Looks like Kino desu. Much more interesting than civil snooze and Mr. Doctor
*stands cutely*
*memeing real hard*
I'm serious now! I MEAN IT GUYS
Is Sup Forums really goddamn desperate to hate Marvel films so much they'll shill anything DC puts out?
We have a small but dedicated stable of WB marketing interns visiting the board every day. They're only doing their job, there's no need to shame them for that. They're very nice on the discord.
>literally her metal belt is BENDING
There are Discord raid groups which come here to shill DC and to falseflag Marvel. It's been going for years. They're better off doing it on a very small board that doesn't have regular mod checks like Sup Forums does.
Why are you bringing up Marvel? Oh that's right you're a Sup Forums system warrior faggot.
If you think Sup Forums doesn't have mods, don't go to /m/.
>high heels in combat
we comin' for you mobile poster
I want to put my mouth on dat thigh.
Yeah no matter what people say, her thighs look fucking delicious.
hey marvel shills
unbased thigh poster
Mods had to stop not one but two disney shill raids when the Thor 3 and Star Wars trailers dropped. Marvel shills made this board DC central by pushing it too much
How many white boys does she kill on the apple commercial set in this flick?
*Breathes in*
*Sucks air into lungs*
well yeah...wonder woman is made by academy award winning DC..the trash you listed were made by marvel
You need to go on the Discords. They're neither side, they just do it to make you fucks thing it's shilling when it's people doing it for the lulz. Seriously. They organise regularly to shill both sides and shitpost both sides. I got invited by a friend and left after hanging around a bit. Seriously, it's not shilling, it's just shitposting BECAUSE YOU FUCKS REACT TO IT AND THINK IT'S SHILLING.
Reddit is literally a Top 10 most popular website in the WORLD. That's worth shilling on. Sup Forums? Sup Forums isn't even Top 100.
Could her movie win an Oscar?
Why do you care? The bad guy isn't even the Germans, it's a Brit. Hey! It worked for Marvel, so it'll work for DC!
It likely will be nominated, if not win for something like makeup. I suspect set and costumes. It's literally impossible not to nominate; it's about a Jew woman killing Germans (and then a British guy).
>shill raids
No. Just regular shitposting raids. /tg/ was raided heavily for years, it still is till this day. The other ones?
It will most certainly get nominated for set design and/or costume design, and it might win
If she gets nominated for best actress I will never watch a hollywood movie again
Best costumes maybe, they have greeks and WWI brits so that's two periods for costumes to shine on. Also feminism
>It likely will be nominated
>It will most certainly get nominated
You take this ironic shit a bit too far.
There weren't that many threads about Thor trailer. There was like 2 or 3 at the time janis made the sticky, and it was shortly after it dropped.
Meanwhile, they let 20 threads around for Justice League.
WB bought Sup Forums from hiro.
These thread may be shitposting. Half of the catalog being threads for a Thor fucking 3 trailer is shilling.
T. Oldfag
I'm not being ironic. If it gets nominated for set or costumes it will be far more deserving than Suicide Squad, judging by the trailers.
It's only a matter of what other films this year could get nominated.
Period pieces always have some advantage in those categories.
>like 2 or 3
You missed a couple of zeros there bud, I was there and I've never seen anything like it
Not at all. It's easy to make multiple threads. Especially when you got a couple dozen people to do it. You should talk to actual shills, they're told NOT TO MAKE IT OBVIOUS YOU DUMB FUCK. Jesus fucking Christ. It's just shitposting to make you fucks go "M-marvel a-and Disney S-s-shills! B-ban all M-marvel f-f-films m-m-ods! Pw-pwease! :("
That's it. That's literally why they do it after lulz. Seriously, go find an invite to the Discord, you might still find one of the old IRC Raid groups still up as well.
I was there too, liar
In fact I was posting a comment in one of the threads that suddenly got deleted.
Suicide Squad won an oscar though
sounds freaking epic. what subreddits do you use my friend?
But it will. It's a non-important Oscar, as in, nobody cares about it. Capeshit can't win serious Oscar's like Best Actor or Best Director, so they give scraps. Since this is about a Jew woman superhero killing evil Germans and Brits then it should be nominated for stomping on evil white imperialism! If I wasn't so lazy I'd cap your post for the event.
photo shopped her stupid big noggin again. fuck you marketing shills.
I don't. There are Discord Raid Groups, there used to be IRC Raid Groups. They organise raids to shitpost. That's it. Capeshit is easy as fuck go to shitpost cause it's Sup Forums mentality company wars. That's it. End of. I'm just telling you to go and join them and you'll be told why they do it.
The discord is just them sharing memes, shitposting and linking threads to bump and organising responses and other threads.
how do I find them? I've never used discord.
O-oh ok, so it's perfectly normal to have 15-20 theads active at a time about the generic trailer (up to the dadrock song) of the third installment of a superhero franchise with zero good movies to his name so far. I was blind and now I see my totally not shill buddy
There weren't that many threads
Unless you are talking about JL, which is also set to dadrock, also in a franchise with zero good movies
I love these armored wedge heel sandals
Learn to read shill. Although we were raided by Disney shills when that trailer dropped too. I stayed away from Sup Forums most of that day
I think it shows less footpussy than her BvS boots. Kinda hard to tell with the image being so low res.
Looking forwards to it. I think it'll be the first film in a long while I go to opening night of.
>That outfit design and quality.
I'm looking forwards to it, and don't mind her as Diana, but would it have killed them to give her at the very least some blue contacts?
Someone post the webm so i can let out my laugh
This is all just one mentally ill guy, he used to evanspost.
Imagine how pathetic you must be to constantly spam this same shit? Worthless human life desu