>but i consider myself a classic liberal...
how do you respond?
>but i consider myself a classic liberal...
how do you respond?
Classical liberalism inevitably leads to progressive liberalism. Whenever someone values self-interest over social order, they get SJW liberal cuck progressives .
Stop trying to cling to your retarded leftist friends. Get on the Trump train.
This guy is alt-right but he portrays himself as a liberal to wake more people up.
political ideologies and their terminologies change with time
classical liberalism is literally what trump is going to be
>Classic liberalism
>inherently leftist
They are literal polar opposites though.
>classical liberalism
fuck off retard.
Then why the fuck would you vote Democrat? They have nothing in common
modern sjw style liberalism is natural consequence of classical liberalism.
Rubin isn't a liberal anymore. He is a libertarian
Im not making a statement about classical liberalism, just Dave Rubin. He always talks about his struggled conversations with his crazy leftist friends. Calm down.
You're the smartest downy in the short bus. Congrats.
No, it's a consequence of marxism in universities. Marxism goes against classical liberalism.
modern liberalism is extreme expansion of classical liberalism fundaments. for examle in classical liberalism you have individual freedom from government oppression, in modern liberalism you have individual freedom from social norms/social identity/national identity. also globalistation which is the consequence of classical liberal capitalism expansions results in multiculturalism and migration. the world economy works better if labour has no nationality,because when there is shortage of workers in some country then non patriotic labour from anither country will migrate. modern liberalism and globalism are simply the next steps of evolutoon of classical liberalism.thats why both ideologies are called LIBERALISM
Somebody needs to correct this fucker. He says "classic liberal" all the time and seems to have to idea what it means. Dinesh D'Souza described neo-cons as people who used to be liberals and became more conservative in their beliefs in certain policy areas and Rubin reiterated that they "used to be classic liberals".
No, they didn't used to be CLASSICAL liberals at all you dumb fuck. And "classic liberal" doesn't mean anything unless you're describing somebody doing something libshittery as doing something that's a "classic liberal" thing do.
That said his show is actually pretty good in that he respects all sides and asks pretty good questions.
He looks like a fucking white Donkey Kong.
>Whenever someone values self-interest over social order, they get SJW liberal cuck progressives .
What the fuck am I reading.
Okay so I think I am a "classical liberal", but the labels move to fucking quick I have no clue anymore and I'm voting Trump. Who really gives a shit if we are all fighting against the most important enemies, like Islam.
A simple 'atta boy should suffice.
Most of you faggots don't understand words.
A classic liberal is an off-chute of libertarianism.
He looks like a lizard
They're effectively the same but It's important to play attention to who identifies as classical liberal and libertarian. Classical Liberal usually means the person is a moderate and is willing to compromise and avoids the Libertarian label, because people who identify as Libertarian are usually autistic and unwilling to compromise.
That he's deluded by labels. I don't even know why people became so obsessed with labels in the last 10 years. Neocon, liberal, classic liberal. They're all trying to claim ground which will only be used to hurt/assist people that aren't them later on down the road.
Even so, I like his show. It's not all yelling, sophistry, and male enhancements. I'd be willing to go on it if he agreed to hide my identity.
Stop spreading bullshit slideshows on youtube say. Pic Related. The alt-right was never a fucking thing. Idiots that were never part of 'it' tried to define it but they should have lurked more. This is old as time.