Press F to pay respects to Hillary's campaign.
Press F to pay respects to Hillary's campaign
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Fuck off Hillary you fucking cunt
is that fucking real?
since it's a significant rise without a decline in Hillary's numbers it suggests Trump convinced a fair number of undecideds at the convention.
Hillary will win and I will laugh on this board the day of her inauguration
Yes. More gains to come once the shitshow at the DNC fully propagates.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
Polls are still irrelevant as always.
Oh, and fuck Hillary.
one way or another i'll be here. this is high tier drama on the line.
Fuck off, god emperor 2016!
Post this poll when Trump shows a sizable gap.
Reminder not to get too excited, remember what happened with Mittens? People thought he'd win too.
Please, don't stop memeing until the dawn of the final day. Overconfidence and complacency literally ended Mitt.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
Polls don't matter this far out.
Hillary hasn't even started on Trump.
Polls are rigged in favor of Trump.
Just look at the graph over the past year. Its completely fucking impossible at this point to tell if Hillary's campaign is dead yet and that trump has overtaken her permanently. Just a few weeks ago everyone was going on about how trump had absolutely no chance of taking over hillary.
July 25th? So we haven't even accounted for all the meme magic of the last two days? I demand updates!
Yeah, and then Hillary will talk the IS into giving up terror, hire millions of teachers that will bring black american education on par to asians, create a bazillion jobs, make the pay gap real and then fix it, turn women into men, create 200 new genders and then the republican party will disband itself before the US joins the EU.
Strap in boys
It's going to be a fun 4 months
They've overdone the whining about Trump and now the electorate is bored of hearing the same shit over and over again and is becoming more accustomed to the idea of him winning. This is exactly what happened before Brexit.
> Overconfidence and complacency literally ended Mitt.
except trump is going full steam ahead
You have to talk to your "old people" (40 - xx) they know that their childs are degenerates
DonĀ“t talk like "fascits"
...diga el hombre de panama.
No, fuck that dumb cunt she doesn't deserve any respect
Hillary's DNC is persuading so many people. The fucking propaganda usage is insane as fuck. A lot Hillary supporters don't seem to notice the problem going on with leaked emails, the bernie supporters, and the divide. My neighbor simply watches the speeches and makes her conclusion. It's a shame, she probably didn't even know about the walk out that was done.
The DNC is so manipulative it's disgusting. Making false promises, and false accusations about Trump. A lot of those speeches could have very well be said at the RNC, if they wanted to exploit minorities and lie to their faces to get their votes, then do nothing for them. Like Obama did, and like Hillary is doing.
wtf I'm a #cruzmissile now
>$0.02 has been deposited into your account, courtesy of The Patriarchy --- May you forever support supremacist movements
It's good to see Trump doing even better than expected at this point.
But don't fuckin think this means it's over, it aint over till it's over, remain vigilant.
Even if he drops down again below Shillary and all the shills start spewing their defeatist propaganda, keep fighting the fight.