How big will she be by the time the second season airs?
How big will she be by the time the second season airs?
is she a really bad actress or bitches in amerifatland actually do all those facial expressions when talking to someone?
Most girls do this, im sorry that we arent unemotional robots you europoor/asian
When acting, you're not playing a real person meant to exist in the real world. You're "playing" this weird thing called a character with their own characterizing mannerisms.
Look at the 6th season of Will and Grace. They dressed Debra Messing in exactly what Ronnie will be wearing.
but, is this being properly executed?
Thanks for your input Sherlock.
is this character supposed to be realistic or not?
I guess surprisingly for you, yeah, a lot of chicks do that shit when talking with their friends and with dudes they're interested in.
What did the Americans do to you user?
Do people emote? Yes, it's something 99% of the population does user
stop bullying ronnie!!
She's actually spot on, if you end up in a bar where the basic bitches are at that's what their mannerisms generally look like.
>basic bitches
Fuck that is the perfect way to describe them. Great lays, but boring as shit to listen to.
what if ronnie bullied you?
Betty's the one that bullies though
She'll even out soon to snare a white husban. Sexy Mexi women only stay fat after having kids.
but what if?
at last one user gets my fucking question answered.
oh i see, ty m80
>get's 6 other replies answering the initial question
>acting like it wasn't made clear earlier
end yourself, autist
you just dont get it, do you?
Betty is for cuckolding