Just look at her. If ever there is a war between Russia and the US, I will fight for her.
But you, American, do you have a thing for which you are going to fight?
Just look at her. If ever there is a war between Russia and the US, I will fight for her
That's a Slavic woman you idiot. Post a real Ameri-fat next time.
mom posting should be a banable offense
>I will fight for her
No you won't. You'll be sitting at your home playing vidya and masturbating to interracial porn.
I will defect and fight for Mummy with you
there are many slavic people in America.
I for one, am one.
But I was born here, its my grandfather who was from Eastern Europe.
Pennsylvania, and Colorado seem to be some of the highest density places for them.
Also I will likely take a bride from Eastern europe, having a slavic surname and US passport is like playing life with cheat codes.
We have the glory of unrestricted warfare to fight for.
She is American. We aren't talking about ethnic backgrounds you stupid fucking monkey. Go back to huffing petrol.
I will fight for Mutti!
Americans have national pride, freedom, their beliefs, friends and family to fight for, while Russians fight for some random single mother whore they look at on the internet.
I will happily fight for the most aesthetic First Family of all time now and ever.
Slavic heritage here too. Grandma said eastern europe sucks and urged her kids to be american. My loyalty is to the us constitution, which goes beyond family, religion, and government.
The correct term is mummy posting, m8.
>Fighting for a woman
>Fighting for a single mom
Slavs are truly the eternal slave of the Jew.
You NEET fags are creeping me out.
Get a girlfriend ffs.
It's actually inverted what you are saying, a bit like your country. How many Syrian refugees currently live inside your butthole Leaf?
I would fight for neither. I don't agree with dying for politicians.
Fight for her while she sucks American cock
trump's gonna win and we're going to align with putin. so i will be fighting for you my brother :)
Why is she so perfect?
I'm traditional American all the way.
I spend lots of time explaining real Americana to Eastern Euros.
My surname is mostly an icebreaker, and my aesthetics are a nice familiar yet different niche for them.
Half Slavic. From Ivana.
Quarter German and Quarter Scottish from Donald.
=Mixed race like 99% of Americans.
Murrica, fuck yeah
That smile would impregnate/10
I want to help her protect law and order and the Russian people of Crimea
> Fighting for a single mother and her son
You fucking 12 year old
Anyone have that pic of her doing lines?
She's just too cute to take seriously.
Not even joking she looks too nice of a person to be doing that job.
>Not an argument
Keep trying straya, maibe this time you wont lose agianst fish like you did to emus.
I would never fight against Russia.
America's government hates white men, our women are mostly feminist cunts. There's nothing left to fight for.
I'd go live in the woods until the war was over, or join Russia.
I love her in that uniform with the fucking shoulder thingies
She's like the female version of Ross from Friends , those facial expressions. Probably half the reason I find her so likable is the expressions she makes.
her breath smells like Putin's cock.
She's praying to wrong saint, since it was Stalin who made Crime Russian white by re-locating non-natives who the Tsars imported in their conquests.
Still here, eh?
Non-Americans have a hard time wrapping their heads around nationality not entirely entwined with ethnicity.
I cannot get enough of this woman
There isn't a single photo where she can hide those expressions there is a real character behind her and it shows.
>He says 'Cuck'
This is for you, son
Guess you're not gonna deny or at least try, that fighting for a single mother is being a cuck. This are your balls.
>The forcible deportation of the Crimean Tatars from Crimea was ordered by Joseph Stalin as a form of collective punishment for collaborating with the Nazi occupation regime in Taurida Subdistrict during 1942–1943. The state-organized removal is known as the Sürgünlik in Crimean Tatar. A total of more than 230,000 people were deported, mostly to the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic. This included the entire ethnic Crimean Tatar population
Stalin made Crimea white & Russian. All other are false prophets.
>that fighting for a single mother is being a cuck.
Off you go.
She is a treacherous swine who betrayed her country for a chance to suck some Vladimir cock. Anyone who likes her should be purged.
Fuck you, Ivan. I'm gonna fight for you for this.
She has an 'old soul'
And will also probably still be hot when she's 60
>implying Tsar Alexander II wasn't more based with regard to kebab removal
She is ethnically RUSSIAN
Besides Ukraine's democratically elected government was overthrown in a coup backed by NATO, so the Kiev supporters are really the treacherous ones
I will fight not for one person but for the constitution of the united states
even though im not american
>so the Kiev supporters are really the treacherous ones
This guy is on the money.
>She has an 'old soul'
Yes that's exactly it , she's so old but so young at the same time. I really think she has something specail about her and I'm not talking in a sexual way I genuinely mean she has this weird special thing about her of genuine goodness and something else I can't put my finger on but it's like she's ment to do great things.
>124% of Crimeans think Ukraine is a failed state
The question is rather who made Russia Mongol/Muslim?
>picture related
So if you are praying to this faggot, you are literally praying to enrichment of Crime through Mongols and Muslims.
>do you have a thing for which you are going to fight?
The right to determine how I live.
It's easy to see why your country is such a failure.
Kill yourself, OP
>He cannot tell the difference between an argument and something descriptive, instructional
>Needs to try one or the other. Just once.
>risking your life for a slavic woman
You do know that if you get ass wooped she will suck the enemy's dick in no time.
It's called 'hormones'. You'll learn about them as you get into middle school.
> fighting for a sin-prone woman
> not fighting for a transcendent perfect idea
I think she is running for Russian parliament or something, maybe she will rule the roost in the Kremlin one day
>The question is rather who made Russia Mongol/Muslim?
Subotai and the Mongolian Empire. Then you had the Gorden Horde, the Crimean and Kazan Khanates, and more.
The Russians beat them back over centuries and regained a lot of the territory they lost after the fall of the Kievan Rus.
Who is that man holding mummy's hand?
Your nation is a fucking failure. The thing is, yiour citizenry and their global supporters are either too stupid to recognise this or to full of themselves to get off their colletive ass and fix it!
What the fuck is that thing
Pretty sure 12 year olds get banned if they use this site. Either way that doesn't make them not able to see the difference between an old, chewed up candy bar and a new, sealed on their package one.
>100% white
>"mixed race"
Maybe one of the only times you will see an Australian with shit tier bantz.
No seriously I didn't mean anything sexual when I said special I mean there is something apart from all that to do with her acomplishing real great things it's like she's ment to do real good for man kind.
I'm dead serious there's a weird vibe about her and I think she's supposed to do big things.
I fight for my swag
She's the Head prosecuter of Crimea but I think she'l end up really high in politics over there and she's going to end a lot of corruption I think.
I would gladly fight for my country but I swear I will shoot that bitch in the face so you retarded waifuniggers will shut your whore mouths on post-nuclear Sup Forums.
I saw an interview of her not so long ago, I can't say I agree with her but she's so patriotic and fearless it'd make any muh gunz burgertard cry and crawl up under bed
I'll fight for Russia too.
>not calling it falloutchan
This is why you lost the cold war
>Your nation is a fucking failure
Says the lazy effeminate fuck that begged for a United States Marine Corp base lol.
We have three interstellar probes while you can't leave your shores without a United States Navy escort.
lulz are had daily
Why can't we be friends? -.-
I don't know for sure, but they eat it anyway.
>killing mummy
I will order every fucking one of your sisters and cousins on the post-apocalyptic internet and never take a single one out of the box when they get here.
>my patriotism stems from a vagina
That's called a 'penis'.
It does crazy things when it isn't used enough.
Pennsylvania here, can confirm. Especially Polish where I live.
>implying beta nu-male waifufag would not be slaughtered in the first day of the war
Natalia looks like a rat
>I can't say I agree
On what topic I'd be interested to hear ?
> but she's so patriotic and fearless
Yes there is that spirit of fire in her that we all should have and really we all need especially right now hard times lay ahead very soon.
>muh gunz burgertard
Maybe if you had a means to defend yourself and some non-cheese food, we wouldn't have to babysit you.
Did you ever think about that?
>theres no penis involved, so no
There you go, princess.
Thats RT/Sputnik/Propaganda a Leaf, Lithuanian, Refugee would say.
>eligible for military service
Kek. Btw, which one's your sister?
>t. Jamal Pablo Al-Detroiti
Yes you really got me there ouch , thanks for showing your age. Come back when you can talk like an adult.