Was it gas station kynó?

Was it gas station kynó?

gas stations > store fronts > cars > buses >>>>>>>> street signs

I hate this place

yeah man street signs are fucking shit. it's never easy.

I still don't know if you're supposed to select the squares that just have the pole or not.


>people don't use legacy captcha

For what purpose?

>tfw I own a gas station

>a bunch of pictures with street signs or cars
>choose them automatically
>they wanted pictures of hills and mountains

Why do they need to teach a computer how to spot hills and mountains?

It obviously wanted you to pick top right as well.

>Select images of cars
>pic is an aerial shot of a busy mall car park
>select everything

Some webmaster chimed in to one of these threads the other day and he claimed that the admins have the captcha settings cranked way up which is why it sucks so hard and you have to do 2+ of them to make one post. Seemed like he knew what he was talking about.

This is literally in every gas station capcha, I don't know if it's actually a gas station or not.

Needs to be able to distinguish between distant landmarks and a shrub.

You can see a pump in the bottom left corner.

>Select the store fronts
>It is a fading one

>it's boarded up

>not giving Hiro $20 to shitpost every 30 seconds

What's it like being a poorcuck moneylet?

What happens if you get banned? I do often and change my ip.

>Giving money to Gook-moot

Well at least /vip/ exists

This. I was banned last for replying to a thread about actresses you found hot in your youth. It's so fucking random. No way I'm paying 20 bucks for that, just gives janitors real power.

>he doesn't have a gold account

>literally being a financial cuckold and giving money to sleazy slanty eyed kike

one time I had to solve the captcha for cat and one of the pictures of the cats was a cat being tortured by some chink