Reminder that Sup Forumsitics is just another form of escapism.
Reminder that Sup Forumsitics is just another form of escapism
Really excites the neurons in my brain.
New York will be on fire.
Kek shalt be praised.
oh boy is my noggin joggin
Escapism from what?
Inferiority complexes.
Oh shit you're right if we just think about our failings all day then we can fix our lives
make my brain do thing
Fine men bump their threads once.
Inferior to what?
Democracy is a sham.
They are all actors.
They always have been.
U fuckin mongol prick this forum literally is going to elect trump and has already started a backlash against jewish propaganda
Really makes you ponder.
you mean the only beautiful america
not if it makes you miserable and you are not a masochist
>making the republican party into what its critics call the new white nationalist party and taking over the world's superpower as well as the #2 military country also going nationalistic is escapism
It's 2016 Carl, over my dead body AND IM IN VA.
Yes, but no. At least it has some utility, also, I have a bunch of guns, therefore my opinion>your opinion, funny flag.
Why is New York so based and LA is so shit?
Yea escapism into real life.
>don't contribute to the society
>get high... from fat and sugar
>main activity is consuming media
>blame everyone else for the problems that arise from this lifestyle
>undermine the government
>try to bring along a "change"
Hmm... this seems similar.
honestly, NY NY is pretty faggy and try-too-hard. All there clubs feel like a walk in closet, everyone 30 and under is a clone despite trying to be "unique", it's pretty fuckin gay, pham. Love the shit outta NYC though,
And? What's wrong with escapism?
"Why should a man be scorned if, finding himself in prison, he tries to get out and go home? Or if, when he cannot do so, he thinks and talks about other topics than jailers and prison-walls? The world outside has not become less real because the prisoner cannot see it." ~Tolkien
NYC is unbelievably disgusting. I get the impression i'm going to get hepatitis from this place.
But if a man is not a prisoner, he has the choice to make something of himself.
Escapism in large doses just turns ppl into NEETS.
>it's 1984+32
>a man is not a prisoner