When does it go to shit?

When does it go to shit?

Decline starts in S8. The bad doesn't start to outweigh the good until S11.

Never, it doesn't

Only contrarians believe otherwise.

it doesnt
I disagree


I'd say there are more shit episodes in the later half of the seasons, but as a whole the show is still good or at least maintaining the same level of quality (which to some maybe was never good.)

I used to have this attitude, but this past season was the first one where I had to come to terms with the fact that it really was not as good. Not bad, just worse. That said it's still a good show, but not revolutionary like it used to be.

Hot one today huh?

Honestly, it never goes full shit.
Perhaps the later seasons aren't as good and you can notice the writers are starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel.
But they're still good.

There was lots of great episodes this season, I dunno what you're talking about.

'Hero or Hatecrime?' is an all time classic.

s7 starts the decline

anyone saying differently doesn't understand what made the show so good and only likes the show for le dennis psychopath man and le gay mac aka reddit

Trips confirms

nightman cometh was the zenith
everything after was meh

unbreakable kimmy schmit is good

I agree, but it's not like every episode is a fucking masterpiece like the first ~5 seasons. It is worse, you can't deny that.

Around the time when every other joke became a reference to another joke that they made in an earlier episode. It's okay to do some callbacks to old jokes, it reinforces that there's a continuity to the series, but it gets to a point where it becomes obvious that the writers are running out of material and are just padding the scripts with old jokes that they've already run into the ground. For instance, if Frank references Rum Ham one more time in the upcoming season, I'm done with this show. There are more examples but I can't be bothered right now to list all my grievances

On the other hand, last season was pretty terrible with "so wacky" episodes like Frank VR or Mac and Dennis in the suburbs and no real exceptional episodes to balance it out

this desu. Season 11 is literally just pointless filler mixed in with references to old jokes with none of it's own. But that's probably because they charlie and rob (dennis) only wrote 1 episode of the season

The only episode from last season I didn't like was A Cricket's Tale. Every other episode was fantastic in my opinion, especially Making Dennis Reynolds a Murderer, Hero or Hate Crime and the Gang goes to a water park.
Nightman is a meme episode that gets really old, really fast every time you rewatch it.

I've probably seen each episode (aside from newer seasons) 25+ times now and Nightman just doesn't do it for me anymore.

There has never been a bad episode you're all just hipsters

People claim the liberty bell one was bad, it wasn't great but it wasn't that bad either. People also hate Frank's Brother, but that episode was still good even though it was different.

My least favorite episode is probably Dee made a smut film, I just didn't find it funny at all.


though I'd be harsher and say that after season 8 it immediately becomes reddiit. The exact point it starts going to shit is "The Maureen Ponderosa Wedding Massacre." I clearly remember being baffled at how shit that episode was.

Shadynasty/Sha'Dynasty was clever

Night man was made more interesting when I realized that Charlie wrote the lyrics about Mac, being the Day man. He wanted him to play Day man in the musical, and "master of karate and friendship" etc. It's cute

I like the liberty bell episode, if only because of the whole pumkin cart scene and the stupid voice charlie does

Can't go to shit if it was shit to begin with

Mac and Dennis in the suburbs was one of the best fucking episodes you little fucking bitch

this desu

Good shows are determined by your ability to watch any random episode and have it be good. Sunny is that good.

This board has become unbearably contrarian

Last few seasons may have dropped off ever so slightly but it's still easily one of the best shows on television

>its always sunny in sjwville

season 5 is where it starts to show cracks but season 6 is where it truly goes to shit

agreed about nightman, never understood why it was so beloved

i wouldn't go as far as to call it shit but whenever i rewatch it it just isn't funny at all, got sick of it after the first time

Did you miss the episode where they basically call a black woman a nigger to her face

This last season was the only one I would consider bad with only two episodes (water park and the hate crime one) that I would ever re-watch.

For me season nine is where things really start to feel "off".

I can't stand shows where everyone is an irredeemable asshole. I get that's the point, but still.

The wolf cola one was good

The skiing episode is the one that made me go "huh, this is getting worse" though there were bad episodes before it, that was the one that made me aware

Whatever you think of the new seasons you aint seen nothing yet.

Dee has her shitty sitcom and now Dennis is actually leaving to do a primetime sitcom. Charlie is also busy doing terrible comedies with ice cube or whatever the fuck.

If the show even continues it will be unimaginably bad.

never, it's shockingly consistent in quality, but i'd say season 8 is the worst and it hasn't quite recovered yet

i personally enjoy all of it, sure there are some episodes that arent the best, mostly season 1, but thats when they were still new to making a show. nightman the musical is probably the best episode though

What's wrong with season 8 specifically? It has the Cereal Defense and The Gang Dines Out, 2 great episodes. The only really meh ones there are Charlie Rules The World, Wedding Massacre, and maybe Charlie's Mom Has Cancer, but none of those are bad. I wouldn't say the show started hard declining until after the Thanksgiving episode.

This. As somebody who started watching the show in 2006, it definitely changed dramatically and for the worse I would say. I haven't watched it since Dee had a baby.