Should Leafy be added to the list? Look at his latest video:
Anti SJW YouTubers
I'm not watching this faggot's video, please tell me his title isn't just clickbait as usual and he is actually getting banned.
Leafy appeals to 12 year old autist. The fact that you even know wtf he uploads means you should remove yourself from this earth
B-but he's based
He just talks about how Youtube shouldn't ban channels that shit on other channels and what not.
Hes a fucking retarded, attention-whoreing faggot. Makes me wanna kill him every time he opens his mouth.
+ Looks like he enjoys being a sissy and takes part in bbc orgy's every friday night..
This faggot is the king of clickbait.
Yeah, leafy is a fucking faggot nigger manchild bitch who appeals to 12 year olds.
However he does drop the occasional red pill so shut the fuck up and don't shill for him here. He probably is a secret Nazi anyways, or soon to be one. So just shut the fuck up and let his master plan roll out like the money whoring faggot he is.
t. Leafy
this kid is turbo cringe and is very likely on coke in every video.
here's hoping that like and his jewess get banned too
being anti-SJW is the most autistic bullshit ever. anti-anything is carefag shit for autistic little baby manlets to suckle cum money out of their fellow autistic manlet fagbois
He drops red pills to the younger generation, so Im ok with him.
I really don't understand how you can watch leafy if you're over 18 years old. He makes content for children
No. He is an SJW, like most kids.
Wut flag on phone
Im thinking of starting my youtube career to fuel my meth/hooker addiction
falkland islands
He is cancer but he is also anti feminst, anti BLM ans against that fouseytube cunt. If anything, he holds many alt right views so he got that going for him. Its a yes from me.
Oh my god leftish shills please
Stop calling him what you are
he also hates trump and hitler
so fuck him
He will only do good, like dropping pills.
Of course you don't like him. His content is meant for children. Let the children become
redpilled though.
(he is also normalizing the swastika in almost every video he has one)
Isn't this the same person you said Avalon is the most racist person on YouTube for pointing out facts?
sure sounds like him
he also laughed and made fun of the girl who loves hitler
no he doesn't he hates hitler and nazis
Leafy hates on based keem. Fuck leafy and his autistic 12 year old fans.
If something isn't explicitly pro-white, it's trash and you shouldn't take it as something holy.
He does it ironically though
Leafy is the worst kind of YouTuber, because he only ever talks about other, even more retarded, YouTubers
He uses so much irony that it'd only be okay if he ironically did it ironically, but with only one layer of irony, he's subject to criticisms by the ironing experts of Sup Forums, as well as being victim to Poe's law.
Please fuck off with your eceleb faggotry. It's getting fucking retarded.
Like filthy frank, he is a cancerous blight, even worse than SJWs, because he too is a far left liberal but simply hides everything in irony. The videos I've watched of any of these types of channels, sure they say "anti-sjw" stuff by being racist, rude, or whatever else, but the whole time they're laughing, often forcefully, for everyone to know they're just being "ironic" or joking in a sense. It's all very cancerous and even worse than SJWs because spineless hacks like leafy can't even be up front about how left wing they are
are you happy with life ? when's the last time you're actually laughing your guts out ?
He killed keemstar the most redpilled youtuber to ever exist, he's scum.
all reported for confessing to be under 18, enjoy the bans
keemstar called an old youtuber a pedo and got that old man crying on livestream because keems fans somehow got his real address and phone number. i've never seen a redpilled person that is positive and human at heart.
>implying that the old man didn't benefit from all the exposure
Mods, SAGE this thread, please. Pretty please. With a cherry on top.
of course not, wtf, he got his real address and phone number exposed on a livestream chat. yeah right keep searching for the guys' kindness only because he's redpilled
>he's redpilled so there's no way he made mistakes like that. the old guy must be at fault, there must be something to blame on the old guy. he can't win, he's not the redpilled one so he must be wrong.
Anyone that calls out feminists is good in my book
Leafy is not based he's just an edge lord closeted faggot and hates Trump, Nazis, and Hitler by making jokes about them