Do I have the most right wing belief's on Sup Forums?

All non light eyed people, white or non white have to die. Monarchist system, forced state eugentics, no welfare/medical care. Sick have to die, old that cant support themselves have to die. Genetic tests on all settlers coming from foreign countries, they have to meet the criteria of full white to enter. The country can slowly expand just like Israel does today.

Nuclear state with Samson option. If the state is threatened, nukes will be launched everywhere and destroy the earth. Any transgression against you today is met with force depending on the value placed on the thing that has been attacked. As the white race has infinite value, aggressive response should likewise be infinite, ie. nuke the entire planet. Ice caps, fertile land, oceans, etc.

What are your most right wing belief's?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Needlessly violent Albanian

Can't say I'm surprised, you guys are worse than finns with your knives

So Hitler would have to die? He was a dark haired dark eye'd manlet mongoloid

Transgender people should use bathrooms according on their sex.

>Anglo Scum

Belgium is a shit country

uneducated burger, Hitler gets a special place even if he doesnt meet the requirments

No one gives a shit you muslim cunt.

>no welfare/medical care. Sick have to die, old that cant support themselves have to die

This is not nationalsocialism, not tradicionalism, I dont thin you are a right wing at all.

Well you're still a turk rape baby from an irrelevant country so it doesn't matter.


>literally a criminal colony

Albania has a rich history of Nazism


>special place
Literally Hitler's "Honorary Aryan"

You're like Hitler except you ACTUALLY want a holocaust. OK.

You can't win a war like that. You'll get killed by your own countrymen for being an insane savage. No one will follow you.

Albania has been itching for a war with Norway, trust me you would be destroyed piece a shit

Natsoc is far left, you retard.


>All non light eyed people, white or non white have to die.

uh uh

But the majority of European settlement in Australia was from free settlers lol.

What is this? The 13th century?

are you literally retarded

But you're from Albania

>Natsoc is far left, you retard.
It's not even that far economically left.

Being radical and having left wing economics doesn't make you far left.
Socially they're very traditional and nowadays that means right wing. Even going by economics alone, they're not far left, though.

>dark eye'd
Hitler had blue eyes

This guy is calling himself a Nazi, aka a national socialist, and he starts his post with "The sick have to die" and "No welfare/medical care"

>Top kek

From Albania no less, right in the middle of Europe's Africa.

>acts like a nigger
not surprised

just like best korea and it would be just as amusing to watch it happen. good luck turning albania into a cartoon.

>being an insane savage. No one will follow you.

>Ivan the terrible
>Vlad Tepes
>Adolf Hitler
>Ante Pavelić
>Augusto Pinochet

> white or non white have to die. Monarchist system, forced state eugentics, no welfare/medical care. Sick have to die, old that cant support themselves have to die.

None of that shit has to do with politics. You just take autism to the next level.

> Albanian
> coackroached

>albanians in my country rely on numbers to fight you, as in when they pick a fight with you they make sure they have 2-3 guys as back-up in case you kick their heads in.

frag off m8

>But you're from Albania

Albanias are white, we're in Europe idiot. We were literally hand picked by Hitler to join the Nazis

>All non light eyed people, white or non white have to die

so you start off your "right wing" ideology with declaring that 98% of albanians should be killed? wew lad

>Basically Turks

rob any shops today roach?

All non Anglos must die

What's edgy about not wanting Shitskins/Shiteyes?

>around 90% muslim
>calling me turk


nice on there know that if a nazi regime ever comes in power in europe, you'll be one of the first to go, right?

>the eternal anglo

I know your native population is white, but you have a lot of Turk residue.

A lot of your country would need to be gone.

A Nazi regime already came into power and made Albania allies and Nazis themselves lol dumb Greek

Meme Magic is real and I've worked out a currency system based upon the proliferation of memes.

I am not joking.

Hitler had blue eyes, but I'm with you, I and many other people would have sworn he had brown eyes
It's called the Mandela affect, look it up, we are living in a simulation

All non-light eyed people, white or non white have to leave europe.

Tribal-republic system, ruled by the elders, no welfare/medical care.

Sick have to be healed (genetic diseases are bred out), old that cant support themselves reside in ancestral temples.

If my last two equal seven, then moloch will eat the right wing.

Albania was a fascist Italian regime, not a nazi regime.

Do Australians consider themselves Anglos?


you dum bro???

albanians didn't even fight us. they just let the italians through.

it's one thing to be annexed and another to be considered an "ally". fascist Italy was an ally to Germany. Albania was a bootlicking worm and still is.


Blue eyes and his hair wasnt black, it was brown

> look mom i`m right wing nao
> blabbers something about lefties strawmans
> does not mention anything about nationalism and republic
t. alban shitskin nobrain

You're not a real NS if you support killing the sick, you have to love your own race before you can hate another.


Hitler killed the disabled and retards

c-can i join you country? I have dark green eyes though

Possibly, OP. You certainly seem like a total cunt.

Oh. That explains it.

But please don't be a total autist and smear the right with your horseshite views. Looking forward to you killing yourself when you get old/sick. Also, your nuclear response ideas are literally fucking retarded.

You don't really know what "right wing" is huh?

Monarchy is about the only thing you said that's remotely right wing

>All non light eyed people, white or non white have to die.


Finnish SS report in

Now I know you're fucking retarded

Hitler wasn't a savage. The Holocaust is a lie. All he did was move jews to israel

He euthanized them. What he did was little different from what other nations also did.

Pssh, nothin' personal, kid: the belief.

I believe that shitskinned Albozerg, including the zerglings, need to be exterminated or deported back to Middle East and the rest need to be deprogrammed and rehabilitated so they would realize their true heritage and no longer be loyal to the swarm.


My dna test says I am quite literally 100% white European. But I have brown eyes. I am not welcome in your utopia?

Im not talking about thoose, im talking about if your grandmother gets cancer.

>mfw dad has blue eyes and blond hair but you have brown eyes and blond hair

>100% white European.
>I have brown eyes

nice one

>All non light eyed people, white or non white have to die. Monarchist system, forced state eugentics, no welfare/medical care. Sick have to die, old that cant support themselves have to die. Genetic tests on all settlers coming from foreign countries, they have to meet the criteria of full white to enter. The country can slowly expand just like Israel does today.
And oh what a coicidence you are among the .1% you are allowed to live

>All non light eyed people, white or non white have to die

Damn that's some analbanian medieval dream, i like my freedoms thank you very much, i'm pro death penalty

Just wondering who wants to live in a society like that? Leaving the old to die? Disgusting.

Highly euphoric edgelords

Contempt for your elders is about as left-wing as it gets. Traditional families take care of their old people.

Another albanian trying to cuddle up Sup Forums by trying to prove he's super right wing. You seriously don't need to invoke Hitler into this. We are already far beyond "right wing" at this point as it doesn't matter what system of governance we are ruled by. We still have the traditional songs, we still have the blood fued and clan separations and people in the villages still follow the Kanun. It doesn't get more "right wing" than this. And we are also not pussified like the rest of Europe.

Why do you have the need to suck righty cock all of a sudden? They hate you, they hate us and they will always hate us. They have swallowed the greek/serb memes and all they do is shuffle memes around like monkeys with shit. None of them have never killed a man or used a gun (except for maybe an American flag). Sup Forums Sup Forums is literally just a Sup Forums infecred extension of int. And you're looking very desperate trying to gain attention from them.

Also buying into the Sup Forums color palette racial meme. They don't understand what race is, and neither do you. They think there's some fucking magic to light colors. Even niggers are born with light colors give me a fucking break. They spend their days making plans but never execute them, they speak about degeneracy on a degenerate site. Most Sup Forums-fags hop on to Sup Forums and jerk it to traps and cuck porn anyway. Stop being so gullible.

Sup Forums is a banter board and nothing more. Nothing will happen, Sup Forums is unfit to stop anything. You aren't part of a right wing movement. This isn't real in any way.

Now stop making a fool of yourself in front of all these 13 year old YouTube commenters.

There is nothing inherently "right" about any of your opinions, except for favouring a Monarchist system.

I am too tired to explain to you how ignorant you are. Every time I come here it's the same godamn thing, nobody even knows what basic phrases mean, and misinterpret entire fucking paradigms. I don't know why nobody reads anymore. It's so much easier to find information now then it was when I was young, but everybody has stopped looking.

>most right wing belief's on Sup Forums

Gas the kikes, race war now.


U have no idea what you sre talking about stupid sandnigger.
Juat because you are blue eyed and blonde doesnt mean u are aryan or nordic. For example a nazi would consider Mads Mikkelsen more aryan than a light pigmented slav with blue eyes and blonde hair.
Since he is skeletally nordic.

>All non light eyed people, white or non white have to die.
Not right-wing at all, just retarded.

>Monarchist system, forced state eugentics, no welfare/medical care
Right wing.

>Sick have to die, old that cant support themselves have to die
Retarded LARP shit

>Genetic tests on all settlers coming from foreign countries, they have to meet the criteria of full white to enter
Arguably right-wing.

>Nuke everything when threatened


lmao is this a troll or what

this is some serious nazi dicksucking, like trying to make up for something

>Sick have to die, old that cant support themselves have to die.
That makes you an Asshole, not a Nazi. Nazi Germany had the idea that no one should suffer.

>Nuclear state with Samson option.
Gtfo Kike

Kidnapping white women does not make them Albanian you Balkanigger.


Albanians are not white...not really even european.

No way someone actually thinks this.

albanians white...kek

It's a bait you fucking morons.

i don't even know what's not bait anymore

>They have swallowed the greek/serb memes and all they do is shuffle memes around like monkeys with shit. None of them have never killed a man or used a gun (except for maybe an American flag). Sup Forums Sup Forums is literally just a Sup Forums infecred extension of int. And you're looking very desperate trying to gain attention from them.
>Also buying into the Sup Forums color palette racial meme. They don't understand what race is, and neither do you. They think there's some fucking magic to light colors. Even niggers are born with light colors give me a fucking break. They spend their days making plans but never execute them, they speak about degeneracy on a degenerate site. Most Sup Forums-fags hop on to Sup Forums and jerk it to traps and cuck porn anyway. Stop being so gullible.
>Sup Forums is a banter board and nothing more. Nothing will happen, Sup Forums is unfit to stop anything. You aren't part of a right wing movement. This isn't real in any way.
>Now stop making a fool of yourself in front of all these 13 year old YouTube commenters.
Finally someone who speaks the truth. I'm a recovering patriot who recently discovered that his nation is a lie, and his people are embodiment of evil on Balkans and I can confirm this.

Won't change nu-Sup Forums's mind the least bit, though. I just come here for dank memes.

I think it's
>muh skin
I don't believe there more to it. That's why it's shit tier ideology.

>I just come here for dank memes.
Same, nothing of value is being said or done here. Everything is shits and gags 90% of the time.


The nazis cared for the sick and the old, just as long they were aryan.

Learn your politics before you spout them you mongoloid degenerate.

holy shit

RIP Sup Forums

Albania bro destroyed us

The Greek tourists weren't kidding when they told me that Albanians are subhuman garbage.

>Nazi Germany had the idea that no one should suffer.

is this a joke mate?

Someone who isnt stupid

the attention whoring is strong in this one. i'm out.

>being that edgy

not an argument

The amount of faggatory ITT

Not right wing, just an extreme kind of what people called "far-right" when the Nazis were a thing. Nazis weren't far right btw.