Anyone else excited for tomorrow's terror attack?
Anyone else excited for tomorrow's terror attack?
Nah the novelty is wearing off a bit at the moment
Yep I'm ready for more trends of #notallmuslims
"Muh religion of peace tho"
It's been almost a 24 hours without a happening. I'm getting the shakes.
I wonder if it'll be germoney or francucks?
What about us senpai
Maybe it'll be the Netherlands or Bongladesh, they're overdue for one
Wikileaks is not a terrorist organization.
So is Britain though
Since brexit you are pretty safe senpai
It's just the euro cucklords france and germany taking turns
Bangladesh would not count as habbening
Don't know if they'll attack their home country.
If anything it'll be rioters instead of sand niggers
more dnc leaks?
Rioting about what exactly? Not that they need much
Seen a lot of remainers bitching and saying they're gonna "Take to the streets" but it's probably just overweight retards pretending to be cool.
better b massive
>plz happening in hawaii
Why would the sand fags target Hawaii? It's gonna be in the EU I'm guessing.
Trying this hard to re cuck your country. Ungrateful fags
we are letting immigrants in but its just so fucking boring here nothing happens and i wish someone could spice it up
Always been like that, people talk shit for no reason other than to feel wanted
Enlist in the local police force and shoot a black man, you'll get some drama
Implying that some autist doesn't shoot a school up every fortnight
no thanks
nothing happens here except hurricanes volcano eruptions and occasionally a microscopic happening
nothing likw gunfire, explosions, riots, etc.
Ever been to places ruled by blacks, like the ghettos. Are they as bad as people say?
I lived near a pretty shitty neighborhood about a year ago, full of niggers. Lotta crackhouses, I heard gunfire sometimes. Good times, man, good times.
ive hardly seen blacks around here but 98% are
Oh right but I'm guessing nothing comes out it right, it's normal there so people don't give a shit?
whatever it takes to focus americas attention away from hillary and her growing mountain of problems.
It's commonplace for someone to get stabbed, honestly. Not a fun place to be. Especially if you're white. But, yanno, "Black people can't be racist"
If she becomes president this country is gonna go down the shitter
What does Sup Forums think about the Marina Joyce conspiracies? If any of those videos were real, some shit's definitely going down in England tomorrow.
I've started seeing some shit pop up but haven't read into it. Got any links with detailed explanations?
I've seen some shit popping up but haven't looked into it. Got any links with detailed explanations of the whole thing?
No idea why it posted like that
If you look up her name, you'll find a few explanations/theories about what's happening. Something's definitely off about her though if you look at her recent videos and twitter feed.
Damn, man. It could all be coincidence but it does seem like she's in trouble.
At a glance, a youtube celeb apparently in distress, and inviting people out to a location?
I could see it being a trap, but knowing youtube celebs it could just as likely be a bad-taste publicity stunt.
If it IS a publicity stunt, she's gonna lose a lot of support for pulling that kind of shit
eh ehe eh i am a Nigerian price eh ehe eh all i will do the duplication glitch eh ehe eh all i need is your bank account details eh ehe eh
nah cuz it will be in my country this time, and thats no fun!
More like SOON™
How the fuck did I know it'd be the Swedish faggots
They're baiting muslims by going through a snackbar hood being uber faggots, at least they are doing something.
It's gonna result in a lot of sand nigger and fag blood. Should be fun to watch
Exactly, shame Milo pussied out.
He might get back at it. At least I'm hoping so.
It's fake you dumb nigger. Look at how much publicity she got.
If anything was wrong, the police would have said when they investigated, but she probably told them not to ruin the stunt.
It will happen on Friday.
I'm damn near pure blooded Anglo-saxon, why do I have Roman toes and a Roman nose?
I wonder when we will get another down here
pic related looks like the "America: 60% white" meme man waving the flag