Is Elizabeth Gillies back? Will you watch?
CW's Dynasty
I miss MountainDew. :-(
fuck off mountaindew this is a thread about dynasty
L. M. A. O.
Yes I will be.
Fuck off, nigger.
Can't to 30 seconds without racemixing. Fucking CW.
What do you think of their other new show?
Is that you, Dew?
>coal burning
I normally wouldn't care about the racemixing (being a black guy), but come on now: the FIRST thing they market to potential viewers is this shit?
Like, for real?
You know how it goes with the media. Continuing the white race is a no-no.
Who's that?
It will be canceled after a few episodes simply because it looks uninteresting as fuck, no one is likeable or even relatable to CW's target audience. The trend of rich kid drama died in the recession and now teen dramas are more focused on teens from working class backgrounds
I would've watched a shitty show for Liz but this agenda pushing is an instant dealbreaker for me. Wouldn't even watch if it was HBO and Liz was full frontal.
He was a tripfriend back when Sup Forums had tripfriends.
I hope you're right
CW needs to learn.
remember when you all said ASR was back because she had a show on the CW?
CW already learned with Hellcats, this seems to be a half assed attempt at holding onto the Dallas rights. There really is nothing about a remake of an old soap opera has to offer a network that makes its money off comic book adaptations
at least she didn't kiss any black dudes :^(
they need to get liz doing panty scenes, stat
This has sparked my interests.
I'll spark a fucking cross on your lawn
Comments like this here are what keep me coming back to this board.
So let me get this straight; in the two new CW shows, each feature a main white female character who fucks black guys, and each features a main homosexual character with explicit gay sex/romance scenes? That about the gist of it?
This might be more up your alley, it has no gays.
>people still watch CW
You know my man, you're alright.
stay away from my daughter
pics of your daughter?
>on a show that gets cancelled
>joins another that show gets cancelled
right she should just join a show that won't get canceled how dumb of her
you said it
thank you based jews for making it more acceptable for white girls to get B L A C K E D.
so many white girls at my college are calling me handsome now and i'm getting more attention from these whites girls, which are my favorite.
Coal burning aside, why the fuck is a trailer almost 5 minutes long? I'm being show like 5 episodes worth of content at the very least. Dumb, I'm sure whores will love it though.
it's all content from the pilot episode.
Will we ever get another teen drama with beautiful white people like gossip girl and the OC? Even in 13 reasons why, their idea of the hot cheerleader and rich upper class girl is a fugly nigress and a mongoloid looking chink.
>no pale tits and strawberry colored nipples exposed
Did her show dad ever fuck her? Id Dennis Leer at them titties fuck her IRL?
>only gets eaten out
Seriously? Anyways, I'm always down for rich people being degenerate assholes. Liz is is just a bonus.
Which is why Riverdale bombed so hard the only reason it even got a second season was because of Netflix, right?
t. cuck
I would like to sexually disappoint her.
can you go in more detail?
really makes me think
>le cuck
but of course
I wish I had a gf that liked to get BLACKED™
>I wish I had a gf
you won't with your beta cuck schtick
wrong thread