There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that aren't rooting for Cersei.
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that actually think Deni should win.
Fuck you Sup Forums why don't you like best girl?
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that aren't rooting for Cersei.
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that actually think Deni should win.
Fuck you Sup Forums why don't you like best girl?
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>There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that actually think Deni should win.
i think she will win, but i wish she wouldnt, i hope the dragons are just a red herring, for the white walkers to still fuck them up even though "muh fire" it will be such a lame climax if the armys of the white walkers come an they just get killed by the dragons, what would be the fuckking point, all this set up, the ending is going to suck big time i know that much
>There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that still give a single iota of a fuck about this dumpster fire of a show
time to pack it in lads
>Hating a show with pure kino moments and soundtrack
Woh lad calm down
I think ultimately their only purpose will be as wrecking balls in the final battle vs the white walkers then the inevitable 2v1 fight between the smaller dragons and Drogon after he gets cucked and turned into a zombie dragon.
Of course Dany will win. It's the War of the Roses, and Dany is the ousted rightful heir who will sail across the sea and take her throne, much akin to Henry VII.
My best guess? Jon Snow will team up with Dany, destroy the White Walkers, and Jaime will kill Cersei. Maybe Bran will become the new Lord of Winterfell, I don't know. But Cersei will definitely fail in the end.
Bran should be King in the North by rights.
> actually think Deni should win.
no one wants this mary sue bitch to win.
i just hope we get to see one of her dragons killed and resurrected as a undead
they're both shit
People who will die this season;
Tyrion (Cersei will somehow kill him
Sand keks
A Wight Walker
People will die in the finale season;
Cersei & Jamie (Jamie will kill her then himself)
People who should die but won't;
All the dragons
All the unsullied
People who should live but won't;
Hyped Events that won't happen;
The Clegenbowl
Nobody thinks the shitty Deni actress should win. She's a fucking Mary Sue and nobody likes her except for that ultimate cuck.
They better kill some big names this season. Tyrion and Sansa feels like they're being protected because their main character status so far.
When does the new season start?
one true queen!
get the fuck out.
stay mad, faggot!
Jon is the true heir of course, neither of those bitches, though I'm rooting for Cersei at this point or anyone wlse for that matter, over Dany
bastards can't be kings, fuck off with that emo propaganda!
First season was good though. They should have ended it there.
He's no bastard m8, he's the King in the North, you just wait
Cersei will die in one of the first three episodes.
She's the main antagonist, she will die in the final episode
>main antagonist
That's Euron.
That would make no sense at all.
Why would you come to such a conclusion?
Game of Thrones at this point is literally what the title says to me - a fucking game. I couldn't root more for Starks or Lannisters more than I could for Celtic or Manchester Ltd. And I don't give a fuck about football 2bh.
Except stannis will win? He's the only actual rightful heir
>There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that still watch Game of Thrones after season 4
But second half of season 6 was kino.
Fucking hate this site sometimes.
People talk shit about things they've never even watched/played/read/lifted.
I wouldn't have watched for about 2 seasons now, if not for my girlfriend watching it.
Literally the only possibly interesting storyline is the Zombie Mountain, but absolutely nothing happened relating to that last season so I'm not hopeful.
Except in the war for the roses, the Lancasters had legit claim to the throne. In GoT the Lanisters have 0 claim to the throne. Jaime can't be king and women can't be Kings. The Yorks also held the throne, while the starks have 0 claim to the throne. When it comes to actual claims maeters and the people will support, you've got Jon Snow, Dany,
I think a new bloodline will take over. I think Dany and Jon and any remaining line from Targaryen will be wiped out. Just like the Tudors eventually were.
RIP Edward. Henry VIII spending all that time and expense to make sure his own legitmate son would take the throne only for him to die sickly, kek.
But yeah i hope both Starks at the least Targaryen bloodbline dies.
The show died with this man
honestly the last seasons will suck, most of the interesting plot stuff has already happened
Martin has no idea how to finish the series, and keeps prolonging the book releases because he has no idea how to tie it all together without it becoming a stinking pile of shit that will be laughed for decades to come
Since before the age of Heroes Westeros has observed Boyfu's Right. It is known.