True of False: This was the best television show ever created.
The answer may surprise you
True of False: This was the best television show ever created.
The answer may surprise you
my fucking art history teacher was trying to redpill the class into watching this shit
I keep on trying to get in to it, I'll get around to it eventually.
Why is this thread on page 7 when it was created 30 minutes ago?
Please fix Sup Forums
I Claudius is better
This is on page 7 again. What the fuck is going on?
Rally on me....ralllllly on me. RALLLY ON ME!
not really
Rome > I Claudius >>> Spartacus
*blocks your path*
*calls you a cuck*
This is the proper ranking. Sorry, I CLAVDIVS fags.
Teenage Octavian looked better than Commander Octavian.
>gets to fuck his hot sister
living the dream
Octavia probably would've fucked Pullo and/or Vorenus if Rome survived for another season 2bh
The only reason it has to settle for number two after the Sopranos is that Rome got canned so early. Otherwise it would definitely have become the best show of all time.
Deadwood is better than Le Sopranos.
God damned BBC crying like a bunch of bitches only allowing 2 seasons
Deadwood is in the same boat as Rome. Could be higher ranked if it wasn't shut down before it's time. As long as we can agree that the Wire doesn't deserve a spot in the Triumvirate it is all fine.
I kinda liked The Wire but it's not as good as Rome or Deadwood. It's more Sopranos or Oz tier. Decent, but not legendary.
>it's an Ellsworth soliloquies to a mutt episode
i bet you think mission hill is the best cartoon ever and jfk was the best president.
I don't watch cartoons but along that theme, James K. Polk was pretty good.
Holy shit i didn't realise Sup Forums actually liked this shit.
Damn it was entertaining and good but fuck was it /memetier/ the show.
If Agrippa didnt kidnap her she would have sucked slave cock!
What are some good memes from it?
A newfag AND a pleb!
It's actually pretty shit.
Isn't this the gayest show ever?
>show about ancient rome
>doesnt show pederasty
(You)'s all around. You truly are mastertrolls. Made me reply instantly. Good job.
Did you even watch the show?
More like Federasty. Fuck the Republic! Caesar! Caesar! Caesar!
HBO should have treated this show better, it 100% deserved a longer run and bigger budget. Maybe the could start it around the time of Sulla and followed Caesar through life from a young age before he made a name for himself.
its quite good but any thinking that it is brilliant is more because of how bad the genre its in has gotten lately than on its own exceptional merit or something. mark antony is definitely the standout.
I'm being serious. I turned this show on and they were whipping a dude and talking about their dicks and shit. Maybe that was Spartacus Blood something?
Go.. away.
way off mark there. deadwood shit the bed in season 3
Sopranos wasn't ever good
was a consul of rome lol
What did I do to hurt you user.
Yes Spartacus is the gay rome show. Season one is still worth a watch though.
i'm doing a tour of hbo series and while i'm still early in my journey relative to how massive the catalog is, i've seen most of the big ones. including rome
it was good but it definitely falls short in more than a few areas, like...
>it shouldn't have gotten cancelled, obviously
>it should've had a bigger budget to show longer, more intense battle scenes and make the cg look smoother
>it shouldn't have focused on petty, fictional drama and instead stayed more in the vein of history
>it shouldn't have shied away from killing its main characters
>it should've included a larger cast of characters
>it should've started earlier in roman history and worked its way through to caesar
...among other things. i really liked pullo and vorenus they made the show imo
You're like a kid with a sippy cup that keeps spilling. That's what you did. Stop bugging normal people.
work on your english and people may be inclined to give weight to your opinions
I'm normal though.
>bigger budget
part of the reason it was cancelled was that it was the most expensive tv show ever created.
>shied away from killing its main characters
Caesar, Antonius, Cleopatra, Niobe, Irene, Servilia, Brutus ... except for Pullo and Vorenus basically every main character dies user.
>should have started earlier
I think it was supposed to be a show about Octavian's life and rise to power so starting it earlier would have made no sense.
I was going crazy trying to figure out who was the voice of the FRIDAY AI while i was watching Age of Ultron
If you don't start with Romulus and Remus it shouldn't be called ROME!
HBO doesn't have rights to marvel characters
Who doesn't need a good primus pilus inside her?