>wife hits him
>season 2 of his show had even less of a budget which resulted in garbage animation
>podcast numbers dwindling
>even his subreddit is calling him a pussy
what the fuck happened?
>wife hits him
>season 2 of his show had even less of a budget which resulted in garbage animation
>podcast numbers dwindling
>even his subreddit is calling him a pussy
what the fuck happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
Burn the coal, pay the toll
checkin' in on ya
I used to think he was handsome. Now he just looks creepy.
are you a woman
post footpussi
Just a reminder that for when the race wars starts, niggers will not sort out "allies" from Dylan Roofs.
>set up NAACP
>but don't call me colored
what did niggers mean by this
NAACP was started by kikes
redditors became alt-redditors, people are just trying to come up with "reasons" to dislike him
Get a fucking life people
That just means leftist sjws will be the first to go.
THIS. It was started by Jewish lawyers
>Jews make a advocacy group for coloured people
>Jews claim to be white (until they get called privileged/an oppressor)
What'd they mean by this?
>when the race wars start
Sup Forums has contaminated your mind
season 2 isn't out and the animation in the trailer looks about the same as season 1.
Podcast did take a dive after the BAYYYBEEE, no one will deny that. Sleep deprivation will get ya. Also his domestic dispute with Nia that he aired was disgusting. That sheboon has ruined him and she's going to grind him into dust during the divorce.
At this point, I think people are just hoping that the inevitable incredibly bitter divorce will give Bill some of the best stand-up material he's ever had.
Efforts for Family isn't good.
bill predicted this years ago when he told us his biggest fear was ending up old and alone in some basement apartment yelling at the happy couple above him
nia hit him ?
Is it really getting less listeners? I would think it would be because of the amount of sports talk. One of the more recent podcast was like 90 percent sports.
I personally don't mind it and enjoy Bill rambling about anything, but I can see why other people would tune out after awhile.
seriously someone gimme a rundown on this
Isn't this the stand-up comedian guy who embarrassed himself in front of Boston police?
Is it mostly basketball? Because I could get into that.
The podcast in question:
Yeah, lately because of the playoffs. It's been hockey, basketball and racing lately. During football season a big chunk is devoted to that as well
my worst week is every week
looks like his eyebrows are balding as well, and thats an old pic
Wait. Colored is offensive? What the fuck am I suppoed to say!? Also I can't believe Bill fell for this cunt. Considering she gets this mad about the word "colored" and how much of Bill's material is about the absurd reactions people have to racial issues and how dumb it is to get hung up on stuff like that. it just doesn't fucking add up.
this post sums up white people
>nigger is offensive
>nego is offensive
>nigga is offensive
>african american is offensive
>black is offensive
>colored is offensive
>person of color is offensive
>urban is offensive
Am I missing any?
You're forgetting your while privilege. It's leaking all over your posts user
the struggles of a KEPT woman
People wised up to the fact that he isn't and never was funny.
so any pics to confirm how fucking bizarre his daughter looks yet?
Fucking love Billy boy. Saw him Live in Long Beach last year and he killed, listened to his podcast for a couple couple years. His last special was pure shit tho. His recent podcasts have way too much Nia and he now seems to be embracing exactly the type of behavior he takes shots at in his acts. He's turning out to be your average hypocrite.
Not sure if he's always been just playing a character and now we're getting enough of a view into his life to get the full picture but holy shit he's turning into such a little bitch.
>mfw subject to modern day slavery
>mfw everything I want is paid for and I don't do anything
>mfw my only hope of rebellion is to fly off the handle over minutiae
>i call myself and anyone else who is not white a person of color
>someone calls me colored
The lovely Nia, ladies and gentlemen.
skip to the 23 minute mark if you want to hear the argument
she sounds like a real JOY to be with
>imply bill is stupid for not understanding roku
>get legit mad when he brings up you not knowing how to turn off the water
Stop caring about race so much. The color of your skin does not have to define you and you dont have to sperg out and take any little excuse to act offended.
Rave is not important. Pic unrelated.
>>even his subreddit is calling him a pussy
links please
>>even his subreddit is calling him a pussy
so stopping using racial identifiers when referring to people
>I'll learn how to work the roku and you can learn how to shut off the water whenever one of these old ass pipes bursts
>the fucking silence
ol billy boy is doomed
>>season 2 of his show had even less of a budget which resulted in garbage animation
is that true?
>Wait. Colored is offensive?
lmao these are the people who tell you racism is over
based nia
when are you coming out with your own comedy coaching job like Patrices hoe did?
Can we get an annual fundraiser for the dead dog?
good then you can stop being racist and we can move on
which podcast was that?
~23min in
>destroys his drums
>decapitates his beloved dog
>deletes all of his recorded Patriots superbowls
>laughs at his stupidity in his face
The lovely Nia
Did his sheboon wife really hit him? Someone give me a quick rundown
i thought it was good
he has nia on the podcast WAY too often, i literally just shut it off when she comes on because she literally stays on the entire time and shes a fucking moron and vacuum of charisma. im not sure if that has anything to do with the listener numbers but it certainly makes it less enjoyable for me
that's something a racist would say
>get into argument on the podcast bc nia keeps deleting bill's recordings
>after that gets resolved bill makes quip about nia being unable to turn off the water after a pipe leaked
>this triggers nia
>after her rant bill talks about her humor
>mentions how she used to hit him earlier in the relationship
>Rave is not important.
I agree with this sentiment. Electronic music is pleb music.
Homogenize your own people for the sake of some ugly black puss more why don't ya' Bill?
Lost all respect.
i cant tell if this is satire or not. in america calling a person "colored" is extremely offensive. is this news to you guys?
He should've listened to his crazy, wacky, from another time, grandma
I could have understood if she was even mildly attractive.
Bitch looks like a young Tracy Morgan.
>sheltered suburban autistic manchildren
Yes, probably
The fuck you on about nigga, Carpenter Brut is the best thing that happened to music in at least 2-3 millennia
lol @ all the reddit beta males who think its perfectly normal for a woman to hit you
theyre acting like the OP is deranged for thinking getting punched is domestic violence
these cunts need to die before they reproduce and raise children in a world where its ok to be beaten
I don't understand, isn't colored like a more polite version of Black? also it's factually correct, Melanin is color, and black people have the highest concentration of color. What's her fucking problem?
>racial identifiers
You mean like words that describe your physicsl attributes...?
So do you draw the line at race or do you bitch and moan if someone uses a gender specific pronoun too? Are they then deemed as sexist by you?
Why dont you just stop being a little nigger bitch and start placing more importance on the intention someone has with their comments rather than you're intentional misinterpretation of the simple descriptive words and phrases they're using.
You can always find something to chimp out about if your inclined to, but it's better for everyone, mostly yourself, and just stop being so dramatic about the race thing and chill the fuck out.
There are much better things to do with your time and energy than to wallowing in the delusional fears that racism is hiding beneath your bed and gonna get ya if you stop thinking about it.
I repeat: Race is not that importance, you're just a little bitch looking for an excuse to cry.
Also, pic unrelated.
assuming you are actually genuinely unsure, no it fucking isn't, its a phrase that is a hold-over from the jim crow days, wherein things that were segregated were labeled for "colored" people or "whites only"
>I'm not racist
>but fuck niggers tho the subhuman fucking filth
>but racism is not a problem
>fucking colored monkeys
Why would Bill take beatings from his wife?
so how do you describe a black person that isnt racist?
keep in mind its fine to call people white, blonde, brunette, red haired, etc.
never reply to my posts again you fucking dummy
Black. Afro-american maybe, but black.
cause hes a loser who spend literally 40 years earning below minimum wage doing stand up with no girlfriends or wives and when he's 50 and finally hits it big it's already embedded inside him that he's a fucking loser so he just takes what he can get and he thinks that a fucked up relationship is normal because he hasnt been in enough relationships to discern that you can have a great relationship where both parties get along and hardly ever fight, and if they do fight, it isnt a physical fight because theyre not fucking retards
black. have you never gone outside before? how do you not know such elementary social norms?
african american
>comparing hair colors to racial epithets
right, so this bitch would be cool with getting called black? but colored is over the line?
if she cant handle colored shes not gonna accept black either
gif related, niga
Pick 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 of these
1. She is ugly
2. Abusive
3. Killed your dog
its just a description of someones physical characteristic ya fucking retard. blonde, brunette, white, nigger, shitskin, its all the same
oh so that's why. Im'm spanish, and in Spain saying colored it's like, super polite, People who say colored are super posh people that want to prove they're not racist. Normal people just say Negro
You are either retarded or so ignorant that you can't possibly comprehend what the fuck you're doing wrong
>if I call Seamus a greasy mick he will not accept Irishman either
In Europe calling a black bloke/lass a person of color means he's black and that's it, but you're saying it in a rather polite way. In Murriga calling them that is a subtle way of calling him a junglebunny
I know it's difficult for you to read because of the whole you being a nigger thing but I'll try to put this simply for you:
I'm not racist.
You are acting like a little nigger bitch.
Grow some thicker skin
Realize that, statistically, you and your nigger people contribute much more than your fair share of the shit we live in.
Do your best to be a good person and you'll be described as colored, rather than a nigger.
I'll do my best to be a good person and I'll be described as white, rather than a redneck.
Again, race is not that big of a deal. Again, Pic unrelated.
wow you sound like a racist
Niggers were a mistake.
yeah yeah, very polite way as I was saying, in fact those people get laughed at, like, we get it, you have black friends
what's wrong with being a redneck, pussy?
>I'm not racist.
Bitch ass pussy
That's how they say it on the news where I live. Didn't hear anyone IRL call them that, in fact the few black dudes I know expect to be called black.
> *White men agains't trump on the poster*
> Sup Forumsack : Are you white ? You're jewish aren't you ?
> Woman : that's the same thing, Jew are white
> Jew discretly : Jew aren't white
Honestly it feels like he was okay with maskarading for a white because he himself made the poster but when the white woman called him white he could not take it. How could a goy call us white ? Meme are truer than reality, we live in that kind of time
>They will never directly acknowledge they are rapists
Your culture is cancerous and has never improved the quality of life of any culture it has joined with.
Fuck all the "I'm not racist" garbage going on in this thread. I'm racist, and I won't apologize until the day it's safe and pleasant to live in a black neighbourhood.
A day that will never fucking come, mind you.
Female on male domestic abuse is no joke, you can't retaliate and there's zero support for it
I'm sure Kanye West is gonna rob you any day now faggot. Also, first try moving out of your mom's house.
Fucking pussy
I don't live in my mothers house. I leave in calm, leafy, white suburb. I can leave my doors open, nobody's house or car ever gets vandalized or broken into.
It's nice.
>/tvpol/ shutins are this comically unaware of the world around them
its medically fascinating
Sure you do. Pic with timestamp fagface