>NATO pls protect us from evil Russia. Poor, poor Poland. Always the victim.
>NATO pls protect us from evil Russia. Poor, poor Poland. Always the victim.
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Why would their slavic brother invade them? Suresly Russia would never invade or mistreat any of those countries, right?
Russia is an actual enemy, remember when your country lost to Serbs?
How much does Putin pay you to shill for Russia, Sehrgay?
It's still an invasion if the government fled to london?
>being this autistic
Could Russia just nuke Poland once and for all
Haha, Russia can barely afford a potato.
But maybe they could... and they would also run out of money the same night and brake down like they always do.
Russia isn't exactly in the greatest shape to battle other western powers. And by powers I mean the US. If the government stopped backing NATO I'm sure Russia could take on Europe in its current state, considering building up arms is so controversial over the pond. The biggest probably be Eastern Europe and the remaining special forces of Western Europe.
Why bother? Sovs couldn't hold onto Afghanistan, how could they occupy a NATO member?
Sure. I guess its lucky for them we dont fucking care about them so the possible invasion exists on ly in their dreams (overall, Poles and Balts seems to be masochistic nation that want to be dominated - constantly dreaming of Russian boot on their soil)
Invade =/= conquer
That said, I have no doubts that Poland will not be in good shape if Russia does move; itll be the France of WW3.
What I dont understand about Russia is why do they antagonise and turn Poland against them? Time and time again. I would say that a proper, legit slavic union - Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Estonia, Hungary, etc - would certainly rival the western powers, and would change the situation completely.
> asteroid could wipe entire NATO in one strike
May as well build some huge and useless anti-asteroid system while we are at it.
>What I dont understand about Russia is why do they antagonise and turn Poland against them? Time and time again.
Like? All i see Poles weaponizing their butthurt for inner political reasons.
It's mostly butthurt belt fantasies so they can pretend to be relevant.
Why are you so fucking dumb?
I don't buy it. Russia attacks when there's some sort of a crisis, not when a country is stable and good to go
>What I dont understand about Russia is why do they antagonise and turn Poland against them?
We didn't do anything to Poland or Baltics at all for last 20 years. We don't care about them, there's literally zero presence of them in our mass media except when they have another rusophobia fit and say something outrageous.
Whenever we hear something like "Russia could invade Poland/Estonia/Finland" from west, its like hearing "Russia could invade Alpha-Centauri soon". Its so fucking bizarre, like news from some distant parallel world.
Lets be quite honest here:
You interfere in their internal politics (PO party, Katyn aircrash), you have a past history of stirring shit with them stretching back more than a hundred years, and you say you are going to invade them.
Not really the language of a friend, is it?
What I dont understand is why we even supposed to want to invade them? Strategic stockpile of apples?
>You interfere in their internal politics (PO party, Katyn aircrash),
One retard decides to fly to Russia despite bad weather. His pilots say no landing, he orders otherwise, crashes. How the fuck Russia interfered into anything? You make no sense.
>burger showing his expertise on eastern block politics
You fags would literally say the same thing about Crimea 10 years ago.
You are moron. We dont want anything to do with them or their politics. The pole buthurt comes from Soviet times and nowadays used just by all parties inside their country to divert attention from own issues and play the boogeyman.
We dont have shit to do with their parties, and Katyn crash was their drunk retards own fault.
The only reason we might have to want invade the, is to make them shut up once and for all with constant annoying russophobia.
>stirring shit with them stretching back more than a hundred years
Actually it was Poland stirring shit with Russia for hundreds years, and getting kicked for it. Its like if Sweden nowadays would be buthurt Russia kicked his ass three hundred years ago.
Is Georgia was in crisis then russia atacked? You have a border with russian military base camouflaged as a region. They can take half of your country overnight if they sober up.
No, actually we always said Crimea is part of Russia, and Crimea itself never agreed to be part of Ukraine, there was anti-ukraine insurgency going on since fall of USSR.
> what is georgian attack on Tshinval
Georgia was at a de facto war with Osettia... Though they themselves started shit when they attacked the peacekeepers.
Why do your people charge whites more money for all products, Khmer?
put away the nukes and we would win just as always, polan stronk russia we war u
Ukraine, Belarus, Kazachstan - our key interestes in post Soviet region. Crimea was always our base and had russian population.
About the rest we care only to a specific degree to keep them in our influence rather than Chinese, and about Balts and Poles not at all.
Buthurt belt paranoya is simply moronic, given example of say Finland that actually neibourghs us, is neutral and we have zero problems with. The only issues Poles have with Russia, are their own doing.
No need to be naive; same reason Germany invaded Belgium.
As long as we aren't forced to discard our culture and language i'd be fine with russia taking over my government because my government is fucking shitty
please not our land though
>european countries used to take turns taking on the rest of the world combines by themselves
>now the entirety of the continent is scared to death of what was 20 years ago basically a failed state
enjoying your great social experiment europe? well you better hope love really does conquer all because the US is done providing the muscle for it
Georgia is a tiny country
we pay all nato taxes and spend 2% gdp on military, why would u break this alliance
Don't worry Sven only your grandkids will start squatting and wearing tracksuits.
>say the same thing about Crimea
Kek no, Crimea always was a painful loss
No one gives a fuck about the rest of butthurted ex-soviet clay, desu.
there's no reason at all. poland is a depopulating backwater whorehouse with no industry or natural resources. but their deranged hysteria about imminent russian invasion could prove to be beneficial as it strains nato resources between virtual red menace and factual islamists pillaging, raping and massacring european populace on daily basis
always keep your opponent confused and disorientated
So is Poland
>legit slavic union - Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Estonia, Hungary
If poland is to be invaded, it`d be Germany sending peacekeepign forces to liberate poland from its dictatorial nationalistic goverment. (thats what i get from reading german news at least)
Though recently Poland bashing with all the event went kinda to background, so they just hope for revolution/coup.
They started invading first. We could be friends.
Poland is quit big. That doesnt matter though, as we`d still be able to quickly destroy their military bases, airbases and military concentrations.
Occupying it though is unrealistic and serves no purpose too. The only time Poland might appear in our military calculations is in scale of large NATO/Russia conflict, where attacking it might be necessary to prevent NATO`s advance to Russia and creating a buffer.
Poles also dont help, as with their histerya and attempts to make NATO presence there bigger, building anti-ballistic shield etc. instead of raising their security - they raise their threat in our eyes, thus making situation worse.
Speaking about current Polish government, can any of Polanbros clarify current political climat in Poland? How is it going to you internal politics vise and haw are your relations with EU since the beginning of this year?
poland should start adopting swiss ideals fast
>mandatory firearm ownership
>poland should start adopting swiss ideals fast
First Swiss ideal to adapt would be Neutrality.
for countries that are actually contributing their fair share we probably wouldn't I don't know we'll have to see but for the freeloaders? you're on your own bums
Why the fuck would we invade Poland?
America could subdue Russia's army, navy and airforce, and secure all its nuclear facilities, collectively within one hour.
> We can destroy Poland with ease in a day if we needed to
> Poland's hysteric
>the country with 5 times the military force of the defending country can invade it
stop the fucking presses
on a european scale it's big. And Russia would have to occupy Ukraine first to comfortably go after Poland. Kaliningrad is just too small not to get smashed
In war, numbers confer no advantage.
>russian says poland should be neutral
Perhaps in the futuer, sure, but it's that firearm ownership that makes neutrality matter in the first place
Dude fuck off you already singlehandly repelled whole Russian army.
Poland is way stronger than you.
You are absolutely correct, sir. Also, Russia is notoriously weak as a defensive nation.
Current rulling party Law & Justice hates Russia and hates Germany.
Our relations with EU are pretty bad, mainly because pro-German party is no longer the main force in Polish politics.
Also - Law & Justice is the the first party in Poland to rule without coalition, so they do whatever the fuck they please. And Germany is pretty mad about this.
We could make Australia even more of uninhabitable desert than it is, doesnt mean we care about doing so.
Partly, the reason we have capacity to deal with Poland easily is because they became part of NATO and constant hysteria.
Basically each step Poland does to "defend" itself, causes a response from us as Poland being part of NATO is threat to us, and in particular Kaliningrad or act as NATO base during invasion to Russia.
We tell them each time "if you do this, we do that", they never listen and now end in situation where Kaliningrad, from just a piece of land, turned to fortress being able to destroy half their bases without single russian soldier crossing the border.
And it seems it`ll continue like that in future too. They`ll place more Nato troops there, we`ll place more rockets etc.
Look as if cold war never tought people a lesson.
> I would say that a proper, legit slavic union - Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Estonia, Hungary,
actually ukraine is turkik.
Poland is wends
and Lithuana estonia and hungary are finno-ugric.
Im sorry, but thats a babby tier response, and you know it
>my massive huge country got invaded by someone 1/10th the size of me
>look, they started it!
Come on, man. If you guys werent breathing down their throats every few years, the two of you together could actually have a world stage presence. Every small country will co-operate with a larger, stronger one, if the larger nation is friendly.
You couldn't invade Australia successfully with using nukes
plexit when?!?
I'm not sure if this is good for Poland in the long run but hey, at list you can keep rapefugees out.
when the EU collapses xD
so next year?
Poland is approximately 600 kms east to west.
Assuming that's one straight line, in a truck you can drive that in a night, but if the Polish ground forces put up even token resistance things are going to be a bit slower.
btw I thought that the majorly russian region in Estonia was supposed to be the next target
yeah, probaly in the fall or something near that
It will take you longer just to arrive at our border. Then advancing thousands of kilomemes through the swamps and such with shitty road system. Good luck.
How far back should we look into our mutual history to finally decide who started it and have a proper justification for agression? This whole line of thinking will only lead to another conflict, we both must stop it now. And, at least by the number of agressive statements, Poland if leading quite steadily now, please tone it down so we can move on to a better relations.
I don't really see a reason why we should't be friends, maybe the fact that your gov is rotten (not saying our is good)
Russia doesn't need more land than it has right now, especially the one which is occupied with assmad polyacks
slav fight slav fight slav fight
Did i say anything about invading Australia? I spoke about makeing it even more of a desert.
Similarly, we dont actually have resources to occupy Poland. We do however means to fuck them up in case of NATO conflict, and thats all without nukes.
Any actual "invasion" could be only possible incase of prolonged all out war against Europe, akin to WW2 and total mobilization of resources and manpower. Currently, any talks about Russia occupying anyone are unrealistic since our military made specifically for defence and doesnt have resources to. Yes, we could swiftly probably capture capitol or two - but whats the point without means to hold them?
Estonia, Finland and Hungary are Finno-Ugric.
Latvia, Lithuania are Baltic branch of the Indo-European family.
slavs need to shut the fuck up.
Russia is a hero, they funded UKIP, funded Brexit, and hacked the DNC (probably not but still heroes)
they deserve their soviet states back.
UK and France have nuclear weapons, so Russia couldn't really push it too far even if the USA was out of the picture.
Yeah, let's get them back on the other side where they belong!
Current Russian government or even post-Soviet Russia did nothing bad to Poland.
Well every balt knows that if suddenly you started caring there would be nothing we could do without NATO forces basically doing our defense for us.
It would pretty much be Ukraine all over again. No one in the west expected Russia to intervene just like no one expected Trump would be the republican nominee.
Thats what scares the normies and (((media))) is having a field day playing their fears.
Right this moment said media is happily pushing "Putin is meddling with US elections" story and people are taking it seriously.
Step 1 - destroy the polish airbases and military compounds using rocket artillery from Kaliningrad and Baltic Fleet.
Step 2 - Airdrop Speznaz to capture the key goverment buildings in capitol and key objects of infrastructure as powerplants. (mind you, airdropping includes heavy vechicles as tanks and artillery too).
Step 3 - Military convoys from Russia arrive on the ground on next day.
That said, then comes Step 4: inability to hold it, since rest of Nato can organize attacks and local populace and remainder of army organize ressistance. So generally, any confrontation should end with step 1. Further than that is necessary only in case of global war and united Nato armies using Poland as platzdarm to ground invade Russia - which is hopefully as unrealistic as us actually wanting to invade Poland.
can't wait, good luck surviving the inevitable race wars
Good point and another reason to not steer shit with in Poland, they al are in NATO, after all.
Yahh.. just killed the president of Poiand. But it's ok I guess...
Serious question, what is in Poland that Russia could want...?
if we get the berlin wall up fast enough, we might be able to save some germans and let russia gas the tanned ones
>implying anyone is scared of Russia except former Soviet shitholes
>as we`d still be able to quickly destroy their military bases, airbases and military concentrations.
I doubt it. Your military is nowhere near as strong as the Soviet army back in the days.
>Russians come
>we drink and dance to hardbass
>they go home we go home
Best war desu
>Putin is a hero for funding jewkip
Putin only wants the EU destroyed so we can build a Eurasian union led by jews rather than an African European one.
Magyars are Altaic. The Hungarian group is mostly Slavic but has a lot of Altaics mixed in with Magyars and Avars and Bolgars.
>Every small country will co-operate with a larger, stronger one, if the larger nation is friendly.
Unless there is even stronger country that don't want you to cooperate with that 1st stong country.
no need for that, EU and russia should just get into a millitary alliance. i don't see why not, same enemies. europe and russia are not and should not be enemies :D
And you have an actual proof of that, sure...
Excuse me, but can we please make our own decisions. We lived as neighbors with Russians for thousands of years. We are still alive and can continue live as neighbors when various shills are eliminated.
Bolshevik soviets fucked Russia up way more than us.