I know this is Sup Forums but hear me out.
Can we agree that we need to make sure there arent any unjust retaliations and responses against muslims for the alleged attacks in France and Germany?
I know all these attacks are horrific but we dont know the exact motives or why these alleged muslims did what they did.
Wouldnt the best thing be to call for an overall reduction of hostilities so that no one else gets hurt?
I know this is Sup Forums but hear me out
No, blood for the blood God.
I don't hate Moslems, I don't want them to suffer.
I also don't want any of them in my country though. If they can be made to leave peacefully, I'd be all for that. If not, they'll have to be removed by force.
Okay, so what do we do? Just sit back and wait for each new attack? Just accept it? Shut the fuck up. Your country launches a full out ariel assault whenever hamas launches a bottle rocket at you. The protection of our people should come before anything else.
I wonder if the Germans are going to bulldoze a hospital or school in response.
Sit and talk. Is it that horrible if germany makes a few concessions that will make things calm down? Germany did fight in muslim countries after all.
Jews all need to die.
This. I want Clinton to be elected, more likely to help kick off a race war in the name of diversity. All I want is blood and violence, is that too much to ask for?
Some idiots actually fell for it.
Fact is they didn't come here to make peace.
>unjust retaliations and responses against muslims
>alleged attacks
Spoken like a true kike
dubs of Kek confirm chaos to ensue
Should i remind you that france engaged in war on muslim countries? Its not like you are blameless. Both sides have blood on their hands.
Unjust? Europeans should be burning Mosques to the ground, rounding Muslims up in the streets, and shooting them extrajudicially at this point.
No, french dictators did.
People were not ask anything about going to war.
Soldiers from muslim countries coming here and killing innocent citizens, women and children, are not rightful.
That not debatable.
They are on our soil, killing innocent native people.
They are criminals and should be treated as such: rope.
WTF are you talking about? Im talking about contemporary wars, like the one in afghanistan in which France took part.
Me too.
Guess what, not only our presidents were not elected to wage wars (not in their program, they kept saying they were against war).
We have no way to stop them going to war once they are elected.
You can go on strikes and riots. Isnt this what you want moderate muslims to do when some muslims does something violent?
Going on strike? It's done frequently: doesn't change a thing, politics don't care.
As for muslims, the only thing I want from them is to get the fuck out of my country and continent.
Why are you such a stupid asshole? Would you really like to know? Well, pay your fee, remove your clothes, and i will show you how.
You went to school where you were taught to fear and to obey, be cheerful, fit in, or someone might think you're weird. Life can be perfect. People can be trusted. Someday, I will fall in love; a nice quiet home of my very own. Free from all the pain. Happy and having fun all the time. It never happened, did it? DID IT?
Fucking idiot.
>Can we agree that we need to make sure there arent any unjust retaliations and responses against muslims for the alleged attacks in France and Germany?
No. We need to spread hatred and terror until the Muslims leave.
Only by making sure they feel unsafe can we ensure they leave before creating even less integrated second generation children.
We are organizing a movement.
More info to follow, but it is starting. Trying to prevent such attacks is our purpose. Also ensuring a safe world for Western society and values
They will not leave and they will be citizens or are already. They have no where to leave to.
Fuck you they don't belong in the west. I don't know what your people's sick fetish for destroying western culture is but go fuck yourself. They don't integrate and they don't want to. If we can help them in their country's so be it, buy we have no obligation to be forced to take them into our own at our expense. If you love them so much lobby for Israel to accept refugees.
isn't "eye for an eye" one of the core tenets of islam?
Wake up, the Merkel has caused this with her cultural marxism Germany has had a easy ride since 1945 ,time to wake up before it is too late.
I'm just pointing out what you said.
Yeah, we were in wars in muslim countries. So what? Shows you how stupid it was to let them into the country in the first place.
Nah, enough talk, let's just try "an eye for an eye" for 50 years.
We're 300 deads late.
>They will not leave and they will be citizens or are already. They have no where to leave to.
All you're saying is that there is no solution, but the final solution.