC crews because they're actually real.
Your point? I post it when someone deserves no energy.
The Feel
I got all my normalfag friends saying it too.
Jesus christ i hate Sup Forums or watever this bastard monster that i am browsing right now
You fucking newfags saying that kino is from reddit
How do you fucking dare to post while being so new?
We not only had kino but we had the whole kino/cinema/film/movie/flick/joint hierarchy
it is from reddit though.
>"kino" is literally a reddit meme.
How's reddit these days? I heard it has changed quite a bit. I myself welcome some redditors it keeps this site fresh. However, if you want to keep yourself hidden you may want to lurk more.
Once another site starts using something people turn against it like clockwork.
shit boards like Sup Forums and /lit/ have no concept of kino
No one likes Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums you guys are regarded as the worst board on Sup Forums by a wide margin.
Its okay if you don't like the word kino, its kind of a stupid word
But it definitely didn't originate from reddit
>2016 star wars 7