Was he really that interesting of character to make a spin-off? Were we all memed by the marketing and false nostalgia?
Saul McGill
He was pretty much comic relief the whole time and had little depth beyond using a fake name. If they didn't tie in Mike and Gus there wouldn't be much to go on.
considering that BCS is better than BB, yes he was an interesting character
No, but Michael McKean is stealing the fucking show evrytiem
>he was
they made him, so
>he is
Saul was never that interesting of a character to me
at least they didn't make a spin off of "YO BITCH"
>implying they aren't waiting for Aaron Paul to get old so they can make old man jessie kino
>MFW they killed Chrissy in The Sopranos so they cant make a kino spinoff.
he's a perfect antagonist
show would have been better as a wacky saul lawyer comedy instead of this stupid false drama horseshit
Cunt faggot fuck you
>All these faggots hating on BCS
Kill yourselves you plebs
Nah we just debating what if
Saul wasn't so interesting, Odenkirk was
Even though I watched the entire series of BB, I always felt the series was overrated as a whole...but what I could never understand why Jesse was such a popular character. His self-righteous attitude towards Walt in the last couple seasons was especially grating, considering that he'd been a junkie fuckup himself for the better part of the series (to say nothing of the fact that Walt saved his life).
I felt an immense satisfaction when he was dragged from hiding under the car by the Nazis. Suck it up, BITCH.
It's BOb.
He creation of Tim & Eric voiced this voice,
>being this pleb
All of these opinions are wrong
This is a stupid point. He was a relatively minor character in BB so of course he wasn't all that interesting and didn't have too much depth. It wasn't his story and he wasn't a character that needed explored in that show.
Now that he has his own show he's become a character with depth, backstory and interesting shit going on.
That would have become shit after one season. Could you imagine BrBa type humor but non stop for an entire series? The reason it worked so well in that show was because it was in small doses and was used appropriately.
It's the fact that he was such a minor character that made it interesting they would do a spin-off of him. And for the first season it honestly was really interesting, I feel like it's been losing steam now however.
Why Vince keeps making scene after scene with her shoving her feet in front of the camera? Does he know it gives many many people a raging hardon?