Sup Forums why do you keep saying we are not white? Honest question.
Sup Forums why do you keep saying we are not white? Honest question
Fuck off Argies enjoy not having oil.
Arent you guys like 50% shjtskin?
Few days ago I saw a few tourists holding argentinian flag in Warsaw.
They were all shit skinned.
Go figure
not really, maybe like 1/5, and they all live near Los Andes and are all natives
but we are the 3rd country with more lithium in the world, the future oil
lol keep that shithole, we don't really care. We just use them as political propaganda
>we don't care
Send a picture of your arms
>political propaganda
Your rugby team seems mostly white and when your fans come here to watch games they all look white to me.
Apart from that I know nothing about your shit tier country.
>it's just propaganda we don't care
>it's not like I care we lost a war to a little island a million miles away
>it's not like I care we couldn't hold a territory with 100 people anyway
Is your family from Italy?
I went to your country and it's amazing, come visit us. You won't regret it
because 1910 is not the current year
Looks pretty white to me
I knew you were Mediterranean, you know in Canada we would officially not write your skin colour down as white? We have to put down olive when describing you
For police reports I mean
Il try.
BTW your fans that come here are well liked. Never cause any problems.
spain not white now? what did i miss?
Spain has never been white stupid, only Anglos are white
they never cause problems bc rugby is not a "popular" sport in argentina, normally is associate with the middle-upper classes.
so being white is more than just not having a shitskin?
Yes, Anglos are pure. I'm hungarian and can never be white because of my mongol blood
Because you're a bunch of mestizos.
They're the niggers of white people, the only real whites are the scandinavian.
>scandis come to Canada
>natives kill them
>Anglos come to Canada
>take over the whole country
>Zulu niggers go to Scandinavia
>rape and kill everyone
>Anglos go to africa
>take over half the continent
People with Celtic or Germanic ancestery are white IMO
>in charge of deciding who's white
im with you in this one
What about me? The brother from another Mother fellow argentino.
It's an Anglo Protestant shitty meme. You're White and culturally European (Catholic).
Would you say Filipinos are culturally European? They have more Catholics than any European country.
So dark it looked like it was coming out of a shadow.
Yes you said it perfectly. Though i'm just memeing, white people are the ones with more Neanderthal DNA and this applies to anglos, slavs, germanics, etc.
Because you are not, most of european argentinians look like us spaniards and italians, and then you have a lot of mestizos and amerindians just take a walk in Buenos Aires in any neighborhood beside Recoleta, Palermo, Puerto Madero, Belgrano, Nunez and you will see it. You have enourmous slums favela like filled with shitskins who would murderd you for your nike shoes.
Also don't take it as an insult, it's just the true, I like Argentina, have been there many times, and with Uruguay it's the most european country in South America, but sadly Argentina is not even close to a first world country.
Wouldnt say Slavs tho since they arent skeletally white like nordics and celts.
For example just because someone is blonde and blue eyed doesnt mean they are Nordic they might be a light pigmented slav or alpine instead.
Another example is Mads Mikkelsen, brown hair green/brown eyed Danish actor is more white or nordic than a blue eyed blonde slav or alpine.
nice try muhammed ;>>>
You're close to white, you're what is known as swarthy, not so much in your skin tone but in your features and hair. It comes back to your hispanic roots and how they were given a large dose of eggplant.
Europeans at best have 5% of Neanderthal DNA at best you dumb spic. And Celts conquered norther Spain.
A FUCKING LEAF thinking his currency army or country is worth shit
if we finally were to fight for independence you would lose
The only thing white about Argentina is the Falklands and they're not even Argentinian