Bernie and Trump BTFO by Seth Meyers
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(((Seth Meyers)))
Who finds these jokes funny?
I read his name as Meth Sayers
Also I don't why a comedian would take sides in politics and alienate half the country. Just stay neutral or poke fun at both.
>tfw you are a crazy uncle
The best part is, about this whole (((Hollywood))) meltdown is that they aren't doing anything but talking down to people. Do these fucking kikes not know that Americans hate being told to do ANYTHING?
>(((Seth Meyers)))
None of anything this guy said made any sense and I genuinely feel more stupid for having listened to it.
Thank you for nothing.
>48% crazy uncles
What did he mean by this Sup Forums?
that 48% of the population is male
>how to ensure the internet despises you
I can't wait until they alienate the "young and hip" crowd and the SJW disavow cult curse takes them too.
Oh, that's "problematic"
>known only from snl weekend update
>reading other people's jokes
>no known creative act
>no charisma
>somehow gets late night gig
If anyone is to be called privileged, it's this weasel
Because the kikes want to fuck us so bad they can't hide it anymore
letterman and leno were capable of doing this about a decade ago
now everyone is piling in against trump
Same here fellow crazy uncle.
"more white booing than a casper movie"
that was the most unfunny joke Ive ever heard
Literally who?
His voice is so high the mohel must have taken the whole package when they gave him brain damage.
>the half of the country that disagrees with me is crazy uncle
really rubs the brain bumps
Who watches this? Are there just a shit ton of people who mindlessly watch whatever is on TV?
I'm a Bernie supporter who would HAPPILY vote Trump this election over that fucking whore of Wall St. She literally stole the election from us, which is fucking treason, and deserves to be shot for that reason among many others.
>Oh but he buys politicians
Yeah Hillary and co. I'd rather cut the middle man.
>Oh but he hates women
No, he really doesn't.
>Herp derp fuckin racist
I don't care.
I still don't care, but he's really not very close to Hitler so fuckin chill man.
That's literally all I ever hear up here in Portland.
>I know you're Bernie or Bust but I have news for you: bust won!
heh, he admits Trump will win. Stopped watching this filth after that line
>(((Seth Meyers)))
He doesn't realize by "Bernie or Bust" we really meant "Bernie or Trump" since Trump was seen as a threat. I genuinely meant it.
I can also think of no greater insult to Hillary than to lose to Trump, the guy everyone thought was a fucking joke.
>Yet another News Montage Comedian
SNL popularity last decade was riding the teen pop wave with Justin Timberlake, Britney, Lindsay, the Miley.
Seth's idea of mocking on Weekend Update as saying "Really? Really? Really?"
He doesn't seem to understand what "or bust" means. It wasn't called "Bernie or Hillariers"
That was the choice. Bernie or nothing.
I'd unironically gas that kike.
Good man. Welcome. Here is your complimentary kek.
have a Nazi frog
Thank you. God bless a murica
I hate these """intellectuals""" who purposefully use big words to confuse their viewers.
Jesus at least colbert pretends to make fun of both sides, nbc really has their fingers deep in this pie.
>Jesus at least colbert pretends to make fun of both sides
Nope, Colbert has been shilling Hillary since before Bernie dropped out.
Why do Americans think failed comedians relegated to late night talk shows are somehow fonts of knowledge and leaders of the zeitgeist?
It honestly baffles me. Don't you people sleep?
This guy looks exactly like the actor.. Forgot his name but you guys know who i mean
this guys voice is so fucking pitchy
This guy is the biggest cuck of all the talk show hosts, hands down. And his jokes suck. Even current year man makes a valid point here and there. This dude... nothing.
It's because our news media is that bad. Literally THAT bad.
Comedians are our news sources. We are lead by jesters.
DESU I think he's just trying to save his own life.
Anybody else remember this night?
I bet Donald remembers...
>Australian sees one clip from an American late night show
>assumes that's the average American's sole source of knowledge
Never knew ((Seth Meyers)) was a fucking retard.
I hate how they use the word "demagogue" to characterize Trump.
"Demagogue" is a greek word, and in the past 40 years we've been ruled almost exclusively by demagogues and populists. Demagogues in greek politics are considered those who promise stuff to the populace like money, increased pensions, increased wages, free stuff, etc. A demagogue promises to make things better for his/her voters without them putting any additional effort. Tsipras is a textbook example of a demagogue. He promised that he would increase wages, decrease taxes, tax the rich, etc ,etc. Bernie is the exact same thing, a populist idiot with no grasp on economics who promises everything but wouldn't be able to deliver anything, assuming that he became president.
I haven't seen Trump promise free stuff. He says he will bring back jobs, but someone has to do these jobs. Compare that to hillary or Bernie who just promise free stuff and gibs me dats.
Honestly, it was pretty good, he delivered his jokes well, none of that liberal snark, just straight delivery.
Yeah he's still a leftist cuck, but in that video he seems like one of those old school free speech liberals who would have a conversation with you and listen to your opinion.
Also it should piss off the bernouts so that's great too
We get your dorky fucking talk shows over here too. But nobody watches them.
Also they are the sole source of knowledge for a lot of people. Source: Your population.
Wow, that sure is fucking stupid
>Look at flag
Why the fuck is it always Canada? Always Canada
Never see this idiot before.
Trump is an asshole, but he's better than Clinton.
This ain't debatable.
Actually I was just making a funny.
Stephen Hawking called Trump a demagogue. Trump supporters railed Hawking for purposefully trying to confuse the with big words. Hawking responded with "Trump bad man. Very bad man".
Donald got fucking ripped that night.
>When you manage to troll the entire upper class into losing an election.
Oh whatever, I just get angry when people say Trump is a demagogue but don't say the same about the democrats.
Well yeah, but the point is that it is especially true of Trump.
Have you watched the latest episodes? He points out emails and big bank donors. Granted its obvious he still is shilling her but its less obvious.
Jesus Christ why is every TV-comedian and talk-show host nowadays so fucking dog-shit unfunny
They always have been. You just grew up.
Look at this. I honestly don't know who is going to get it worse. Him or Cruz
Not space ghost.
This why Trump is better at branding
>Lyin Ted
>Little Marco
>Crooked Hillary
They're all one syllable and easy to understand. Hillary's labeling is crazy shit like
There's a reason the non educated class is voting for Trump in record numbers
supposedly this is the moment he decided to run for office
This is so pathetic.
>non educated
>proving my point
if true thats totally trump
>oh really you want to roast me?
>guess what fag im running for bresiden :DDD
Attack your potential voter, maybe that will make them like you. PURE GENIUS
They appeal to idiots.
I guess its time for the never Trump guys to be quiet now on the republican side now that their candidates lost.
Just take it up the ass and don't make any waves thanks Seth you really made me think.
Yeah, and the more people like seth meyers joke about it in a condescending manner, and in a manner that suggests they can't decide whether it is "sew important" or just kind of funny, the more people they drive to trump
>tries to win over Bernie supporters
>by insulting them and calling them naïve for not shilling for a two faced warhawk
You know, for a American, the fag doesn't seem to get how indignant us Americans can be.
>trump just biding his time
public executions when?
I was going to vote for Trump but after this video I'm a shill for Hill now.
Holy fuck, how many of these liberal "comedian" puppets are there? And another ugly jew?
Do they really need so many of them? Seem excessive and desperate.
He does promise that everything will be great, that he'll beat everything, that'll he and everyone will win, etc.
But nothing concrete. That's what I like: no matter what, he can say he was technically (and more importantly for business, legally) correct.
>illegal immigrates to US
>blames it on the Mexicans
This is your fault
He's a sheltered New York Jew and extremely wealthy. He has virtually nothing in common with normal Americans. I'm not surprised he doesn't understand his mistake.
Colbert is ok about it, best one I can think of currently
shit im now a #cruzmissile
Jesus Christ if the Don was giving me that look I'd be on high alert for an "unfortunate accident"
*snaps fingers* "HEY! PAY ATTENTION"
The fucking audacity
I will be happy for you muricans when Trumps wins and you get to see all these faggots roll in pain.
>They laughed at me once.
>They aren't laughing anymore.
Trump is a coporate billionaire and was able to craft a message that resonates better with the working class than the establishment candidates could ever dream of. There's no excuse, the left wing media has no goddamn excuse.
If I supported Bernie this would make me not want to vote for Hillary even more.
holy shit, his face didn't change at all for the whole thing. also that birth cert stuff is fucking stupid. in america do you not need it for government jobs. shit i need mine to get government assistance
>one syllable
For fucks sake dude count
I mean he did the same skits at the dnc
>only crazy people would vote for trump
>this country is 48% crazy people
If you really thought that, why would you live here?
Cuz weed lmao
You're out of your goddamn mind. He built his career on making fun of Republicans.
Don's hair looks sort of cool in this images
>man who lives in a marble palace becomes champion of lower class
What a time to be a live