Why are NEET's so pathetic?

>unhealthy - auschwitz mode or morbidly obese
>uneducated and easily manipulated - usually far-left or far-right
>irresponsible, parasitic, massively hypocritical
>excessively masturbates or plays video games or watches chinese cartoons
>lives off welfare - government, caretaker, relatives, etc.

NEET argument logic:
>tie in something related to the jews to pander to Sup Forums
>red herring to minorities to divert the argument
>blame modern society, will probably be dead or homeless under something else - where do you think welfare comes from you parasite?

neets are not pathetic, theyve just lost the energy to do something and become something. Even people who work have lost that too.

It doesnt matter if you work or not. All people need to strive something and find a purpose in life.

I could say the same thing for jobless niggers and you'd make an argument against it.

NEET's need to jump off a building, that's probably the best solution.

Nice try shill, go spread your Jewish propaganda somewhere else, stupid wageslave.

your post makes absolutely no sense what. so. ever.

That little fantasy story who have about the wage slave was a very good laugh, you should drop your 9 to 5 and drop out of your indoctrination center and peruse writing, you have a fantastic imagination.

I actually work at home under an architectural firm that develops water installations, with over one hundred projects from Dubai to New York with tons of personal freedom and time for myself; the commute to work is three hours from where I live but because I was such a valuable asset to the development team my boss let me work from home, and he doesn't care since he flies out almost every week to negotiate contracts.

Same goes for one of our engineers.

And I know plenty of people who have home offices and are self-employed, the 9 to 5 meme is just for people working under low income jobs, who are in fact, wage slaves until they find a better occupation.

>with tons of personal freedom and time for myself
Thats awesome! Use that time wisely and bring us more stories like the one in your pic, not sure if you are the mastermind behind it but if you are peruse it!

Okay but the amount of people on the grand scale in your position is next to nothing, thats why anecdotes are incredibly retarded to use in arguments,

>start a business
>literally work 12 hours a day to get it off the ground
>making a profit
>if I hire an employee to ease my workhours it eats out my profit
>if I continue to go solo, my soul is slowly being crushed
>because I'm self-employed there is no circle of happy normies to network with so the social reward is nonexistent, Im all by myself

I think I'll go NEET lads

Thanks for reminding me who I don't want to be, OP. enough Sup Forums for today.

>My jobs good because I get tons of free time

How could you not perhaps understand why NEETs like being NEET?

I agree but I just cant force myself to commit suicide. There is always hope and all..
Im not exactly 100% NEET. I have a job and im not fat but I have flunked out of uni twice now and have no idea WTF to do in life and I live with my mom cause its much cheaper.
My life is useless and i know it. Im the very definition of a loser and being a NEET in israel is even more ridiculous since its not such a well off country and requires you to fight and get ahead.
When I lie in bad at night before I go to sleep I try to imagine I mean something or that I have a woman by my side. Its utterly pathetic and embarrassing and i know it but i cant help it.
Dont be a NEET, Dont even start being a bit lazy cause once its a habit its hard to break and gets harder with every moment of NEETdom.
Also, purposfully put yourselves in societal constraints, put yourself in situations where you have to act and have to be responsible for yourself your family and friends etc.
Its important to create a situation that forces you to act.
Its like not keeping fast food at home to force yourself to eat healthy.


I thought I might get motivated from OP
...nah, just another faggot

>wageslaves girlfriend is willing to make him breakfast.

Sorry OP, can't suspend my disbelief that American women would ever dote on their men that much.

>Chinese cartoons


>not being a NEET on Sup Forums.

>be pure neet
>approach obesity
>some kind neighbor below took pity in you and tried to help you, even though he was shitty himself kinda (addicted to drugs)
>get to learn a few girls and hang out (too beta to do anything though)
>one girl decides that she likes you and one day after a long time surprise visits you (she escaped an insane asylum, no joke)
>take her in, and from there on evolve, get a kid, lose the girl, but decide to completely fix myself up
>become /fit/
>start to work again
>look pretty good
>get bored of internet things

Fatherhood...changes you mang. Id almost recommend any other guy to try to do the same. Just get a girl pregnant, and your brain will change.

to add, dont have the kid anymore since I was not exactly stable as well but shit, I am almost normal (except for my hate of normies, I outdo them on sports though and look better than most of them)

what does NEET stand for?

Kanker op, geteisem.

Not in Education, Employment or, Training.

oh god im a NEET

how did this happen

My dad's a wageslave. Always has been. He has never experienced anything remotely close to what the right column says. My mom never makes him breakfast at all. She just stays up all night watching housewives and then goes to bed around 9:00 AM. Meanwhile my dad's at work, slaving away making a living and I'm out doing menial stuff for next to nothinget just so we can keep a roof over our heads. My dad's slowly starting to get fed up though. He came home last night you a house that was filthy and a wife who "decided" that she wants to eat out. Him and I took off to get some pizza, he puts on a brave fsce but deep down inside I think he's done with her bs. He wants out and I can see it. He told me straight up after having a few beers "You will never have what I had at your age and I am sad for you but also grateful"

TL;DR my conservative father is done with his wife's neo liberal bullshit

post masculinity.

>Wageslave thinking he's better and more clever than neets
>Not being the part time masterrace

So you use your money on the government. What else? Your rent? Fuck off. You're a little pea brain. That's why you don't mind wage slavery. Your imagination is so limited.


NEET here
>pic related, it's my life

Gender roles are wrecked so you cant really be a man anymore. you are either some sort of robotic corporate shill working for "higher productivity of the system" or an outcast penis owning person.

oh i thought you meant post my dick pic


Fuck man. I've been there and now can't really remember how I managed to bounce back from it. Good luck to you with that situation.

I've been a NEET, a wageslave, a business owner. The guy on the right isn't a wageslave. Some kind of manager or executive, but certainly not a wagie.

In reality the NEET and wageslave lives have a lot in common. The perception of time ("woah time is accelerating, what day is it again?"), some kind of brain fog even if it's different in nature, a sense of impending doom sometimes, and of course fatigue.