What are some impeachment kino to get me ready for the next couple years?

What are some impeachment kino to get me ready for the next couple years?

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archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/uid/WO6K2cAu /

>m-muh Russian conspiracy
>T-Trump will be impeached any day now
Tick tock, demcuck, better hope Kim turns up dead in the next couple days. :^)


back to r3ddit friendo


> Kim turns up dead in the next couple days. :^)

He probably shot his self when he can't provide any real evidence. He will just say something without proof. Also DNC killing Seth Rich makes Trump being a Russian puppet go away how?

Back to pole

Any films to prepare me for the coming race war?

wait do you seriously think nothing fishy is going on? There may be a lack of evidence but to actually believe his behavior hasn't been suspicious as fuck is willfull ignorance

That 90s/ Bill Clinton doc on the history channel.

Nixon was never impeached.

The lynchpin of the Russian election conspiracy theory is that Russians hackers stole information from DNC servers, leaked them to WikiLeaks to harm Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign, and that Donald Trump is complicit in treason to influence the election. If Seth Rich was the source of WikiLeaks' DNC e-mails, the whole thing comes crashing down and absolutely nothing Trump did will be actionable.

nah even alan derschowitz says there's no crime

democraps are going to get depressed by 2018 when nothing happens

Trumptards reject anything negative thing about Trump as fake news.


Schindler's List or any Eastern Front WWII film.

he wasn't talking to you autismo

>The lynchpin of the Russian election conspiracy theory is that Russians

Do you not know who Michael Flynn is?

Seth Rich

Yes, the media is unbiased and 100% truthful at all times.

hitler did cool stuff too

HuffPo is trash and this post is low-hanging fruit

>another 0/10 gaslighting leftist post

Drumpf must be impeached.

You right it makes complete sense that they kill Seth Rich after he release information to wikilinks and not before. Ignore that fact that they wouldn't of known it was him.

he got fired for lying to his boss

it got found out because obama administration spied on him and then leaked the content of his phone calls to the press which is a crime

You must stop posting on Sup Forums

Holy fuck you hill shills are pathetic.

Podesta said in the e-mails that he wanted to "make an example" out of leakers.

Why are liberal cucks so fucking petty??

Are we Making America Great Again in this thread comrades?

pretty amazing that libtards went from muh sexism, racism, islamophobia to muh russia

I thought they had run out of retarded accusations but wow

Take your meds, Louise.

I wish I had that ushanka. ;-;

hmmmmm I would like a winter MAGA hat...

These are you baseless claims with no proof.

Trump is saying the same thing. You do think Trump is going to kill somebody or fire somebody. The phrase "make an example" doesn't always mean kill.

A private citizen whose communications were illegally monitored by Obama?

No examples were made except a murder.

Coincidentally, the guy who delivered the lawsuit against the DNC over the rigging of primaries also mysteriously died too.

>These are you baseless claims with no proof.


literally the only way the classified info could be leaked is illegally and it was when obama was president so there is no other administration that could have done it


>twist: all four were correct
M Night take note

Post YFW Drumpf is impeached and we finally drive the Sup Forums menace out of our board for good.


A man who acted of his own accord with 0 hard evidence of Trump's complicity. He was begging for immunity in exchange for testimony because he knows he's the only who's going to take a fall for his actions, he got rejected because he has nothing that would rope Trump or really anyone else into it. He's going to get strung up for it which will mark the end of legal action regarding Russians and the election, the rest will be purely rhetorical with years of headlines telling you Trump is a Kremlin spy and then it's onto the next pipe dream that will totally get him out of the White House this time.

Ok really who cares if Trump worked with Russia, I mean people make mistakes right so forgive him because Donald Trump is a great guy trying to make America great again and hes needs your support.

At least he isn't throwing a massive fit over it like clinton and is quietly accepting his failure

There are none. Enjoy

Why are you posting on Sup Forums, Sup Forumsedditor?


What did r/the_donald mean by this?

How's the weather over there comrade? They have you working late tonight!

Woosh right over you head. You said he got fired. Yet he reportedly had an argument with his co-worker just a few days ago. So what did it get fired that day.

ah yes the “Clinton Body Bags” narrative. Tell me again why would the DNC kill process server and not the “lead attorney in the anti-Clinton DNC fraud case?

Too high profile. You kill literally whos to intimidate.

There trying to deflect our attention away from this. It's not working.

>Kim shoot himself in the back of the head three times before jumping out of a window. His suicide note says he was upset that he could never be a banker

>implying your attention matters to anyone
lol nope. You aren't important. Pay attention to whatever dumb shit you want, no one cares.

Why are you here, outsider?

He has the legal right to fire the FBI director for any reason. The replacement is a guy who has served both Bush and Obama (even extended by Obama for another 2 years).

Comey has, under oath, claimed that there was no obstruction of the FBI investigation.

The kind of kino you should be requesting is fatty nu-male and tranny suicide kino.

>P-please subscribe guys

>guarantee replies

They why not kill Seth Rich's mom or someone close why kill him? If you trying to get a low profile you wouldn't kill him after, but before.Also it doesn't fit the narrative of the other people they supposedly killed.
If Trump is completely innocent they why not let the investigation happen? You have to admit Trump actions with Russian doesn't really sit well.

A swede cuck too
You really aren't a local of Sup Forums

I am not a communist at all, I am just a guy who wants you to wake up and see Donald Trump for the light to America that he is. This Russia thing is just a way to harm his image and thats not right at all, you need to forgive him to help America or you are Anti American.

Seth Rich is low profile.

You Hillshills are really mad you blew your chance to assassinate Trump. REALLY mad.


You look awfully sweaty there, r/the_donald. Maybe some ice cream will cool you down? Only one scoop, of course.

If our attention doesn't matter why keep trying to get it?

Why did you say our board when you're a Sup Forumsedditor?
You're against every sensibility this art board is for
You're not Sup Forums

Yes these are all lies my fellow American citizen. Do you like apple pie as much as I do? I certainly do enjoy eating it while I watch baseball on television, that is my favorite past time. Go Yankees!

Democrats remind me of the middle Brady girl instead of "Marcia, marcia, marcia!" It's "Russia, Russia, Russia!"

Fuck off Hillary shill.

>Seth Rich is low profile.

Again woosh over your head. If the point of killing Seth Rich was to stop him from giving information to wikilink. Then why didn't they kill him before. If you compare his murder to the rest it doesn't add up. Also why leave out the fact that the PI is being paid by someone who is not the family or police?

I'm not even a trumpfag but you have to be a fucking dimwit to believe any of this Russian conspiracy bullshit. Clearly nothing but the desperate democratic party trying to appease what few retards still follow them. They don't stand FOR anything anymore, only against things. Being against racism and sexism has taken a back seat to being against drumpf now

Again you even post on Sup Forums
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/uid/WO6K2cAu /
How can you claim to be an authentic Sup Forums local?

wow you should write for SNL

Shillary cucks everywhere I see.

>Sup Forums user thinks he has higher ground than the_Donald

>Continues to post the same link as if it'll somehow justify his paranoid-schizophrenic meme-fueled conspiracy theories

Don't worry, I'm sure r/the_donald will be there to tell you everything is alright.

Aww, it's triggered.

Confirmed Hillary shill, please leave Sup Forums is an alt right board.

>reference to 80s SNL skit no one liked
How fucking old are you r/the_donald refugees exactly anyway



The point was to make an example out of Seth Rich, to show all DNC staffers what happens to leakers.

It must make you mad that you can't kill me. Very mad.

More smug Hillary images? Coming right up!

E "TWO", BRUTE????


Delete this

You're not Sup Forums. I am Sup Forums. The Sup Forumss and Sup Forumss and the redditors have absolutely destroyed Sup Forums. Look how bleak the boards landscape looks. There are a few authentic posters out there still, like me, and blue, and user, and so on. But it is directly due to the aforementioned masters of inauthentic Sup Forums that people like ginger get so much praise. Your kind are actively polluting the minds of the people who see these anti art Sup Forums ideals.
You can hate me as much as you want, but I am sincere. This is what I believe.
I am a samurai fighting for authenticity. I train extensively both physically and mentally. And I'll continue to fight until my last breath for authentic Sup Forums

There is more proof of the Russian conspiracy than there was Pizzagate.

H-he didn't reveal anything r-right?

Maybe he should have referenced Harry Potter for you to understand.

how are Sup Forumscucks dealing with Donald's trip to Saudi Arabia and Israel next?




It's okay, user. I'm just here to trigger the redditors from r/the_donald.