What's in store for season 2 of Bill Nye Saves the World? What new topics do you think they'll cover? Or, if they go back to old topics, how do you think they'll handle them the second time around? Do you think they'll address the comments/concerns/complaints they got in season 1 and, if so, how?
What's in store for season 2 of Bill Nye Saves the World? What new topics do you think they'll cover? Or...
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Maybe he'll go from talking vaginas to talking anuses
Eh, I think there were plenty of talking anuses in season 1.
pedophilia and incest are scientifically proven to be good for your overall health.
Families are inefficient, abolish them and let the state raise all children.
Institute re-education camps for whoever practices wrong-think.
Encourage your kids to practice bestiality.
Black and brown people are genetically inferior so they must be given preferential treatment to make up for their handicaps
Hate speech is psychically damaging.
Government should select what is considered real news, based on "scientific standards and ethics"
>I’m not sure that Neil deGrasse Tyson and Richard Dawkins, two guys I’m very well acquainted with have declared philosophy as irrelevant and blowing it off in you term. I think that they’re just concerned that it doesn’t always give an answer that’s surprising. It doesn’t always lead you someplace that is inconsistent with common sense.
what did he mean by this?
It's sad. I know exactly what happened here. Bill's feminist scientist friends pressured/shamed Bill into doing this show.
When Dolph Lundgren is a better scientist than him
on another message board, I saw someone saying "this show is great and needs to be watched by people who of course will never see it"
made me so angry I almost punched my laptop screen
I'm sure between this season and next, liberals will get mad at a bunch of nonsense, and there will be plenty of time to make up the science backing up those liberal opinions.
Cuck sheds are a good investment scientifically. Cmon guys it's literally biology
>This show will be shown in classrooms
Bill is and always was just a spokesperson. He says what he is paid to say.
Cuck sheds and hypergamous pedophilia is just evolution, goyims
Someone post that fucking webm of him DJing so I can crawl out of my skin.
Social 'scientists' maybe
Bill Nye Saves the World
S02E01 - Wellness, Not Weight
Summary: Bill Nye debunks fatshaming and discusses health at any size. Features Tess Holliday doing a musical number "Eff Your Beauty Standards."
Bill Nye Saves the World
S02E02 - The Science of Laughter
Summary: Bill Nye discusses comedy in relation to gender (which is, as we all know, a spectrum) and how women are scientifically funnier than men. Features Paul Feig in a very special sketch where he's stepped on by Amy Schumer, Leslie Jones, and other "female comedians."
>pedophilia and incest are scientifically proven to be good for your overall health.
Don't forget...
All are EXTREMELY progressive!
You guys are idiots. Bill is a super SJW and finds any prejudice to be "like, totally stupid man"
Also he's an asshole.
t. Every science teacher I've had met him and hates him.
Bill Nye Saves the World
S02E03 - Cuck is Not a Four Letter Word
Summary: Bill Nye debunks the silly, primitive notion that being "cuckolded" is a bad thing and discusses the merits of having another man fuck your wife. Features a sketch where Louis CK personally demonstrates how to "prep the bull."
Bill Nye Saves the World
S02E04 - The Science of Politics
Summary: Bill Nye debunks democracy as unscientific because only forward-thinking, enlightened intellectuals like you and him should be allowed to run the world. Features a sketch where Hillary Clinton acts out what her presidency would have been like (a perfect utopia) until the sketch is sadly interrupted by a medical issue which we should NOT talk about because it's sexist.
Advanced sodomy techniques
Learn the 63 different genders, or else!
Pedophelia: why it's normal and nature
The importance of white genocide
Smugness: the most effective tool for the scientific mind
How to give a handjob to a total stranger
I've not watched this, or anything with Bill Nye in it, but let me say this. That poster is egotistical as fuck. The name of the show, the pose, everything - it's incredibly cringeworthy.
Antisemitic hatespeech is responsible for climate change, it literally dissipates into the air and pollutes the planet. Every utterance of "kike" is like a puff of a cigarette into the lungs of Mother Earth.
Bill Nye Saves the World
S02E05 - They Were Kings
Summary: Bill Nye debunks racism by scientifically proving that black people are racially superior to white people because they were the first people and they built the pyramids and they were pharaohs and they invented everything and they had space ships and they have melanin and they were kings and shit. Features Franchesca Ramsey in a sketch where she whips Bill Nye for an hour while Bill Nye apologizes for being white and male.
Bill Nye Saves the World
S02E06 - Religion of Peace
Summary: Bill Nye discusses how Islam is a scientific religion and totally peaceful scientifically speaking, and how Islamophobia is unscientific and unprogressive and we're all enlightened forward thinking intellectuals like the Muslims. Features a sketch where Ahmed Mohamed teaches us how to build a clock that can accurately time how long it takes for homosexuals to fall to their deaths when thrown off roofs for being gay.
Kek! Comedy gold user.
Bill Nye Saves the World S02E06 - Fast as a Truck
Bill explains why is our duty as evil white people to welcome fellow "refugee" doctors and engineers of darker skins, since they'll fix the low natality of whites. Also it will feature Muhammad Al-shalim in a sketch explaining why having terrorists trucking down your people is less evil than closed borders and how Islam is scientifically a religion of peace.
Up next is a very special segment where we run a train of Somalian migrants on an unwilling audience member's wife, I think you're gonna love it
Bill Nye is your new god now
Does /fit/ know about it yet?
This. Anything less would be a disappointment. Also good would be an episode dedicated to why the white race needs to be eliminated.
Bill Nye Save the World
S02E07 - Freedom from Free Speech
Summary: Bill Nye debunks "free speech" as being unscientific since it is allows people to say things we don't like. Features a sketch by Mark Zuckerberg personally deleting posts that aren't enlightened and progressive like we are.
>Yfw Bill Nye actually ends up saving the world by showing a large audience just how fucking insane this postmodern sexual revolution is and turning them against it
Bill Nye Saves the World
S02E08 - Game Over
Summary: Bill Nye discusses video games and how science proves that they make people misogynistic. Features Anita Sarkeesian in a sketch where she gets paid.
>Being so fucking assblasted about being called Miss Piggy that you get a tattoo of it on your popeye wrist
WEW. I bet she thought she was being so clever when she had that done. "That'll show my detractors!".
Bill Nye Saves the World
S02E09 - Age is Just a Number
Summary: Bill Nye discusses how age is "on a spectrum" and how pedophilia is very scientific and very enlightened and very progressive like us. Features a sketch where John Podesta and Stephen Colbert throw a pizza party for all the little kiddies.
Bill Nye Saves the World
S02E10 - The World is Saved
Summary: Bill Nye finally saves the world by killing himself. Features a sketch with Donald Trump that I think you're going to love.
reminder that if you dont get it it is because you are dumb and ignorant
>implying STEM isn't just as pozzed as any other field
If only you knew how bad things really are
>thinking anything can compete with gender studies
>phd in math
isn't that a really good degree
This got past peer review
> Anatomical penises may exist, but as pre-operative transgendered women also have anatomical penises, the penis vis-à-vis maleness is an incoherent construct. We argue that the conceptual penis is better understood not as an anatomical organ but as a social construct isomorphic to performative toxic masculinity. Through detailed poststructuralist discursive criticism and the example of climate change, this paper will challenge the prevailing and damaging social trope that penises are best understood as the male sexual organ and reassign it a more fitting role as a type of masculine performance.