Revenge of the Sith

I don't understand how he lost. Obi Wan was holding back while he was going for the kill. At this point he was a bit stronger than Obi Wan too. He even had the high ground a couple of times throughout the fight but still failed to kill Obi Wan. Did Sheev train him wrong on purpose? Even if that was true Obi Wan taught him pretty well so that shouldn't matter.

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>At this point he was a bit stronger than Obi Wan too.
Maybe he never actually was. Maybe the Jedi thought so because of the stupid prophecy, and Palpatine was telling him that he was just as a way to control him.

Anakin was pretty much the strongest jedi before ge got his limbs cut off and burned, it's just that obi wan isn't a pushover. Also obi wan uses Form 3, while Anakin is using Form 5.

Form 3 is more defensive and superior to form 5 which is mostly aggressive.

In terms of raw power Anakin was stronger than Obi Wan. I guess you could say Obi Wan is the better duelist but the fight with Dooku at the beginning of episode 3 sort of muddles the whole thing. My headcanon for that was that Obi Wan subconsciously held back against Dooku because of Qui Gon. Obi Wan jobbed hard to Dooku but won against all his other opponents

Never understood the need to make Anakin a super-Jedi, honestly. Darth Vader was strong but it wasn't implied he was Jedi Jesus.

>I don't understand how he lost.
He didn't have the high ground.

Making Anakin Jesus ended up making Luke look a lot better.

If you watch the fight he had the high ground for a little while


Anakin only beat Dooku because he went to the dark side during the fight. Besides Sheev probably interfered and made sure Anakin would win.

Luke was basically the ideal version of his father. So making Anakin the chosen one pretty much makes Luke one too. I remember George claiming Luke was the strongest guy ever so I guess making him descended from the chosen one was a way to legitimize that

He thought Obi Wan fucked his wife which made him lose his cool and pull retarded stunts which ended up backfiring on him.

Would make more sense for sheev to be nearby. That way Obi has to run away because he can't beat sheev.

Would have made more sense for Yoda to take Obi Wan with him to fight Sheev

He learned from his mistake. The next time he made sure Obi Wan couldn't get the high ground

He was overconfident and ludicrously in over his head. He'd just murdered children, choked out the love of his life (and supposed reason for murdering said children and others), and was now facing his mentor/brother/friend/sorta-father-figure in a duel to the death.

This isn't purely a question of power-levels and consistently reducing the Force and Darkside into one is the reason for a lot of the absolute, dbz-tier pile of shit in the EU.

Vader never stuck him down though

I understand that but he had no problem attacking Obi Wan while Obi wan was conflicted until the very end

Obi Wan had no chance even if he did continue the fight

He went one with the force. As seen in almost every movie, if someone got hit with a saber you would see their body or wound.

Obi-Wan had the moral high ground.