Be American

>be American
>get sued

Other urls found in this thread:

>be turkroach
>get lewd
>with german women

>be kraut
>have Merkel

look at this 4

>be German
>be raped by achmed
>apologise for racism
>not enough.jpeg
>get arrested
>get raped in jail
Feels bad man

>be Germany
>get jewed

>Be German
>Make fun of me for saying my heritage is German because my ancestors immigrated here 100+ years ago :(

>be person
>something bad happens

this meme is simply epic

fuck off. i actually did get sued once.

>be kraut
>get axed

>be sauerkraut
>get eaten

>Be Swiss
>Get raped
>Wear culturally nonoffensive wristband against rape
>Get raped again

>Be australian
>shitpost all day

>be german
>masturbate to scheisse

>be Australian
>be greatest country in this world

>be puerto rican
>get zika
>too much debt to afford medicine

>be australian
>be a depressed anglo-abbo blood who shitpost on a imageboard
>be more depressed and kill yourself

>be belgian
>be non-existent

>I am swiss
>What you are from sweden?

Burger education.

>be taco
>get food stamps
>get sent to build wall
>get deported
feels bad man


>be german
>get macheted

Nice meme

>be Indian
>no loo


>be brazilian
>watch the world collapse on us
Seriously, this happened yesterday in Rio

>be taco
>have explosive diarrhea from food

>burger education

How did you know I went McDonalds University? How are you typing this while getting raped by the refugees you love so much?

Rio's mayor is pretty based. He BTFO some Australians.


>watch man being murdered by thugs

So, how is this different from any other day in that shithole of a country? You guys have like 40 murders a day.


>be french
>draw some comics
>get shot
>go to the kosher store
>get shot
>go to concert
>get shot
>go to the cafe
>get shot
>go to see soccer
>get bombed
>go to the seaside
>get rolled over
>go to the church
>get knifed
>want to run away from this country
>planes, trains and uber are all on strike

>Be non-Mexican Hispanic born in US
>be told everyday that white people don't like me, they all think I'm Mexican.
>Be segregated, spit on, beat up, robbed, harassed, chased, and literally stabbed by Niggers
>be told by white people that white people are the problem and are the real racist.