Redpill on global warming/climate change, Sup Forums. Is it really going to destroy civilization as we know it in our lifetime, or is it just another lie?
Every scientist and politician say it will be the end of us.
Redpill on global warming/climate change, Sup Forums...
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The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive
It might be an issue but we can't really know if it is or how much because all the existing studies are either biased or debunked.
>all the existing studies are either biased or debunked.
source on ALL the studies being debunked?
It is a real issue with potentially drastic effects. There are a lot of variables in both the ability for systems to adapt and domino effects of various factors. This makes it easy for scare mongering and denial, neither of which helps anyone understand pertinent issues, and only serves to further trivial short term policies. In the long run of it, it really comes down to how much we mitigate anthropomorphic effects and adapt to the effects we do not or can not mitigate.
Part of why it is so easy to scare monger is because many of the effects of the scale being considered are long term and are not easily reversed, if at all possible to reverse. For instance, considering CO2 remains in the atmosphere for hundreds of years, acidifying the shallow ocean for hundreds more, and the domino effects it creates while going through that part of the cycle
- air and sea current effects, atmospheric moisture content and precipitation patterns, adaptability of coastal protective ecosystems [reefs, wetlands, tributaries, erosion thereof] and our ability to adapt or artificially protect our own systems [flooding infrastructure, watershed, water source, agriculture, fisheries, all that] -
there is a lot to go boogie man with. It then comes down to general philosophy. Do you scream and shout that the sky is falling so you can push a petty political agenda, do you nit-pick at the uncertainties all of the possibilities provide as denial to push a petty political agenda, do you do both while subtly implementing contingency plans, or do you try to look at it rationally in an open manner to figure what can realistically be done?
why are you asking questions on Sup Forums you fucking retard. everyone here is an autistic dumbfuck basement dwelling virgin. read a fucking book. use google scholar. get an education you hamburger huffing faggot
It will melt the ice caps. The influx of fresh water will shut down the oceanic conveyor. Oxygen will stop reaching the bottom of the ocean and the biosphere will be wiped out. Decomposers will break down the remains and produce ridiculous amounts of hydrogen sulfide. The hydrogen sulfide clouds will kill tens or hundreds of millions of people along the coasts.
This is known as an anoxic event. It has happened before. It will happen again.
Pic related is just a taste of how fucked we are
If the climate does in fact change, we will adapt and stop it.
So einfach ist das
New ice age is coming and White man will have to move to south in order to survive.
It will be to late to stop it when it starts. Start learning bushcraft today.
The climate will change faster than we can adapt.
People in warm regions and on ocean coastline are fucked.
Well, for one, the theory is entirely based around computer models that have never once been right in over 20 years. Not once.
yeah there is global warming but that´s more or less naturally occuring anyway. we´re accelerating it, indeed. thus, maybe even "intensifying" it.
will it exterminate us ? probably not ... we´re doing that ourselves already, anyway :D
We just need those giant Atmospheric processors from Aliens.
Climate change is a natural process that there is no debate over - it is happening.
The idea that humans can have an effect on global climate is also not a debate - we've seen it before with CFCs rapidly eating away at the ozone layer too fast for it to naturally recover
The real debate is about the rates at which we can safely influence climate change, not whether or not it's possible
We didnt listen
The only reason people ever doubt global warming and climate change, has been because it would hurt the bottom line of any oil drilling and processing companies, or any other company that depends on fossil fuel usage.
Global Warming denial is a huge conspiracy by big oil. They have trillions of dollars riding on it.
We've had only ten years left to do something about global warming since it was still called the Greenhouse Effect, when I was a kid in the 1980's.
By my count, we've only have would have had ten years left to save the planet for 30 years now. Someone older might be able to extend that count.
We're relatively lucky this hasn't caught on like The Population Bomb did. That book may have single-handedly destroyed Western Civilization. We're still trying to undo it's damage since we decades past when it said we'd have destroyed the world.
Global Warming denial is a pushback by Jews to keep the economy rolling at max speed and acquire max profits.
Anyone who is sufficiently rich (like jews and arabs) will hardly affected, since they can move whatever and buy whatever resources to live a sheltered, easy, life.
It doesnt fucking matter. The only thing that matters is winning the racewar.
Carbon Dioxide levels have been way higher in the past and everything continued on just fine. People will move inland, farmers will move poleward and eventually engineers will fix everything.
this, althought I once heard in a Climate change forum (a real forum at my uni) from one of the lecturers that to reverse it like al the liberal idiots want, we would have to go back to Industrial revolution levels of production and technology also he said that global warming is a hoax and a scaremongering tactic, that what happens is that the climate change cycle is just being sped up or influenced by humans, we are not totally at fault
Wrong big oil shill. CO2 levels have never been this high in human history.
Interestingly enough, it was, I believe, the Swedes who warned everyone that the tech they were wanting to switch to in the campaign to eliminate CFC's were going to vastly exacerbate another problem...Global Warming.
>Well, for one, the theory is entirely based around computer models
No it's not.
>Carbon Dioxide levels have been way higher in the past and everything continued on just fine
Define just fine. The last time levels were over 400ppm was a million years ago. Long before modern man.
Meh the Earth's drifting towards mass-surveillance and war pretty fast. It's a problem obviously but it won't bring us our end.
Plus, the chinks don't give a fuck. We can stop every gas emission in the USA but it won't do anything while the chinks and co. keep on tainting the atmosphere.
Might as well live like kings while we can. It's inevitable in my OP but why should we abstain while others live like KANGS?
Will probably cause a mass extinction, but earth has survived far worse.
Once I saw the math on carbon sequestration, and saw how viciously the left opposes it, I knew the whole thing was a scam. Even the absurd destruction of wealth complete annual carbon offsetting would require isn't enough to please the left, because they wouldn't be able to control it and get rich off it.
that wasn't very neutral choconigger
>only based on computer models
but that's wrong, retard
There has been "10 years left" since the 80s because there have been more funds dumped into things like cleaner/more efficient energy consumption as well as scientific progress towards reversing the extent of our effects on global climate. Models have also been adjusted as new data/information is gained or understood.
Not only are you wrong about CO2 levels, but the dinosaurs didn't rely on farms and international trade to keep "Mad Max: The Happening Road" from becoming a reality. If you think it's as easy as "moving North" you really need to gain a better understanding of infrastructure and stability
I've had several professors of the same subjects that place themselves on completely different sides of a debate - trusting a professor simply because they are a professor, instead of the data they can produce, is blind stupidity
>Climate change ruins environment
>Water and food shortages cause WW3
>Someone presses the big red button
>60% of humans are kil
>massive drop in world production reduces CO2 output
>Suspended dust and ash reflects sunlight, reduces cooling
>Life is still pretty shit for the survivors
Probably what's going to happen. It's not like 4 billion people are going to just sit down and slowly starve to death once the unlucky half the world's crops start failing.
How will carbon tax fix climate change?
OP's pic is called a haboob.
i used to live in phoenix, we got them every summer
Gives the state enough cash to fund electric cars and nuclear/wind/hydro energy.
>Once I saw the math on carbon sequestration
Got link?
> and saw how viciously the left opposes it
And again.
That's one single study.
Also, if all the studies were small groups then the numbers would be all over the place. Instead it's all over 90%.
>once I saw a thing or something one time that proves everything is a lie and impossible!
Too bad all other data proves otherwise. Mountains of data > individual pieces of data
I'm not saying I trust him, I'm just saying that's what he said and had the data to back it up during his lecture, he wasn't a professor tho, he was some researched from I don't remember what institute for climate change, I did research on my own and came to similar conclusions tho
>Also, if all the studies were small groups then the numbers would be all over the place. Instead it's all over 90%.
I guess we'll never know since my image has sources and yours doesn't and you're just talking out your ass.
K, I don't know anything about climate change, but which countries will be the most affected?
I'm guessing that islands like Japan, Hawaii and the Philippines will be utterly fucked?
I live on the West Coast, where in America will I be the safest?
It's heavily falsified.
Besides, consider this:
Even if all of western civilisation went back into the stone age went cold turkey on anything that caused pollution it would have a negligible impact, the asian countries produce like 5x the amount of pollution western countries do.
Taxes don't fix anything, but in theory the extra funding would go towards moving the infrastructure in a more sustainable direction.
Things like slowly remodeling city centers to reduce heat trapping for instance could massively reduce the amount of energy spent on AC
This. Gives the state a financial incentive to invest in better energies whilst slowly weening off of old ones.
The netherlands will be gone.
Probably remote inland Canada. Unless the forest fires getcha.
This seems like James Bond teir villiany that I cannot deduce as untrue
The main problem is the playing field. Is China willing to play nice with CO2 emissions? Will India, once they get their shit together, be willing to play nice with their CO2 emissions? Will Africa Comply?
It's a thing if the west decreases their emissions and slaps regulations, but if corporations then just move on over to third world countries to spew shit it won't matter.
It's a happening that we sadly cannot stop.
It's a meme to get people to waste money, the antarctic has grown not shrank.
Oy vey, that hole in the ozone layer needs more money to plug it up
Every single bubble is a source dumbass. Learn to read instead of how to watch YouTube conspiracy videos.
I'm not google faggot, look it up yourself. I recently went on a foray trying to track down an old stat, I'd lost the providence of.
Growing corn is badass method of locking up atmospheric carbon. Sugar cane even more so. We could pay Brazil a pittance to dump less than 50% of their sugar cane directly, and intact into derelict salt mines, sealing behind them annually, and offset the entire world's CO2 production annually.
The US-centric stat was burying the entire US corn production capacity each year to do it.
I'd rather war with China than Fireball Earth
But corruption and fear of nuclear fission kind of hold it back.
>Every scientist and politician say it will be the end of us
bullshit, no reputable scientist has said that global warming will end civilization. We are still arguing on its effects
They just do it to score cheap political points with young progressives.
You don't get a choice though. The economic pressure caused by climate change will result in war.
it's close to scientifically uncontroversal among paleontologists and biologists to say that we are in the sixth mass extinction. That's not entirely the result of climate change but it certainly contributes (acid rain, acidification of the ocean, drought,...)
The problem isn't necessarily the magnitude of change but rather the rate of it. Processes that took hundreds of thousands or even millions of years are now accomplished in a century. The biggest mass extinction in the entire geologic record was associated with a rapid warming of 8°C or more (rapid in this case means several thousand years). If we continue business as usual, we will reach similiar numbers in the next century, which without a doubt would be unironically apocalyptical.
Right I'm sure glad it included things like sample size in there.
Brilliant informative image.
Global warming is not man made
Global warming is real but a natural occurrence
Prove me wrong
>no REAL scientist!
eat shit retard
Must be just a coincidence that a world record temperature was recently measured in Kuwait.
global warming theorists have had predictions of doom the tell on a platform every 10 years, and it never turns out to be true or anything more than a scare tactic telling people to invest in privately controlled, and funded organizations led by the people screaming doom to all
This is a little tactic known as scamming people out of their money due to fear
post your sources nigger
And yet you've provided no evidence to the contrary.
the tropics will be the least effected part of the planet
on the nordern and southern latitudes, the two extremes of the water cycle will get stronger, which means we will have heavy rainfall and flooding on coastal areas, while the interior of the continents dries out (realtive to the rest)
so what's inducing it?
>global warming is a catastrophe
and will ruin everything forever!
>taxes, taxes, more taxes
>still no one who's thought to pay for things that reduce CO2
>despite constantly crying about deforestation(because of pandas, but still)
I doubt it. If it was serious they'd be able to find at least someone smart to work on it. This shit is full retard, like trying to run a company by only looking at the costs.
Climate change alarmism is a huge government conspiracy. They have trillions riding on it.
The Earths elliptical cycle
To the contrary of what?
Good news guys, the ozone hole shrunk.
Whether or not it's true, not shitting where you eat is a creed I can abide by, and renewable energy is a good thing.
Global warming is a good thing.
Inducing what? The climate's changing as it always has. As we can't even predict next weeks weather there's little chance of knowing if our temperature is different than it "should" be.
humans recording the data around the same time as the industrial revolution led people to think industry=hotter earth
This uninformed stigma has lasted ever since
Contrary to the fact that over 90% of climatologists accept man made global warming as fact?
When politicians agree unanimously on something you know it's bullshit.
the frequency of those is way to long to produce warming of such a magnitude in a matter of 100 years
besides, we can clearly measure the solar insolation the surface receives and it doesn't match the current warming trend. In fact: it's even on a slight downward-trend according to some experts (which would mean cooling)
no u
>leaving out the other 3 major cycles
wake me up inside
>The US-centric stat was burying the entire US corn production capacity each year to do it.
I see a couple of issues with this. Would buried crop not rot ferment eventually? I hoped you had something a bit more practical.
Even if every ounce of sequestered carbon in the form of oil and coal were returned to the atmosphere, there will still never be more CO2 than there had been several hundred million years ago. Life didn't have much of a problem getting by then. Earth, historically, has spent very little time with ice caps; these periods tend to rather quickly transition to a hot earth (a few degrees higher than current), or snowball earth (-12C or more compared to current), and last millions of years once equilibrium is reached.
When the options are hot earth or snowball earth, what sort of idiot would prefer an ice age?
No one replied to you but rather an informative answer, thank you user
You haven't presented any evidence that they do, and you haven't stated how big the sample sizes of these polls are, why should I bother to refute something irrelevant anyway? People agreeing the sky is purple doesn't make it purple.
But they've looked at ice that's a few thousand years and have a couple hundred years of actually recording temperature. That should be a fine sample size for a planet that's several billion years old.
All these anti-science shills are being paid for by oil companies who have the nerve to charge prices for their product.
The biggest factors is the amount of methane that is emitted from the ocean through natural releases stemming from earthquakes and volcanoes. These two things have been going on for so long that the time humans have even been on earth pales in comparison.
climate change is a hoax by the globalists.
I dont take it seriously
>hot earth=blacks survive/whites die
>cold earth=whites survive/blacks die
I provided a grouping of 7 different pieces of evidence they do. All you could do is dispute the sample size of one of them.
It has already brought devastating droughts to Syria which caused the civil unrest in Syria which escalated to the refugee crisis in Europe. Similar droughts have been seen in
I guess I'll just have to repeat myself then
The dynamics of the orbit can't explain the current climate change because they take place on a frequency of several thousand years. They can explain the change between glacial and interglacial time periods in the cenozoic, they can't explain the warming of the past 150 years. Those things are easily measurable
I agree with you an your dubs. Humans have always been able to adapt and that is why we are atop the food chain. At least according to science
Daily reminder:
* A doubling of preindustrial CO2, absent any feedbacks, would result in a maximum forcing of +1.2C.
* The General Circulation Models, and the IPCC, predict 2-8C of warming because AGW theory assumes a positive H2O feedback. They assume that if CO2 causes a little warming, the atmosphere will hold more water vapor which will lead to a lot of warming.
* The warming predictions cover such a large range because everyone assumes a different average H2O feedback rate.
* Every GCM based on this assumption has failed to model temperatures for the past 17 years. They are all trending too high.
* In the late 1990's the modelers themselves stated that if they missed their predictions for more then a decade that would falsify AGW theory.
* There is no data to suggest a +H2O feedback either now or in Earth's past.
* If there is no +H2O feedback then we literally have nothing to worry about.
* The average climate change believer knows none of this. Politicians, citizens, activists, surprisingly even a lot of scientists are literally ignorant of the theory and the math. In their mind it's simply "CO2 = bad" and "experts say we're warming faster then ever."
I can't quite tell but I think this may be sarcasm.
>droughts caused civil unrest in Syria
Much more than that. We've set 14 consecutive months globally of record temperatures.
>Hottest ever June marks 14th month of record-breaking temperatures
2015 was the hottest year on record. 2016 will beat it.
hahaha fucking stupid goyim
Guys please, Farage and Milo already discredited global warming, why is this thread still here?
>Similar droughts have been seen in many other places in the world along with massive floods.
Are telling me..
That some lefty scientist in the 20's didn't correlate the data with a rise in industry and then created a mandela effect
that Earth just got done with a cooling period in the 1930's, and is moving along with a warm period as it did in the 1400's?