Want to know the best part, Sup Forums?

Want to know the best part, Sup Forums?

Even if you find your qt2.14 redpilled blonde hair blue eyes waifu and get married in a socialistic libertarian paradise with perfect laws and justice, a citizen ban on feminazi literature, a localized, wholesome internet where free speech is allowed and people who hold anti-white agendas are done in by the social stigma and have to move to some other country to have a chance at working ever again, obesity is magically cured and you'll never have to worry about how shitty your diets are, you manage to raise a wholesome family, you made a career for yourself and paid their tuition yourself.

Your son will still bully his sister and the Tumblr dynamic will re-emerge in your daughters. Sup Forums can't save you from this. Sup Forums caused it.

Other urls found in this thread:


pick one

How else did you plan to fund deportation?

>the Tumblr dynamic will re-emerge in your daughters
(That means social justice warriors.)

Does "socialist libertarian" mean regular socialism but with free weed?

you're retarded.

the social safety net is for shitheads like you.

Nah, because you have to remember that the 1950s helped to cause the 1960s "sexual revolution".

If you want to be a good father for a daughter, you have to show strong love, care and compassion towards her. You have to be willing to play with her.

That's what daughters are missing, do you understand? They are missing Fathers. Every little girl needs her Dad.

Girls become SJWs because they have daddy issues, they have families who don't care about them and so they try to compensate for that by trying to get the Government to take care of them, or beta-males. Since an Alpha Male scares them too much and reminds them of their "scary republican Dad".


>Your son will still bully his sister

Siblings will always be mean to each other, but that doesn't mean you can't deal out some ass-beatings if they go too far with each other.

So let's recap shall we?

>Love your children
>Care for them and give them attention
>Discipline them when necessary

Christianity already tried to preach the love angle.

Nobody bought it. Everyone still thinks god wants this.

>Revealing that you're nothing but b8

This is sad.

>Providing a firm but loving environment for children has not been proven to greatly improve behaviors of children
>Implying this is solely a christian viewpoint

As for christianity angle, it was pushed to cuck-blivion when that's not what it was. Christianity used to be different in terms of how submissive it is now compared before, thanks to hippy faggots, false teachers and jews.

I'm more than bait, user.

I am the truth you wish nobody had said.
>this is solely a christian viewpoint
Not at all. I'm just saying that, "Well the simple solution is to love them," didn't work. Personally I feel disgusted by the idea that Christianity has a monopoly on the concept of love, but that's literally what Jesus tried to preach. It worked for some, but most are still blind to what Jesus actually said.

You guys have lots of theories on how to raise kids, but when it comes down to it, you don't know how to keep your nation together.

>I am the truth you wish nobody had said.


Dude, the least you could do is sage if you really think I'm that bad of a troll. Don't think there aren't people lurking who can't find their way out of the logic bomb I just dropped. You didn't even notice the irony of the fact that I actually said something about returning to Jesus' original words while what may as well be the Sup Forums norm () said it's been cucked for awhile now.

Think before you brush me off like the gnat I'm pretending to be.

That's not what Christianity teaches though, neither Jesus, in many places it mentions how

>If they are lazy, they shall not eat
>A good parent is one who disciplines his children
>Not to mention all the times God punished his children (Jews/isrealites) for disobeying his rules.


>ou guys have lots of theories on how to raise kids, but when it comes down to it, you don't know how to keep your nation together.

The breakdown of the nuclear family is one of the causes of the breakdown of a nation, since that's what nations were build upon, at least America was, with christian values as a whole, or at least very much influenced by them.

So you can thank degeneracy for that.

I'm not that user But it is pretty cringe m8

It was meant to be. It's my troll way of saying that these arguments won't go away just because you cracked the code and figured out what I'm not here to motivate Sup Forums like a Sup Forums native would.
Past causes for breakdown aren't my argument. My basic argument, which will become a daily reminder just because there are people that want to sleight you guys, can be summed up as this:

No matter what you do, the internet will turn your daughters into social justice warriors.

The easy solution is to get rid of the internet, free speech, or separation of Church and state.

You can't get rid of the internet, period. The government is slowly losing the hacker war and its only real reason to try to shut off the internet would be for censorship, so getting rid of the internet would require throwing out free speech anyway.

You can't get rid of free speech because once people realize how much it means to have a voice, they never let it go. This is why social justice is so powerful today: People are naturally sympathetic, even when they shouldn't be. By the time you can make a decent case for censorship, it'll only be because social justice made it seem like a good idea and it'll happen for all the wrong reasons. The only way to make it happen for the right reasons would be a religious revolution.

You can't get rid of separate of Church and state because sociopaths exist. Every attempt to create a method of reliably spotting psychos ends up getting innocent people wrongly accused. Try to eradicate any form of severe personality disorder would involve understanding mental health, which means dealing with the mentally ill, which means that your researchers end up sympathizing with the victims in police brutality cases. The mentally ill have always been over-represented in the jail system so until police officers stop being cunts to the people they're supposed to be protecting, you can't even begin to do the basic necessary steps for researching the problem.

It won't actually, it really depends on the upbringing of the person. The quickest example would be myself.

I was raised in a christian home without the extremism, this is what my mother taught me.

>Not to be stupid (with examples from the bible)
>Not to be lazy, work hard (with examples from the bible)
>To not take everything to heart, or just swallow whatever anyone says. (With examples from the bible)
>To be wise (with examples from the bible)
>To be harsh and strict when needed (with examples from the bible)

The reason I'm including my gender is because I am a daughter, and thus it has to do with this.
I was raised on how my mother raised me based on christian values that directly affected the way I viewed the world. Regardless if you believe in the religion itself, the lessons stayed for me.

So, it made me immune to sjw thinking. Even before i found Sup Forums

>depends on the upbringing of the person
That's a solid counter-argument, but realize that it may well end up applying to 30% of the population.

Even if most people don't end up what way, enough of them will that it'll still be a thing in 20, 80, 100 years. Unless you actually improve the lives of everyone in your country such that they can be proper parents, unless you fix the economy such that everyone will have the opportunity and time of day to be the parents they need to be, these problems will resurge in the exact same way they came about the first time. It will be social justice that ends the world, if nothing else does. Social justice is petty, vile, hypocritical and rude and it doesn't care that it is. It would rip apart perfection in the name of shallower pursuits. Degeneracy is one thing, social justice is another.

Still a solid counter-argument, but remember that I don't need it to be true of everyone, just enough of them.

>Not to be stupid
>Not to be lazy, work hard
>To not take everything to heart, or just swallow whatever anyone says.
>To be wise
>To be harsh and strict when needed

Good, solid advice. It also has nothing at all to do with the Bible and in fact the Bible gets in the way of communicating many of those principles. You'd literally be better off with a short and simple checklist like that than trying to communicate those simple, solid, good ideas from some history book. The idea that a good upbringing requires a religion or a guide or a ubiquitously functional economy is the cancer that is killing true parenting.

I wouldn't have any problem letting you babysit my kids. You sound like you got the hang of being a parent from your mother, and that means more than any psychology book on parenting ever will. I wouldn't even say this about myself.

Screw it. You seem decent enough. What's your take on the why behind social justice?

I would have to disagree on the whole
>Good, solid advice. It also has nothing at all to do with the Bible and in fact the Bible gets in the way of communicating many of those principles. You'd literally be better off with a short and simple checklist like that than trying to communicate those simple, solid, good ideas from some history book. The idea that a good upbringing requires a religion or a guide or a ubiquitously functional economy is the cancer that is killing true parenting.

I do agree that these are things that can be taught without the bible, as for me. Which again, is a small example and not indicative of a lot of people. It provided an example, solid foundation, and easy bites to absorb. Especially when a child is so young, I don't have any medical degree, but I doubt just straight bullet points would be absorbed well to a 5 year old kid. Especially when that's a crucial age for them to be learning. Not to mention, from personal experience. I genuinely believe in my religion so to me, the bible is a really good guidebook on many things.

> What's your take on the why behind social justice?

I'm not entirely sure what you're asking. I'm assuming you mean why has it become so prevalent?

It's really odd. Up until a few years ago, it didn't have much foothold. Which is strange since that sort of behavior has been lurking since the 80s. I read both of Dinesh D'souzas books called Illiberal Education and The End of Racism which shows sjw tactics from so long ago.

It's begun to get into popularity I would assume due to obviously (((jews))) and the malleable minds + internet.

Not to mention, the new generation being essentially poisoned to hate america from the time they entered school (Something I noticed that started to happen to me when I was in elementary but quickly faded. The fact that my mother is an immigrant from a 3world country put that into perspective)

Also, it's 5 am and im also trying to watch to jarva pride event so my thoughts my not be as clear or direct as they should be.

You mean Canada?

Ah fuck I had a reply typed up but I accidentally just lost it to a rogue Ctrl+C.

>I doubt just straight bullet points would be absorbed well
What I meant to say was that it sounds like your mother only used the Bible as a convenient checklist of ideals to teach. I'd actually like to see you come back to the list you gave and find a way to teach each of those ideals without the Bible but I certainly wouldn't complain if you used it just because you hadn't found a more convenient way to teach those things. Certainly don't just present them with bullet points and expect them to understand the context.

Ah no, that's where you are mistaken. My mother is deeply religious and genuinely believes in god. Ever since she was a child, her faith and strength came from her religion, and what you could say is her personal relationship with God.. Now I'm assuming you do not believe in any religion. There's a big difference between most people who are religious, especially from 3rd world countries. Now whether or not you may think that's just coping mechanism, I can see why'd you think that but I really don't think it was in this case.
I'm rambling at this point, so I apologize for lack of concise replies.

>Ah fuck I had a reply typed up but I accidentally just lost it to a rogue Ctrl+C.
Good job

Well no, I don't doubt she was religious. I'm just saying it sounds like the root value of the Bible is just that it functioned as a checklist. It's not that she wouldn't have taught you those things if the Bible wasn't there, it's just that she might not have remembered each of them offhand while trying to raise you if the Bible hadn't been there. Now that you know how powerful those lessons were, you can bypass the Bible and just teach the valuable parts directly. It's not that she taught you wrong, it was just unnecessary to use the Bible. (Or maybe it wasn't, for her era. You'll undoubtedly have more options for finding different ways to teach those ideals.)

>bullying your little sister

Mm, I can understand but like I did mention earlier, I am religious myself so using the bible will be definitely part of it.

Because from the religious point of view, it's just about teaching right v wrong it's also teaching from our religions viewpoint.

> it's just that she might not have remembered each of them offhand while trying to raise you if the Bible hadn't been there

I doubt this quite honestly but as of now, I have no way of knowing.

I'm not sure what else is there to discuss, but I have enjoyed bouncing opinions back and forth with you.

Just not teaching right v wrong/morals etc and as well as being more involved in the religion etc.

Sorry again, rambly atm.

>Nigger apologist

What. Nothing I said there was even remotely supportive of not deporting any race.

>It's just mentally ill people in prison
>It's the cops fault for not dealing with mentally ill people

As shitty as cops are we have a nigger problem in the US not a mentally ill problem.

The mentally ill end up in the prison system more often than they should. I'm not talking about race here. This is an entirely separate statistic from the incidence rate of black imprisonment. Hispanic too.

Most of the prison population is made up of those two groups. It cannot be ignored. It's the reason why police procedure is the way it is now, and that's because of them. They are facilitated by the government for justification of expenses which happened to encompass funding more into the police force.

Hispanic here. Go fuck yourself you racist piece of shit.

Beaner here. He didn't even say anything racist.

Also, using racist on Sup Forums as an insult.

Pretty dumb desu.

Do you suck his dick too?

Nah, you're just stupid.

I hope all hispanics are holocausted into extinction in the US when they and the niggers are pushed back by artillery fire.

I might as well take this time to say that I don't actually care about racism on Sup Forums. I can sympathize with the desire to see Sup Forums become less racist at some point, and I don't fault you for trying to gain sympathy from someone like me who looks like they might care to help change things on this board, but I don't see it as a problem in any notable sense. For better or worse it is the board culture and I'm not going to say anything in contrition to it.

She can if she wants DESU. Normally I wouldn't let anyone on Sup Forums touch something that sensitive but she's made sound, decent arguments here. I'm also convinced she'll be a decent mother so I don't feel turned off by the idea of getting kinky with her.

Worst filter ever desu tbhonest.

I appreciate the compliment user. I hope you find a good mother/wife for yourself whenever you decide to settle down, take care senpai.

I meant f a m but sure. That works.

I'm just gonna leave this here in case anyone wants to understand how the rest of the world is looking at things.
