Nicotine, valium, vicodin, marijuana, ecstasy and alcohol
Nicotine, valium, vicodin, marijuana, ecstasy and alcohol
Nicotine, valium, vicodin, marijuana, ecstasy and alcohol
Nicotine, valium, vicodin, marijuana, ecstasy and alcohol
I like girls just as much as anyone but this Iteration sucks. Delet
The last thread can get you arrested
That's cool, I used to have a pet ferret too.
I know who invented those
just as I thought you pedo degenerates finally fucked off
how many times do you have to get banned before you learn?
why the fuck do yo ueven post ?
I just came from the last thread. Someone is getting arrested too. Looks like they want payback for John Podesta fucking off to jail soon.
Anyone have keywords from the last thread so I can search the archive for it?
What was it though? I'm confused
Somebody had posted John Podesta/Bill Clinton tier garbage in a webm.
That post has been killed by now, even in the archives, and is now on it's way to John Podesta's prison cell.
Why the fuck is this thread still up?
gj mods
This isn't what cunny is about
Reminder that reddiotors are the ones causing trouble
yeah this is fucking pedo shit, idk wtf the mods are doing I keep reporting but it's STILL FUCKING UP
It's weird that this cunny shit can't be stopped. How many years it's been going? 5 or 6 I think.
lmaoing @ ur buttfrustration.
Nice pedo meme, le reddit.
Cunny is board culture newfags
mods are fapping. Let them have their orgasms.
man I can't tell you how much I love this girl!!
>posting the same video again
>lmao dude TROLL'D xD
fuck right off, human trash
>tfw post fap regret thread deletion
worst banji. shit taste CONFIRMED
>human trash
hahaha nice try. I pay my taxes. BTFO
There's something about Jojo, isn't there?
i think its a type of fruit
she definitely has that certain something, it is impossible to describe but just know
why is she so cute bros :/