Released 12 years ago yesterday. Some say it's the best of the prequels. Others say it's the worst of them.
Where does Sup Forums stand?
Released 12 years ago yesterday. Some say it's the best of the prequels. Others say it's the worst of them
the CGI where the best of all movies
>Others say it's the worst of them.
Who the fuck says this?
The Dawn of the Empire edit is legit Kino.
ESB>ANH>R1>RotJ>RotS (Dawn of the Empire edit)>TFA>TPM>AotC
honestly it was far superior to any of the prequels. It had pace, it had a purpose it made full circle.
a shame there was cgi where it was not necessary and the dialogue could've been tweaked a little bit better between Padme and Anakin, it felt a bit empty.
Me, faggot.
>"Mastah Skywokah! ver tooo ma-hee ov ehm. wutarrwee go tudu?"
people actually defend this piece of trash.
Clone Wars is infinitely better. Episode 1 is objectively the best of the three. don't even @ me. you're wrong.
1> 3> 2
Anakin being chopped up was probably the darkest things I had seen at the time, but even child me laughed at Darth Vader screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" shortly afterwards
At the time, I definitely thought it was the best movie. In hindsight, they're all pretty ridiculous. But I'd rather see an incredibly dumb movie than a kind of dumb movie, so I'd say II is the best
I saw it on opening night first screening downtown in big city
>tfw the entire audience bursts out laughing at NOOOOOOOOOO
They all suck. One being better than the others means jack shit.
t. retard
>12 years ago
Backstroke of the West > Revenge of the Sith
12 years ago I was watching the movie form a camrip with numbers on the screen and stupid ass subtitles saying that obi wan achieved immortality
I remember it having some good slapstick comedy?
Objective rankings:
>5 (or 4, the argument could be made)
>4 (or 5, the argument could be made)
>power gap
>some shit
>pile of shit
>7, R1, 1, 2, 3
This is how it goes. These movies are nothing more than space guns and aliens.
Agree 100 user
It's close to worst but Attack of the Clones is simply incoherent.
Sadly TPM is the "best" of the prequels, even with the inclusion of the line "...I've been wondering - what /ARE/ midichlorians?"
Not the best Star Wars movie, but probably my favorite one
Childhood is idolizing Revenge of the Sith.
Adulthood is realizing The Phantom Menace is the best prequel.
1. ESB
2. ANH
3. R1
6. PM
7. TCW
8. TFA
Thank you user.
i dont stand with Sup Forums cause most of their opinions here are dogshit. But for me personally I'd have to say its the best of the prequels
I love Lucas's Engrish or the somewhat odd statements like Palpatine saying, "We'll be watching your career with great interest!" It just sounds ripped from an RPG game, I love it.
So close but then you had to go and be edgy.
If I only had time to watch one Star Wars movie, Episode III is the one I would choose to watch.
saw it in the theatre as a 8 yo kid
it was fun
Dialogue reminds me of pic related.
>being this much of a fucking pleb loser
>Others say it's the worst of them
Nobody thinks anything in this series is worse than Attack of the Clones, not even Rogue One.
There's something about it that's really comfy. Even the poster looks great.
Does it have less CGI than the other two?
The first one (A New Hope) is the best one, the lost continues in descending order in coalition with their release order.
It sucks to say they all get worse with each new one, but it's sort of true. At least five and six add stuff to the story that you can't do without (Vader being Luke's father, hand cut off, force ghost, force lightning, the emperor, slave leia, Jabba, rancor, green light saber , Boba Fett, the Emperor, Luke - Leia siblings, Vader's redemption) what they add to the story as a whole, coupled with the fact that they are enjoyable films saves them from being mistakes.
The prequels are harder to watch and enjoy, but he true fans and the retards love them, plus they add some good shit to the overall story (Que Gon, Maul, I guess Dooku)
The Force Awakens has its faults, and it gets some shit for being a rehash, but whatever it's alright.
Rogue One was just shit though, couldn't even enjoy it on the first viewing, and I always love each new movie at least the first time around. The Vader scene at the end was cool, but that's about it. Easily the worst film, and as one user said, probably shouldn't even be in the list for not being a main story movie.
III > V = IV > 6 = 1 > 2 > R1 = 7