How to survive innawoods? Got any good articles and infographics?

How to survive innawoods? Got any good articles and infographics?

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bump for the infographics and the screencaps on how to treat wounds.

Too many happenings, bros.
i just started watching this guy and I'm really pissed that I can't have a gun here in Poland

fuck EU, I'm moving to Oregon innawoods


pay taxes, no be a muslim, and assist with preserving our constitution. Its all we ask of you, and you'll be welcome.
until then, keep some extra supplies for your home.

Yeah, but I simply can't go there with my gf. Cause I just can't, damn.


First fashion myself rudimentary shelter!

so damn comfy ._.

Believe in the Earth and give it thanks.


Dump Please :)))

Is any of that from the "Mega Folder"?


take lots of snacks with you

yes it's the mega folder plus some shit i got from the deep web









Don't eat what this kid ate.


how 2 build a fukin fire

dont you have a link for all of those? I dont want to save them one by one

100 deadly skills


thanks mate

On my iPad will post tonight after work on /k/ if you lurk

purify your fucking water before drinking it

That's what my family did- 125 years ago. We comfy now tɓh fɑm

how 2 shit without getting shat on


any good websites that sell filters you know of?

any site works really, The only important thing is the brand

Surviving is a meme. Chances are even if you make it out during a habbening you're still going to die. I don't think many people are mentally prepared to live alone in the words all their life.

Both of you should apply for citizenship.

Unless youre already antisocial

We're not talking about antisocial here though, you have to be much more than that.
Even if you somehow had the mental ability to go without talking to people ever and knowing that your life from that point will almost certainly be alone, which you probably don't in reality, the boredom of having nothing to do would drive you insane.

Well there's this one...

how to be on a watchlist: step one: Open this fucking picture

quit projecting this hard. i am on of the many people that survived libya.

is this a joke?

Life straws are best.
I forget the brand but a very cheap ceramic silver lined filter made in Cambodia is excellent.

no, it can stop almost all pistol rounds (except for 45ACP), No joke.

His channel is nice if you want to learn build things.

would step 2 be to save it?

Not entirely true.

Most people who've lived on a farm or even gone actual camping can survive.
Military trained people are unsurpassed with their knowledge and understanding here.

So there's tonnes here.

I'm not projecting friend, people are social creatures. Your surviving libya didn't mean that you had to never come into contact with another human being again. You couldn't survive without people.

It's not about surviving though, it's about living. If you can't live you'll lose the will to survive. 5 years without people, sure that's doable, but knowing you're going to probably be alone your whole life? Not going to happen, unless you have a very special mental condition. If your doomsday plans don't involve some amount of people you're probably doomed be madness

sounds you know the drill.

>I'm not projecting friend, people are social creatures

where did i say that you can survive alone forever?

Dump this or no?

Going on a campingtrip tomorrow.
Feels good to have equipment and knowledge, which will make me survive shtf.

>implies many of us here aren't antisocial
>implies many of us here won't be alone their whole lifes



You said it when my whole point was that no one can survive alone and you seemed to disagree. I'm guessing you just missed my original point though

>I don't think many people are mentally prepared to live alone in the words all their life.
Was my original point





sorry im a bit drunk i missed "all their lifve"

vuck my life

Don't do it it makes mustard gas

There is no "in awards" in mainland Europe anymore. Any "innawoods" place is too close to civilization in the event of a happening. Innawoods places only really exist in parts of Africa, Asia, and the Americas


The problem is your mindset has already been Jewed.
You talk like if the status quo isn't maintained then the world ends.

The world doesn't end, Constructs do. But under it all nature remains the same.

Fish still swim in rivers and along shorelines. Plants still seed and fruit. Plants are natures calendars and knowing when one thing happens usually tell about other things, here when coastal wattle bloom you can fish for Sand Mullet on the shoe.
InAustralia this is where abos have a massive advantage as the lattice of nature is built into their stories.

But no one else decides if you survive you do, it's a Jew parasite lie that's spread that you can't live alone. In fact it's the ultimate lie.

Of course things like tetanus boosters and stuff are crucial to have, we are in our lifespans now cybernetic relying on technology to survive all the decades we do, but with knowledge of nature and knowledge of tools, you can survive indefinitely.



how to dress in the woods

Being in the wild is really good for you. It's beneficial to be away from the constant communication via symbols we find in cities. It's fatiguing. Enjoy bro



do you guys even have woods anymore?


As an avid hiker and camper I can tell you that this is proper bollocks. You'll want the heavy weight stuff closest to your center of gravity.

I may have fallen for a troll tho.

May I ask where exactly on the deep web, tunisia bro?

>the body reaches its maximum level of perfomance after between 6 to 10 weeks of daily exercises. This physical peak should then be maintained.


I can't stand when men fucking wear suits with faggot-ass colored shirts and ties. Have a boss fucking suit with a magenta shirt and a pink fucking tie.. get the fuck out of here with that shit. I had to wear a pastel pink shirt and a magenta tie for my friends wedding and I felt like a faggot the whole time.

>You'll want the heavy weight stuff closest to your center of gravity.
hold up and tell me what you carry exacly?

>exercise until you reach your full potential
>keep this full potential from falling off
try going to basic training and you'll understand it




Lol yeah! Be sure to wear a $10k wristwatch for survival and evasion!

The color coding is mis-translated or something. It says in the Graphic that top items are for light, easily accessible things.

that book was written for seals or some shit, dunno senpai

Reported to FBI.

With love


how do swedes manage to make everything seem fucking gay

Fucking nature is pretty gay


Tell me this is a satire.

whats a good innawoods carving knife?

I have a BK9 but I was thinking about getting something smaller

get the EndYourLife Knife

surprisingly it DOES actually work

t. guy with too much free time who tried almost all of them

Wouldnt you want something smaller for carving?
maybe 2 sized knives

just get any sturdy knife and it'll do the job

don't waste your money on le ColdSteel™ Ultrasharp deathgrip knife®

First lesson: know how to make a fire and how to clean out fish and animals proper.
Always keep a box of fishing hooks and two good knifes.
Also learn how to sharpen a knife with sand stone without destroying it.

Build a house where you can rape women when it rains.

No doubt there are some good ideas mixed in there, but are you going to shove your cash and razor blades up your ass?

The book seems geared for someone who is actively out looking for trouble, not someone trying to survive the trip home.